[..] sci.bio

Oldest | Popular

lobster (1 reply, 10/17/86)

Aleswhite (0 replies, 10/18/86)

captive behavior - references requested (2 replies, 10/22/86)

captive behavior (0 replies, 10/27/86)

genes & geography (0 replies, 11/03/86)

HEART RATE (5 replies, 11/04/86)

Science in sci.bio (0 replies, 11/05/86)

AOTW01: Locus Coeruleus revisited. (0 replies, 11/05/86)

Sensory addiction (0 replies, 11/05/86)

Endorphins and a side issue (1 reply, 11/06/86)

Yawning (0 replies, 11/07/86)

AOTW02: Interferon Signalling. (0 replies, 11/08/86)

Ray Tracing for Neurological Brain Scanning Research (0 replies, 11/11/86)

Active ingredient for killing fleas (1 reply, 11/12/86)

AOTW03: HBLV, A new virus. (0 replies, 11/13/86)

Analog/Digital Distinction (3 replies, 11/14/86)

Sex-differences in mathematics: Call for commentators (0 replies, 11/19/86)

Modeling visual neuroethology: Call for commentators (0 replies, 11/19/86)

Plant growth (0 replies, 11/21/86)

Phylogenetic Analysis (0 replies, 11/25/86)

Does anyone write anything here (0 replies, 11/26/86)

info wanted about research pgms. to make paraplegics walk (2 replies, 11/26/86)

AOTW05: Pertussis-toxin, Bombesin, and c-myc. (0 replies, 12/01/86)

Voice of the People (0 replies, 12/02/86)

AOTW06: Werner's Syndrome Fibroblasts and Growth Factors (0 replies, 12/07/86)

AOTW07: A Selective Ethanol Antagonist (0 replies, 12/07/86)

Selection: Artificial, natural (0 replies, 12/14/86)

Natural-Artificial Selection: was Re: Evolution vs. (0 replies, 12/14/86)

Spontaneous (0 replies, 12/15/86)

Please keep the creationism versus evolution debate out of sci.bio. (0 replies, 12/15/86)

Fish Populations and Inbreeding (0 replies, 12/16/86)

Wanted: descriptive database of birds (0 replies, 12/16/86)

Evolution vs. (13 replies, 12/17/86)

AOTW08: Hepatitis B core antigen as a T-cell independent antigen (1 reply, 12/18/86)

AOTW07 (0 replies, 12/18/86)

Evolution, oogenisis, parthogensis (0 replies, 12/18/86)

Virgin births (2 replies, 12/18/86)

Nutritional value of milk (0 replies, 12/20/86)

AOTW09: Catalytic Antibodies (0 replies, 12/24/86)

Entropy, Enthalpy, anyone? (1 reply, 12/29/86)

evolution, parthogenesis, ad nauseum. (3 replies, 01/05/87)

biostasis (0 replies, 01/06/87)

Penicillin (0 replies, 01/06/87)

Strickling's book (0 replies, 01/06/87)

Question about nutrition value of milk (4 replies, 01/08/87)

Pterodactyl Fur (1 reply, 01/09/87)

The Red Queen (7 replies, 01/10/87)

blind cave fish (3 replies, 01/11/87)

Fish Oils (3 replies, 01/15/87)

Spawning of Triggerfish (1 reply, 01/16/87)

AOTW10: Nerve Growth Factor Treatment after Brain Injury (0 replies, 01/17/87)

Need advice on acquiring a flow cytometer (0 replies, 01/23/87)

GNUPLOT 1.1 posted (0 replies, 01/28/87)

Potato Skin (7 replies, 02/03/87)

Molecular Modelling Software (2 replies, 02/09/87)

Looking for molecular graphics software (0 replies, 02/11/87)

Exobiology (0 replies, 02/14/87)

AOTW11: M13 DNA recognizes a human hypervariable dispersed repeat (0 replies, 02/16/87)

image processing sytems ? (0 replies, 02/18/87)

Image-analysis software for VAXstationII ????? (0 replies, 02/20/87)

James P. Hogan's Giants trilogy: error about evolution... (1 reply, 02/24/87)

Nonagression in James P. Hogan's Giants trilogy (6 replies, 03/02/87)

Mushroom Theory (1 reply, 03/04/87)

The Color of the Sun (0 replies, 03/05/87)

Reply to Douglas Clark re. 'poor deluded Americans, etc.' (1 reply, 03/08/87)

Comparative Psychology of Intelligence: BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 03/12/87)

Genetics books (0 replies, 03/17/87)

Synchronized flowering (4 replies, 03/20/87)

Plant Pheromones (0 replies, 03/20/87)

Anyone know of a device for automatically labeling tubes? (0 replies, 03/21/87)

wrap-around animal species (0 replies, 03/24/87)

American Society of Biological Chemists meeting '87 (1 reply, 03/24/87)

Dinosaur Heresies (7 replies, 03/25/87)

question about animal hybridization (5 replies, 03/25/87)

animal hybrids - anyone remember these? (0 replies, 03/26/87)

Closed ecosystems (1 reply, 03/26/87)

The Great Dying (0 replies, 03/26/87)

Animal hybridization: gulls (1 reply, 03/28/87)

Parapsychology, Pro and Con: BBS Call for Commentators (6 replies, 03/31/87)

AOTW12: Megabase Mapping of the HLA Gene Complex (0 replies, 04/01/87)

question (10 replies, 04/03/87)

OOrt Cloud (1 reply, 04/03/87)

Evolution the fact versus Evolution the theory (1 reply, 04/05/87)

It's a pity that God has vacated Europe. (2 replies, 04/06/87)

question - DNA's information (3 replies, 04/06/87)

catalytic RNA's (0 replies, 04/07/87)

Beta-amyloid gene duplication in Alzheimer's Disease (0 replies, 04/10/87)

Comment on punctuated equilibria (3 replies, 04/10/87)

Mass Extinction in the Cretaceous (0 replies, 04/11/87)

Human asymmetry (17 replies, 04/12/87)

No Limits to Growth (6 replies, 04/15/87)

Vitamin C and iron (1 reply, 04/16/87)

Multiple Reading Frames (1 reply, 04/16/87)

Mass extinctions (35 replies, 04/18/87)

personal to Tom Long (0 replies, 04/20/87)

Spinal Cord Society International Convention (0 replies, 04/28/87)

Evo. fact vs. evo. theory: Personal to bickford (0 replies, 04/30/87)

information content of DNA (16 replies, 05/04/87)

punctuated equilibria (0 replies, 05/05/87)

