[net.nlang] Riddle

rvpalliende (07/30/82)

A man was being charged for having shot his father.
The judge appointed to judge the murderer said:
"I can't judge this man because he is my son".
How can this be?

Some people say that the answer to that riddle is difficult because
in English you assume a judge is male unless the contrary is stated.
I see no flaw ov English here. If the sex isn't specified, people
shouldn't think in a specific sex. The problem is that the CULTURE
assumes that people are men unless otherwise stated.
Maybe we need three kinds ov words: male, female and neuter.
Neuter words would be used especially when people as a role.
When you go to the doctor, it doesn't matter whether it's male or female,
but when you say "My doctor is thin", the sex, and the age are known,
and may be important to what you want to say.