[net.nlang] town-names & provincialism

dmr (12/07/82)

Before chuckling too snidely about the way American provincials
pronounce the names of towns named after European cities, we might
consider how speakers of English say, and spell, the names of various
cities as compared to the way their residents do.

Such places as Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Florence, Venice, Geneva,
Munich, Brussels, The Hague, Copenhagen, Moscow, Prague, Vienna spring
to mind.

It seems rather inconsistent to sneer at the citizens of Des Plaines
for pronouncing S's, given the standard English pronunciation of "Paris."

olmstead (12/09/82)

Dennis Ritchie's point is well taken (and painfully apparent to anyone
who lives in California and speaks Spanish), but I'd pick a nit or two
concerning our pronunciation of the name "Rome," since English changed
the spelling from the Italian "Roma."

dag (12/23/82)

I don't know if you folks discussing town names have done this one -

	Mantua, Ohio --> Pronounced "Mahnaway" by the natives...

					Daniel Glasser
					(Used to go to school outside of there)