An All Female Species of Fish! (8 replies, 05/05/87)

Nondrug AIDS treatment? (0 replies, 05/12/87)

Hair growth (3 replies, 05/13/87)

Eating before going to sleep (1 reply, 05/18/87)

Life Classification (5 replies, 05/19/87)

Dinosaurs: Where Are They Now? (0 replies, 05/27/87)

Hybrids (1 reply, 05/28/87)

New release of two-dimensional gel analysis software (0 replies, 05/29/87)

22 May 1987: This week in Science (0 replies, 05/30/87)

This Week in Science - 15 May 1987 (0 replies, 06/05/87)

Trick on Hanahan transformation (0 replies, 06/07/87)

mathematics of recombination? (0 replies, 06/10/87)

Botanical genetics question (0 replies, 06/10/87)

Hybrids of Apes and Humans (3 replies, 06/10/87)

Digitized Human Wanted (1 reply, 06/11/87)

Man page for Ksh wanted (0 replies, 06/11/87)

question about rhinos (5 replies, 06/11/87)

Dynamic programming and foraging behavior:BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 06/12/87)

Brain Evolution: BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 06/13/87)

Life Classification ...further comments (16 replies, 06/13/87)

Transcription initiation -- S1 or Primer Extension? (0 replies, 06/14/87)

Politics and Psychometry (0 replies, 06/15/87)

nutritional information (3 replies, 06/15/87)

Taking AI models and applying them to biology... (8 replies, 06/16/87)

Oyster predation? (3 replies, 06/19/87)

A spine-tingling question (0 replies, 06/19/87)

Divergent promoters in prokaryotes -- seeking advice (2 replies, 06/20/87)

Neurons can't regenerate? (7 replies, 06/22/87)

Models of biological aging (5 replies, 06/22/87)

have IQ, will travel (1 reply, 06/22/87)

AIDS a Pentagon accident? (1 reply, 06/22/87)

More on natural transformation (1 reply, 06/25/87)

Knowledge and the Academics (11 replies, 06/26/87)

buzzards vs. vultures (6 replies, 06/26/87)

IQ, if any (1 reply, 06/26/87)

Speaking gorilla and chimp (0 replies, 06/30/87)

buzzards vs. vultures: there is a difference (3 replies, 06/30/87)

Superconductivity implications for biological molecules (0 replies, 06/30/87)

Cloning/Expression vector copy numbers (6 replies, 06/30/87)

Stupidity about intelligence (7 replies, 07/02/87)

Sundew (0 replies, 07/09/87)

E&S buys Tripos, will support SGI software (1 reply, 07/10/87)

Hints on Plasmid preps (1 reply, 07/11/87)

Cloning/Expression vector copy numb (0 replies, 07/13/87)

hardware for image processing (1 reply, 07/15/87)

thanks (0 replies, 07/17/87)

Bushmen (4 replies, 07/17/87)

Nursing and fertility (0 replies, 07/19/87)

ICNN 1988 Conference (0 replies, 07/22/87)

Octopus....fish, reptile or what? (9 replies, 07/23/87)

Octopus thought to be avian in origin. (0 replies, 07/27/87)

What are Daddy Long Legs? (0 replies, 07/28/87)

opportunity in molecular biology (0 replies, 07/30/87)

Acrylamide toxicity (1 reply, 07/31/87)

Restoring The Earth 1988, Berkeley, CA (0 replies, 08/05/87)

Hair Restorers (0 replies, 08/08/87)

The Matrix According to St. John's College Workshop (0 replies, 08/08/87)

Genus Apistogramma (0 replies, 08/10/87)

Non-carbon based life (10 replies, 08/13/87)

Silicon-based life (1 reply, 08/13/87)

Why do Lions Leave us Alone? (4 replies, 08/13/87)

The Genetics of Personality (0 replies, 08/17/87)

Dumb Questions about Mitochondria (6 replies, 08/20/87)

Urkaryotes, a correction (0 replies, 08/21/87)

pesticides (29 replies, 08/21/87)

Why are Humans as Smart as They Are (1 reply, 08/24/87)

How to measure learning ability? (0 replies, 08/27/87)

Why are Humans as Smart as They Are? (19 replies, 09/01/87)

The Human Brain (0 replies, 09/01/87)

"Is a Brain Really Necessary?" (0 replies, 09/02/87)

birds versus lawn chemicals (2 replies, 09/04/87)

Nike Manhattan (2 replies, 09/05/87)

private well (2 replies, 09/08/87)

acid well and sodium (0 replies, 09/09/87)

Animal incontinence (0 replies, 09/09/87)

Dating age of humans (21 replies, 09/19/87)

Molecular Bio texts, protein shapes and computers (1 reply, 09/27/87)

RACE FOR THE DOUBLE HELIX (3 replies, 09/28/87)

Molecular Bio. Text (0 replies, 09/29/87)

Protein "shape" prediction (1 reply, 09/30/87)

CCTV Magnification for reading-impaired (0 replies, 10/02/87)

4- and 5- leaved clovers: evidence for environmental disturbance? (6 replies, 10/02/87)

Retroviruses and Disease Symposium Announcement (0 replies, 10/02/87)

Introduction to the Matrix of Biological Knowledge (0 replies, 10/04/87)

Mol Bio Manuals (0 replies, 10/04/87)

-4 and -5 leaf clovers (0 replies, 10/04/87)

4- and 5- leaved clovers (0 replies, 10/04/87)

Protein secondary structure prediction references (0 replies, 10/05/87)

Polydactylity (0 replies, 10/05/87)

proposed Biowarfare Facility in Utah (0 replies, 10/06/87)

Mailing list announcement (0 replies, 10/06/87)

Gas mixtures dense as water (0 replies, 10/07/87)

U-238 hexaflouride (0 replies, 10/08/87)

check your figures (2 replies, 10/09/87)

Dugway Biowarfare Facility (1 reply, 10/12/87)

Top Secret (0 replies, 10/13/87)

evolution by duplication + divergence? (1 reply, 10/14/87)

Common ancestor vs. Outbreeding (0 replies, 10/14/87)

Cholesterol in plants (3 replies, 10/14/87)

Mac medical pgm list. (0 replies, 10/15/87)

Allometry (0 replies, 10/15/87)

Dugway Biowarfare Facility--a clarification (6 replies, 10/15/87)

Xenon/oxygen (16 replies, 10/16/87)

