[net.nlang] Compendium of Esperanto root origin responses

neal@druny.UUCP (Neal D. McBurnett) (01/21/85)

Well, here is my compilation of the responses I got.  Thanks to all who
contributed (named at the end)!  I got so many equivalents for some
words that I have left out some of the extra foreign derivations so the
information will fit on one line.

These puzzling words remain: ajn, anka^u, la^u, pri, tuj (defined below.)
Any ideas?

^geni		inconvenience			Ger geniren; F gener
^sloso		lock				Ger schloss
^sra^ubi	screw				Ger Schraub
a^ceti		buy				F acheter
afero		affair				F affaire
agi		act		agree, agent	F agir
bezoni		need				F besoin
bildo		picture				Ger bild
brako		arm		bracelet, brachial, brassiere!	G brakhion
bruo		noise		bruit, rumor	F brut, L brugere?
devi		must				F devoir; I devore
diri		say		voir dire,	L dicere
dolori		pain		dolor, condole, indolent	L dolere
fari		make		fabricate?	F faire; L facio
fono		background			S fondo; F fond
fermi		close				F fermer
flava		yellow				L flavus
flegi		nurse				Ger pflegen
fu^si		botch		confuse?	Ger verpfuschen
grasa		fat		gross, Mardi Gras	F gras; S grasa
iri		go				L ire; S ir
koro		heart		courage, cardiac	L cor
kruro		leg				L crus
ku^si		lie		cushy?		F etre couche
kuri		run		course		L cursus; cursive, IE kers
manki		lack				F manquer; Ger mangeln?
mateno		morning		matutinal 	L matuninus (Matuta, goddess of dawn
meti		put		mete?		F mettre
montri		show		demonstrate 	S monstr; F montrer
mur		wall		mural		S muralla
pa^so		step				F pas; S paso
paroli		speak		parole: "word of honor"	F parler I parlare
perdi		lose		perdition (loss of soul)	F perdre
peza		heavy				S peso;F pesant; L penso
plendi		complain	plaint, plaintiff, plague!	L plangere
po^so		pouch, pocket			F poche;
pravi		right				R Pravda
preni		take		prehensile, comprehend	F prendre
provi		try		probe, prove	R probat; L probare
sago		arrow		Sagitarius, Sagitta, sage. IE: seek out
se^go		chair		sedan		F seige
sekvi		follow		sequel, second, sect	L sequi
semajno		week				S semana; F semaine
soifi		thirst				F soif
sveni		faint				F s'evanouir
voli		will		volition, volunteer	R vol; L volui
zorgi		concern		sorrow		Ger sorgen

Prepositions and function words:

^car		because				F car; L qua re
^ce		at				F chez
^cirka^u	around		circa		S cerca
^cu		whether				Pol czy?
^gis		until				Ger bis; F jusqua?
a^u		or				S o; F ou; L aut
ajn		whatever
almena^u	at least			S al menos; F au moins
amba^u		both		ambidextrous	S ambos
anka^u		also
ankora^u	still		encore		F encore; L hinc ad horam?
anstata^u	instead of	stand?		Ger anstatt
anta^u		before		anterior, antique, ante-	S antes
apud		beside				L apud
balda^u		soon				Ger bald
dum		during				L dum
heira^u		yesterday			F hier; L heri
hodia^u		today				Ger heute, L hodie
jam		already				S ya; L iam
kaj		and				G kaj
ke		that				F que; L qui
kontra^u	against		contrary	S, L contra
krom		besides				R krom
kun		with				S con; L cum
kvasa^u		as if				L quasi
la^u		according to			F a la?
morga^u		tomorrow			Ger morgen
nek		neither				Ger nun, L nec
nun		now				IE nu
nur		only				Ger nur
ol		than				Ger als
plej		most		pleistocene
plena		full		plenty, replenish	S pleno; F plein
pli		more		pliocene
plu		further		plus, plural	F plus
preska^u	almost				F presque
preter		past		preterit, preternatural
pri		about
se		if				S, F, L si
sed		but				L sed
sen		without				S sin; F sans; L sine
sur		on		sur-		F sur
tamen		nevertheless			L tamen
tro		too much			F trop, I troppo
tuj		immediately


I believe that the following derivations were wrong (although useful):
devi		must		not E debt
fono		background	not E foundation
paroli		speak		not E parlous
pravi		right		not E depraved

E sect (cult) is related to sekvi, whereas biSECT comes from cut.

Chris Henrich	vax135!petsd!cjh
Dave Bartley	allegra!fluke!dbb
Jack Waugh	ulysses!seismo!rlgvax!jack
Jim Gillogly	decvax!randvax!jim
Judy Grass	uiucdcs!grass
McDonald	sum!mcdonald
Nick Graham	utcsrgv!utai!nick
Prentiss Riddle	ihnp4!ut-sally!riddle
Tom Christianson	ihnp4!uwvax!tom

Please forgive me for any typos!
-Neal McBurnett, ihnp4!druny!neal