Saturday morning scientific follies, I (0 replies, 10/17/87)

Saturday morning scientific follies II (0 replies, 10/17/87)

Enzyme action (7 replies, 10/18/87)

Creationism (0 replies, 10/20/87)

Universal Common Female Ancestor (4 replies, 10/21/87)

Univerrsal Common Female Ancestor (25 replies, 10/22/87)

Relationship between large primates ? (2 replies, 10/27/87)

Subject: Re: Relationship between large primates ? (0 replies, 10/30/87)

Is DNA hybridization phenetic? (1 reply, 11/02/87)

BBS Call for Commentators: 7 target articles (0 replies, 11/02/87)


Biomedical Ph.d. job opportunities (0 replies, 11/03/87)

Applied Optics Neural Net Issue (0 replies, 11/05/87)

Fame on the NET (0 replies, 11/07/87)

Protein Domains Symposium -- A Summary (0 replies, 11/09/87)

Summary of PROTEIN DOMAINS symposium (0 replies, 11/11/87)

Phenetics & Cladistics (1 reply, 11/12/87)

Isolation of single-stranded DNA (2 replies, 11/13/87)

Using the slow form of Bal 31 Nuclease (2 replies, 11/13/87)

Chemistry from a wheelchair (2 replies, 11/17/87)

Looking for computer model of regional air pollution (1 reply, 11/22/87)

BAL31 (0 replies, 11/24/87)

Medical CAI References? (0 replies, 11/30/87)

Molecular titration assay for specific transcripts (0 replies, 12/03/87)

Forwarded Bulletin (1 reply, 12/09/87)

Want to house-sit/work in New England (2 replies, 12/18/87)

Bulb-type plants (1 reply, 01/02/88)

E. coli genetic linkage map: A new edition? (3 replies, 01/03/88)

Reference for E. coli genetic linkage map: A new edition? (0 replies, 01/06/88)

Seminar Announcement (0 replies, 01/07/88)

HIV: a detailed description of the AIDS agent (0 replies, 01/09/88)

rage, and group selection (0 replies, 01/11/88)

time for sci.psych??? (4 replies, 01/12/88)

Determining whether repetitive sequences are trash (1 reply, 01/14/88)

BIOSERVE - File Server (0 replies, 01/16/88)

Rape: and genetic selection (0 replies, 01/18/88)

Comments on rape, and biology. (3 replies, 01/18/88)

Philosophy - not a pejorative (1 reply, 01/20/88)

Is duck rape "natural"? (2 replies, 01/20/88)

Acetylcholine source needed... (6 replies, 01/20/88)

Help on Marine Bio. schools (1 reply, 01/22/88)

Try choline and B6 for increased acetylcholine production (3 replies, 01/23/88)

Unusual characteristics of Humans (2 replies, 01/24/88)

Rape a reproductive advantage? (39 replies, 01/26/88)

Eye disorders (3 replies, 01/28/88)

Technical term wanted (2 replies, 01/29/88)

Ducks and Geese (1 reply, 01/29/88)

Ethical committees and Animal experimentation. (1 reply, 01/30/88)

Rape: a reproductive advantage? (5 replies, 01/30/88)

Rare radioisotope needed! (1 reply, 01/31/88)

Speciation (0 replies, 02/01/88)

Earth's atmosphere over the ages (0 replies, 02/02/88)

Male Breast-Feeding (1 reply, 02/02/88)

A Unique characteristic of Humans (2 replies, 02/03/88)

types of breast tissue (0 replies, 02/03/88)

Thoughts on Life, Plate Tectonics and the Greenhouse Effect (2 replies, 02/05/88)

Forced Cops. (0 replies, 02/05/88)

Looking for telephone/address of Biodesign (1 reply, 02/05/88)

counterexamples to creationism (2 replies, 02/06/88)

Biological Phase Changes? (0 replies, 02/07/88)

More on Forced Copulation (4 replies, 02/07/88)

Biopolicy, biopolitics - and biological science. (0 replies, 02/08/88)

Black Squirrels (5 replies, 02/08/88)

sci.psychology (1 reply, 02/09/88)

More on Forced Copulations (0 replies, 02/10/88)

LSD Discovered by being absorbed through skin (0 replies, 02/10/88)

peppered moths (0 replies, 02/11/88)

Protein sequencing via Mass Spectrometry (0 replies, 02/12/88)

Communication amoung Bees (1 reply, 02/12/88)

Honeybee Dancing (0 replies, 02/15/88)

Brain unnecessary? (3 replies, 02/19/88)

male breastfeeding possibility (0 replies, 02/20/88)

more on male breast (0 replies, 02/20/88)

no (0 replies, 02/25/88)

Death defying dehydration and the meaning of "life" (1 reply, 02/25/88)

clarification on gynecomastia (1 reply, 02/26/88)

Genetics Exam Question (0 replies, 02/27/88)

Identifying species of Marine Fishes (0 replies, 02/29/88)

male lactation (1 reply, 03/01/88)

male breastfeeding (16 replies, 03/01/88)

RPM vs. G-force. Anyone used a Sorval RC5, rotor SS34?? (1 reply, 03/01/88)

Sewall Wright (1 reply, 03/04/88)

radar countermeasures (0 replies, 03/10/88)

Status of CASPAR and/or Molecular Architects Corporation (0 replies, 03/10/88)

language, thought, and culture (0 replies, 03/10/88)

Metabolic selection of isotopes? (2 replies, 03/10/88)

E. coli & Salmonella => When did they diverge? (3 replies, 03/12/88)

Medical student needs test info (0 replies, 03/16/88)

Ray Tracing Jell-O Brand Gelatin (1 reply, 03/16/88)

Rape: a genetic catastrophe (26 replies, 03/17/88)

Volunteer scientists wanted to correspond with children (0 replies, 03/18/88)

Abbreviations for ambigious bases (2 replies, 03/19/88)

animals and Earth's magnetic reversal (9 replies, 03/22/88)

Mapping the genome (0 replies, 03/24/88)

Dimorphism, Romanism, and Monogamy. Was: Sexual selection (2 replies, 03/26/88)

Restriction enzyme nomenclature (1 reply, 03/26/88)

LiMB - Molecular Biology Database (0 replies, 03/27/88)

\" (0 replies, 03/31/88)

Asparagus (2 replies, 04/01/88)

X inactivation (0 replies, 04/02/88)

sex ratios in birds (0 replies, 04/03/88)

Sex Ratios (2 replies, 04/04/88)

Selection (0 replies, 04/04/88)

Evolutionary factors in human psycholog (0 replies, 04/05/88)

sexual selection and investment (9 replies, 04/05/88)

Computers in Molecular Biology - a recent article (0 replies, 04/07/88)

Computer Aided Teaching (0 replies, 04/07/88)

Ancient History (0 replies, 04/08/88)

DNA Gel Display (0 replies, 04/08/88)

Proposal for Nanotechnology group (0 replies, 04/08/88)

Hard wired behavior (0 replies, 04/09/88)

Sexual selection (17 replies, 04/10/88)

Advice on sequencing apparatus desired (2 replies, 04/11/88)

Behaviour (0 replies, 04/11/88)

Intelligent Parrots (1 reply, 04/12/88)

William Shatner & Koko, KGO news 4-2-88 (0 replies, 04/13/88)

commedians (0 replies, 04/13/88)

digitizers and software: request for information (2 replies, 04/13/88)

digitizers and software: Responses (0 replies, 04/14/88)

Request for info. and suggestions for network services (0 replies, 04/15/88)

Ballistic Programs in the Cerebellum (1 reply, 04/15/88)

A Sneeze (3 replies, 04/15/88)

Evolutionary factors in human psychology (10 replies, 04/16/88)

new mailing list/newsgroup discussing scientific creationism (0 replies, 04/17/88)

clarification on moderated newsgroup discussing creationism (0 replies, 04/18/88)

Forwarded Msg (0 replies, 04/20/88)

similarity searching; statistical significance (1 reply, 04/20/88)

PostScript Agarose Gel electrophoresis simulation (1 reply, 04/22/88)

Intelligent Parrots, or Self-deception and Gullibility. (35 replies, 04/26/88)

breeding marine fish (0 replies, 05/01/88)

Allergies (4 replies, 05/02/88)

Conference Announcement: Indust. Appl. Comp. Chem., Cornell Univ. (0 replies, 05/03/88)

Summer Job at Supercomputer Center (1 reply, 05/05/88)

sensory-deprivation chambers (1 reply, 05/06/88)

Antisense-RNA-derived mutants (2 replies, 05/08/88)

Australian bats - placental or marsupial? (4 replies, 05/10/88)

Michaelis-Menten-equation program ? (0 replies, 05/12/88)

Resealing & Tubiflex Worms (1 reply, 05/12/88)

Obtaining single-stranded linear DNA (3 replies, 05/13/88)

Sociobiology: 2 BBS Target Articles (0 replies, 05/14/88)

shape-transform graphic programs (3 replies, 05/14/88)

A definition of Science (0 replies, 05/15/88)

Scheduling for commonly-known drugs? (0 replies, 05/16/88)

Are Animals Patentable? (39 replies, 05/16/88)

sci.chaos, a status report (0 replies, 05/16/88)

A stroll in the park (0 replies, 05/18/88)

the BBC movie on Watson/Crick/Franklin's double helix (0 replies, 05/18/88)

Nutrition DataBase (1 reply, 05/18/88)

Chaos Newsgroup? (5 replies, 05/20/88)

please correlate (1 reply, 05/20/88)

RANDOM NUMBER GENERATORS (0 replies, 05/20/88)

age & evolution (1 reply, 05/24/88)

Academic Email Directory Needed in Cognitive/Biobehavioral Sciences (0 replies, 05/24/88)

Brother, can you spare an expression vector? (0 replies, 05/26/88)

Do sharks sleep? (0 replies, 05/27/88)

Fission Limitations? (3 replies, 05/27/88)

body types (1 reply, 06/02/88)

Genetics (1 reply, 06/02/88)

Re-Salinization In the Hydrogen Fuel Circle (1 reply, 06/03/88)

DIALL: fortran -> C (1 reply, 06/05/88)

Popular misunderstanding of science (0 replies, 06/10/88)

rabid bats (2 replies, 06/10/88)

Low Cost 3D Solids Modeling Software for Brain Imaging Project (0 replies, 06/13/88)

Bizarre DNA similarity (2 replies, 06/14/88)

rabies-infected bats (3 replies, 06/15/88)

TENS and Safety, Side-effects (0 replies, 06/15/88)

Space cities, ecological functioning (0 replies, 06/15/88)

Free radical footprinting (0 replies, 06/19/88)

Mortality (14 replies, 06/21/88)

FASTA search programs available (0 replies, 06/21/88)

What would you like to see in DNA sequencing tools (2 replies, 06/21/88)

vitamin megadose database (0 replies, 06/22/88)

Looking for Dan Davison (0 replies, 06/22/88)

Regarding the messages about the study of death. (4 replies, 06/24/88)

Bug zappers (18 replies, 06/25/88)

Space cities--replies (0 replies, 06/27/88)

Variations of Hair Color I: Melanin types (0 replies, 06/28/88)

A Plasmid Description Language for PostScript (0 replies, 06/29/88)

Plasmid Description Language II. Short Summary. (0 replies, 06/29/88)

Plasmid Description Language III. Procedures. (0 replies, 06/29/88)

Plasmid Example 1: pUC18 (0 replies, 06/29/88)

Plasmid (0 replies, 06/29/88)

Reptiles (0 replies, 07/05/88)

Nutritional Database (0 replies, 07/06/88)

WANTED!! **** Cytology software **** (0 replies, 07/06/88)

Macintosh in the Community College (0 replies, 07/08/88)

BIONET? (3 replies, 07/09/88)

Glucose Digestion (4 replies, 07/10/88)

Communications Research (0 replies, 07/11/88)

Back issues of BIOTECHNIQUES wanted (0 replies, 07/11/88)

DNA "finger printing" (1 reply, 07/13/88)

Nature Articles. Anyone read them? (6 replies, 07/20/88)

cell origins (0 replies, 07/20/88)

tRNA contact points (0 replies, 07/20/88)

NonA NonB Hepatitis (0 replies, 07/22/88)

RFI: Computer Representation of Chemical Structures (0 replies, 07/23/88)

Infinite dilutions revisited (1 reply, 07/26/88)

M.I.G.S. SOFTWARE (0 replies, 07/27/88)

DNA for interstellar messages (23 replies, 07/28/88)

Phosphorescent algae (0 replies, 07/29/88)

Interesting report on effects of very dilute sea serpents (0 replies, 07/29/88)

Peculiar Results in a Nature Article (0 replies, 07/29/88)

Megachasma Shark (1 reply, 07/30/88)

Parvo (0 replies, 07/30/88)

Machine-readable specimen label data request (0 replies, 07/31/88)

Canine parvovirus (0 replies, 08/02/88)

Cell Culture Databases - request for info (0 replies, 08/02/88)

ASCB & ASBMB Meeting; San Francisco, Jan-Feb 88 (0 replies, 08/03/88)

Strange debunking in Nature article (0 replies, 08/03/88)

Plasmid Description Language update (0 replies, 08/03/88)

Nature article /James Randi bashing (2 replies, 08/04/88)

Behav. Brain Sci: Call for Commentators (0 replies, 08/04/88)

Behav. Brain Sci. Call for Commentators: Primate Tool Use (0 replies, 08/04/88)

The Loch Ness Monster (20 replies, 08/04/88)

Mammoth clones (4 replies, 08/04/88)

Nature article & James Randi (0 replies, 08/05/88)

Strangge results in Nature article (2 replies, 08/05/88)

Fresh water aquarium plants (0 replies, 08/06/88)

Strange results in Nature article (74 replies, 08/08/88)

Evolution and "vicious tendencies) (0 replies, 08/22/88)

Chromatin Packing (3 replies, 08/29/88)

Experimental Design Reference (0 replies, 08/31/88)

Open Reading Frame -> PostScript filter (0 replies, 08/31/88)

Human Evolution (2 replies, 09/03/88)

Spit happens. (0 replies, 09/07/88)

Highly Unsaturated Fatty Acids -- Need info (0 replies, 09/09/88)

Mathematica Information... (1 reply, 09/11/88)

Plasmid Description Language availability (0 replies, 09/13/88)

Plasmid Description Language short summary (0 replies, 09/13/88)

Plasmids for hire (0 replies, 09/13/88)

Chix in Space (1 reply, 09/13/88)

For Sale: ULTRASOUND SCANNER (0 replies, 09/13/88)

Looking for other Prophet users (0 replies, 09/16/88)

Machine Readable Birth Rate Records (1 reply, 09/16/88)

Help ! (0 replies, 09/19/88)

aedinocarcinoma (0 replies, 09/20/88)

Baya bird and fireflies (1 reply, 09/28/88)

Calcification of Mitochondria (2 replies, 10/03/88)

mushroom (0 replies, 10/03/88)

Restriction Mapping and Software and Theory... (2 replies, 10/04/88)

Lengthened pigs? (0 replies, 10/04/88)

Postscript software for drawing plasmids (0 replies, 10/05/88)

QMC Instruments Ltd. -- "BAT DETECTOR" (0 replies, 10/06/88)

Falling Cats (0 replies, 10/07/88)

body fat in swimmers (0 replies, 10/07/88)

Ecological working holidays (0 replies, 10/11/88)

We Demand Genetic Equaltiy! (0 replies, 10/13/88)

PCB's and Native Communities (0 replies, 10/13/88)

sex (0 replies, 10/13/88)

Mushroom identification query (2 replies, 10/15/88)

mushrooms (0 replies, 10/17/88)

request for names of grain and fruit species (0 replies, 10/18/88)

Squirrel Questions (16 replies, 10/19/88)

Looking for molecular modeling software for Sun 3/'s (0 replies, 10/22/88)

restriction map construction (0 replies, 10/23/88)

Graduate fellowships available (0 replies, 10/25/88)

Articles and lit. sources on animal intelligence needed. (0 replies, 10/27/88)

Tropical Trees (0 replies, 10/29/88)

Black Ghost Fish (0 replies, 11/03/88)

Nobel Prizes (5 replies, 11/03/88)

Blood Questions (3 replies, 11/10/88)

Worm vs. Virus (1 reply, 11/12/88)

Drosophila (0 replies, 11/13/88)

rH factor (2 replies, 11/15/88)

Dioxin and Native Communities (4 replies, 11/16/88)

BBS Call For Commentators (1 reply, 11/16/88)

Big Bug Book? (4 replies, 11/17/88)

fruitflies (1 reply, 11/18/88)

Dinosaurs in Africa (0 replies, 11/19/88)

mass extinctions and molecular evolution (1 reply, 11/20/88)

Fruit Flys (7 replies, 11/21/88)

BioArchive Project (0 replies, 11/22/88)

Anyone know about the chemicals exterminators use for fleas? (0 replies, 11/23/88)

Looking For Volvox (2 replies, 11/24/88)

Letter to Gorbachev (0 replies, 12/01/88)

Two different colored eyes (8 replies, 12/01/88)

Water Properties (0 replies, 12/01/88)

Snails 'n' Squabs (3 replies, 12/01/88)

Extreme light sensitivity (0 replies, 12/03/88)

The Virus (5 replies, 12/04/88)

Help support our scientific colleagues in the Soviet Union (1 reply, 12/05/88)

A possibly stupid question (1 reply, 12/06/88)

Drinking water (3 replies, 12/06/88)

Grant Titles from History (1 reply, 12/06/88)

Eye color changes (0 replies, 12/09/88)

Fat Swimmers (14 replies, 12/09/88)

Not a possibly stupid question (2 replies, 12/13/88)

How to Argue with Creation Scientists (1 reply, 12/14/88)

How to debate the creationists. (9 replies, 12/14/88)

differences in male/female fetal development (2 replies, 12/15/88)

Dioxin & PCB Pollution: An Update (0 replies, 12/16/88)

A Genetic Ode (0 replies, 12/16/88)

Simulations of evolution (1 reply, 12/18/88)

question -- roach research (0 replies, 12/19/88)

question -- C4 &/or CAM photosynthesis research (0 replies, 12/19/88)

question -- Amaranth and Quinoa (0 replies, 12/19/88)

question -- earthworms (0 replies, 12/19/88)

Announcement/Request for information (0 replies, 12/25/88)

sci.bio (2 replies, 12/26/88)

Culture collection software needed (0 replies, 12/30/88)

Culture collection database (0 replies, 12/30/88)

Chromosome Topology of the Human Genome (4 replies, 01/01/89)

Need Info on Lipid-soluble forms of B Vitamins (0 replies, 01/03/89)

"Recommended Daily Allowances" in Other Countries (0 replies, 01/03/89)

A FRIENDLY HELLO TO ALL GEORGES (0 replies, 01/04/89)

dna kits (3 replies, 01/05/89)

Ants and antagonists (3 replies, 01/07/89)

Need info on lipid-soluble B-vitamins (0 replies, 01/08/89)

Non-USA nutritional recommendations (0 replies, 01/08/89)

Neoteny and Human Genetic Engineering (7 replies, 01/09/89)

Topology of DNA (0 replies, 01/10/89)

A gator tale (0 replies, 01/10/89)

Reductionism (0 replies, 01/10/89)

Florida Fauna and Foliage (1 reply, 01/10/89)

statistics for testing spatial heterogeneity of mtDNA haplotype frequencies (0 replies, 01/11/89)

Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise -- An Answer? (0 replies, 01/11/89)

Origin of _Homo sapiens_ (0 replies, 01/13/89)

Nipples on males in other mammals? (2 replies, 01/13/89)

Wanted: Unicellular Organism Simulation (1 reply, 01/13/89)

Myrmecology (0 replies, 01/14/89)

Gloom and Doom (0 replies, 01/15/89)

Measuring Animal Suffering: BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 01/16/89)

Creationism in our schools and the Anti-Dogma statement (8 replies, 01/18/89)

Why People Like Lawns, etc. (9 replies, 01/18/89)

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligence (21 replies, 01/19/89)

Creationism as a science... (4 replies, 01/19/89)

Wanted: Recipe for Low-Technology Abortions (4 replies, 01/20/89)

Cloning (1 reply, 01/24/89)

Neural-Net books wanted (2 replies, 01/25/89)

question on genetics of human hair color (0 replies, 01/31/89)

Tradintional native Abortions (1 reply, 02/01/89)

enzyme kinetics software needed (1 reply, 02/01/89)

Blue spot (0 replies, 02/01/89)

Genetic strengths (0 replies, 02/01/89)

twins (6 replies, 02/03/89)

To the Bat-consciousness, Robin! (1 reply, 02/03/89)

SGOT/SGPT/GGTP (1 reply, 02/05/89)

PoCS: What is and what should computer science be. (0 replies, 02/08/89)

Ormosia (0 replies, 02/09/89)

??ban on mailing plant pathogens?? (0 replies, 02/09/89)

Lower rate of PLAGUE infection in the GETOS (0 replies, 02/11/89)

Why reductionism and classical synthesis doesn't work (1 reply, 02/13/89)

Tay-Sachs Disease (0 replies, 02/13/89)

eye movement monitor wanted (1 reply, 02/14/89)

Gene Pool (18 replies, 02/16/89)

Learned Instincts Passed Through Genetics (0 replies, 02/17/89)

MD Research (0 replies, 02/17/89)

Four Tay-Sachs mutations (0 replies, 02/18/89)

Energy dissipation of human neurons. (1 reply, 02/19/89)

Wanted: Data acquisition software for 80386/80286 AT (0 replies, 02/23/89)

The Ubiquity of Tay-Sachs: a shocking but elegant theory (7 replies, 02/24/89)

birth control pills and hair growth (4 replies, 02/24/89)

Call for discussion on chemistry newsgroups (5 replies, 02/26/89)

chemistry newsgroups (0 replies, 02/27/89)

"Artificial Life" conference at Los Alamos National Laboratories (1 reply, 02/27/89)

Transfer of Instincts through Genetics (5 replies, 02/28/89)

Enzyme kinetics software available (0 replies, 02/28/89)

animal research (23 replies, 03/13/89)

biocides: any interest in a mailing list? (0 replies, 03/14/89)

Babies born in space. (1 reply, 03/14/89)

My Stay in talk.origins (1 reply, 03/14/89)

population regulation (0 replies, 03/16/89)

Roundup (0 replies, 03/17/89)

References on Biological Networks (0 replies, 03/17/89)

NRDC Propaganda on Donahue Show (0 replies, 03/17/89)

replicating experiments (2 replies, 03/18/89)

Book request (0 replies, 03/18/89)

Seeking info on BioStat programs for PC or Mac (4 replies, 03/22/89)

Information wanted about Ansaid (0 replies, 03/23/89)


Second call for votes on sci.edu newsgroup (0 replies, 03/25/89)

Need Info about Thalassemia (0 replies, 03/31/89)

Basic Embryology (0 replies, 04/02/89)

What Archaeopteryx ate (0 replies, 04/05/89)

Who Has Immunity? (3 replies, 04/05/89)

The birds and the breaks (1 reply, 04/06/89)

Rocks and Homosexuals (3 replies, 04/06/89)

birds and beaks (0 replies, 04/07/89)

Possible Life on Venus: A Question (0 replies, 04/10/89)

Graduate Programs in Behavioral Biology/Marine Biology (0 replies, 04/11/89)

Birds & Turtles (0 replies, 04/11/89)

WildLife Graduate Programs (0 replies, 04/11/89)

proposed newsgroup sci.energy (0 replies, 04/13/89)

neural development in mamals (0 replies, 04/13/89)

reproductive stragegy and human behavior (5 replies, 04/15/89)

Evolution of Neurons ?? Ideas and References Please (0 replies, 04/15/89)

Higher Species != More Evolved ?? (0 replies, 04/15/89)

More NRDC Propaganda on TV (1 reply, 04/16/89)

Cheating Birds Question (1 reply, 04/16/89)

Grad school help (0 replies, 04/16/89)

Liver Donor Information Requested (0 replies, 04/18/89)

molecular biology newsgroup (1 reply, 04/18/89)

DNA to proteins (0 replies, 04/19/89)

Mac to Beta-counter software (0 replies, 04/20/89)

CALL FOR DISCUSSION: Creation of a sci.earth newsgroup. (0 replies, 04/21/89)

Too Clean??? (0 replies, 04/22/89)

Well, Can it ? (0 replies, 04/23/89)

The birds and the beaks (28 replies, 04/23/89)

embryology. A mini tutorial (5 replies, 04/24/89)

How do twins work? (4 replies, 04/25/89)

References on Memory and Learning mechanisms in the brain (0 replies, 04/27/89)

Albino Fish (3 replies, 04/27/89)

Allergic/Anaphylaxic Reaction (1 reply, 04/29/89)

Plant Hormones (1 reply, 04/30/89)

Global warming/Atmospheric CO2 (2 replies, 05/01/89)

Microwave Autoclave (3 replies, 05/02/89)

How do fish know how large to grow? (0 replies, 05/04/89)

novel: TWISTOR by John Cramer (1 reply, 05/05/89)

NEURAL NETWORKS TODAY (0 replies, 05/05/89)

Looking for a few Plant Nematologists on the net (0 replies, 05/06/89)

Plant Sugars (2 replies, 05/08/89)

Fusion Powered Dragons (3 replies, 05/11/89)

Need help with chemical analysis (1 reply, 05/12/89)

CALL TO VOTE -- Creation of a SCI.GEO newsgroup. (0 replies, 05/21/89)

CALL FOR VOTES -- Creation of a SCI.GEO newsgroup. (3 replies, 05/22/89)

Fast restriction analysis program available (1 reply, 05/28/89)

PhD programs in botany? (0 replies, 06/01/89)

Fishy Words (0 replies, 06/02/89)

Ancient Forests of the Pacific Northwest......HELP! (0 replies, 06/06/89)

Questions on MICRO-IS software for culture collections (0 replies, 06/07/89)

looking for the right word (2 replies, 06/08/89)

Is Mowing your Lawn bad for the Environment? (14 replies, 06/09/89)

a cat's purr (5 replies, 06/10/89)

Management of Scientific Data (1 reply, 06/10/89)

Thanks to Volunteers in Prince William Sound (0 replies, 06/13/89)

Request for info on whales (2 replies, 06/14/89)

connections to opal (0 replies, 06/18/89)

SCI.GEO voting results -- FAILED (0 replies, 06/22/89)

Computer Applications (0 replies, 06/22/89)

Sequence Analysis Software... (1 reply, 06/28/89)

ECG Autoprocessing (0 replies, 06/29/89)

bionet.* groups on USENET (0 replies, 07/01/89)

life extension (0 replies, 07/01/89)

SAFE APPLES (0 replies, 07/03/89)

*** CALL FOR VOTES *** Creation of newsgroup sci.skeptic (0 replies, 07/04/89)

references on multiple sequencing to reduce the error rate (1 reply, 07/04/89)

Do you *need* Bionet for your research? Please read this. (0 replies, 07/06/89)

The Bionet Shutdown Notice (0 replies, 07/06/89)

Comments on Bionet's closing (0 replies, 07/06/89)

An e-mail address at NIH & re: Bionet shutdown (0 replies, 07/07/89)

Biology of Four Leaf Clover ?? (7 replies, 07/10/89)

Summary of replies re: repeatedly thawing and refreezing meat (0 replies, 07/13/89)

plastic sections - problem (0 replies, 07/13/89)

Status of Bionet Messages Received So Far (0 replies, 07/14/89)

Bionet's Future: NIH Genome Office Address (0 replies, 07/14/89)

A problem which bugs me (0 replies, 07/14/89)

Collaborators in Biochemical/Medical/Electrical-Engineering ? (0 replies, 07/14/89)

TOC: Complex Systems (0 replies, 07/16/89)

Table of Contents (0 replies, 07/16/89)

ALAR AND APPLES (0 replies, 07/17/89)

What's in EMBL that's not in GenBank? (2 replies, 07/17/89)

BIG fruitflies sought (0 replies, 07/17/89)

Killer bees (3 replies, 07/18/89)

Announcement: Whales and Plankton in comp.sources.misc (0 replies, 07/19/89)


Be a Scientist by Mail with children (0 replies, 07/26/89)

Artificial Life II workshop announcement (0 replies, 07/27/89)

EXPERIMENT IN BIRD BEHAVIOR (0 replies, 07/31/89)

viruses, computer & bio (6 replies, 08/03/89)

Radioactivity in foodproducts in the US. (0 replies, 08/04/89)

healthful houseplants (0 replies, 08/04/89)

sigma "opioid" receptors (0 replies, 08/06/89)

why is it bad to repeatedly thaw and freeze meat? (0 replies, 08/08/89)

Botany book recommendations? (1 reply, 08/09/89)

Soil composition (1 reply, 08/11/89)

Hybrid vigor (23 replies, 08/13/89)

Hybrid Garbage (0 replies, 08/14/89)

Amphibian care (0 replies, 08/14/89)

Funny Fish Names (8 replies, 08/15/89)

GGR expression in tryptophan auxotroph media (0 replies, 08/15/89)

Insects and Reptiles (1 reply, 08/15/89)

Insect control (1 reply, 08/16/89)

Radiactivity in food-products (0 replies, 08/18/89)

Can solubilized plastic subunits be metabolized? (0 replies, 08/18/89)

Anatomy databases? (0 replies, 08/19/89)

Calmodulin and Trifluoperazine (0 replies, 08/19/89)

What's the Why and How of Mosquito Bites? (20 replies, 08/22/89)

CHIGGERS (8 replies, 08/22/89)

LeMovie (0 replies, 08/24/89)

Chagas Disease (0 replies, 08/26/89)

Race & Athletic Ability (1 reply, 08/28/89)

AIDS again (0 replies, 08/28/89)

Rootbeer discussion (1 reply, 08/28/89)

Big Brother (0 replies, 08/29/89)

Mosquitoes etc. (4 replies, 08/30/89)

Petri dishes wanted (0 replies, 08/30/89)

Are blood types inherited? (3 replies, 08/31/89)

Ice (0 replies, 08/31/89)

Need help desperately (1 reply, 09/01/89)

British Science (1 reply, 09/02/89)

mosquitoes (0 replies, 09/02/89)

Question about Ferilization Genetics (3 replies, 09/03/89)

Mosquitos & AIDS (8 replies, 09/06/89)

The Phototron (0 replies, 09/08/89)

viruses vs. bacteria - repost? (1 reply, 09/08/89)

Phototron (0 replies, 09/11/89)

More dodgy products (6 replies, 09/11/89)

life extension or thereabouts (3 replies, 09/12/89)

Galileo Jovian atmospheric probe -- is it sterilized??? (0 replies, 09/12/89)

Jovian atmosphere, Galileo probe (0 replies, 09/13/89)

Many Apologies (0 replies, 09/13/89)

Can you neuter a tree? (2 replies, 09/13/89)

The Pill (2 replies, 09/14/89)

Curbside Diagnoses? (5 replies, 09/14/89)

cats sensitivity (1 reply, 09/16/89)

Biological Surfaces (0 replies, 09/16/89)

Successor for Eugene Garfield (0 replies, 09/19/89)

Sterile Environments (0 replies, 09/20/89)

Molecular series wanted (0 replies, 09/21/89)

30 Seconds Ago This Was A Mouse (1 reply, 09/23/89)

Why AZT is so expensive (16 replies, 09/24/89)

Breast Implants (2 replies, 09/26/89)

Molecules Wanted (0 replies, 09/26/89)

Questions about bio-taxonomic levels? (1 reply, 09/28/89)

Hierarchy (0 replies, 09/28/89)

Biological use of Workstations (1 reply, 09/29/89)

Spraycan blowtorches (2 replies, 09/30/89)

chair position in molecular genetic @ U. of Sussex (0 replies, 10/01/89)

glycocalyx (1 reply, 10/01/89)

High Preasure (1 reply, 10/06/89)

Micro-based databases for scientific papers? (0 replies, 10/07/89)

IDEA (1 reply, 10/09/89)

Soil Scientists in the UK? (1 reply, 10/09/89)

Immunoglobin databases (0 replies, 10/10/89)

Radilogy/Onc. Degree advice sought (0 replies, 10/10/89)

evol book (1 reply, 10/13/89)

Cane Toads (0 replies, 10/14/89)

Nobel prize for chemistry (1 reply, 10/14/89)

Ecosystemic Contamination (16 replies, 10/16/89)

Butane death (21 replies, 10/18/89)

Liver Neoplasia In Freshwater Fish (1 reply, 10/20/89)

In situ preparation of cultured cells for electron microscopy (0 replies, 10/20/89)

Cloning State-of-the-Art (1 reply, 10/21/89)

New archive for biology (0 replies, 10/21/89)

PAM propellant (12 replies, 10/21/89)


New biology archive opens (0 replies, 10/21/89)

Men and women (2 replies, 10/23/89)

Looking for data on BTI (0 replies, 10/24/89)

a bunch of things (0 replies, 10/25/89)

RE : EVOLUTION : A THEORY IN CRISIS. (0 replies, 10/25/89)

Killifish mailing list (0 replies, 10/27/89)

aquatic plant mailing list (0 replies, 10/27/89)

Genetically Engineered Micro-organisms (0 replies, 10/28/89)

SEM - Techniques wanted (0 replies, 10/28/89)

The Plural of Aquarium is EITHER Aquariums OR Aquaria (0 replies, 10/29/89)

Final call for votes on "rec.aquarium" group move proposal. (1 reply, 10/30/89)

Michael Denton and molecules (0 replies, 10/30/89)

Female Orgasms and the G-spot (4 replies, 10/30/89)

Program to calculate the electrostatic field? (0 replies, 10/31/89)

Movie about isolating the Repressor (0 replies, 11/04/89)

Creating life (21 replies, 11/08/89)

Neural Nets in Gene Recognition (1 reply, 11/09/89)

Stuffed-Bird-of-the-Month-Club (0 replies, 11/10/89)

CULTURE COLLECTIONS (0 replies, 11/11/89)

What ever happened to PRIONS ??? (3 replies, 11/14/89)

Want comments on IEEE 488 interface and data massaging package (0 replies, 11/15/89)

NCSA Gel Reader (0 replies, 11/15/89)

Bibliographic program "PROSITE" (0 replies, 11/16/89)

salt H2O (0 replies, 11/16/89)

Ethidium Br (2 replies, 11/17/89)

whales (0 replies, 11/17/89)

Gro Lux fluorescent tubes (1 reply, 11/18/89)

biotech weapons (6 replies, 11/20/89)

Vertebrate growth & evolution | Biotech weapons (0 replies, 11/20/89)

boxfish (0 replies, 11/22/89)

Attempt to get into the Guiness book of records (3 replies, 11/23/89)

Plant growth and UGF's was (0 replies, 11/24/89)

Darwin (0 replies, 11/24/89)

Darwin revisited! (0 replies, 11/24/89)

Closest relatives of birds (0 replies, 11/27/89)

Vertebrate growth & evolution (2 replies, 11/28/89)

IOC Meeting, 12/90 (0 replies, 11/28/89)

Orcas in British Columbia (0 replies, 11/28/89)

Ultrasonic Pest Repellers (8 replies, 11/29/89)

Light and plant growth (0 replies, 11/29/89)

Darwin & Wallace (0 replies, 11/29/89)

CFP: American Society for Cybernetics 1989 (0 replies, 11/30/89)

Thinking of buying a microscope (1 reply, 12/02/89)

Carbon's E. coli library available? (0 replies, 12/02/89)

cell regeneration (2 replies, 12/06/89)

thermal physiology list (0 replies, 12/07/89)

sequence analysis package wanted (2 replies, 12/07/89)

Omega-3 fatty acids (8 replies, 12/08/89)

Genetic Mosaic Humans (3 replies, 12/10/89)

Dinosaurs, current facts and theori (0 replies, 12/10/89)

What is mechanism for bloating of bodies after death? (4 replies, 12/11/89)

Dinosaurs, current facts and theories (1 reply, 12/12/89)

Idle curiosity concerning population of species. (0 replies, 12/12/89)

Strange Bee-Like Creatures - What Are They? (3 replies, 12/12/89)

Nematodes ..... (0 replies, 12/12/89)

Books on Dinosaurs & Birds (0 replies, 12/12/89)

A.R. Wallace (0 replies, 12/12/89)

gene construction program (0 replies, 12/13/89)

That bloated feeling (3 replies, 12/13/89)

Clover Update (0 replies, 12/16/89)

Another Vision Question (1 reply, 12/16/89)

Which animals are color blind ? (2 replies, 12/17/89)

psuedo monous bacteria eating petrolium (2 replies, 12/18/89)

The pH of saliva (11 replies, 12/19/89)

Spider Bite? (0 replies, 12/21/89)

Creating Electronic Research Libraries (6 replies, 12/21/89)

Artificial Life Workshop (4 replies, 12/22/89)

Breathing liquid? (9 replies, 12/26/89)

Sorry for mangled articles (0 replies, 12/27/89)

Lanolin, What's It Good For ??? (1 reply, 12/31/89)

Dolphin research (2 replies, 01/03/90)

Sorry for posting (0 replies, 01/05/90)

Building a confocal microscope (0 replies, 01/08/90)

What's A Bezoar Like ??? (5 replies, 01/08/90)

What's A Bezoid Like ??? (0 replies, 01/09/90)

Flying fishes (0 replies, 01/09/90)

Question about Factory Meat (0 replies, 01/11/90)

New enzyme list available for anonymous ftp (0 replies, 01/11/90)

Plant nutrients (0 replies, 01/12/90)

Three postdoc openings (0 replies, 01/17/90)

Artificial Life (0 replies, 01/18/90)

Why tobacco? (2 replies, 01/18/90)

Depression Genes (1 reply, 01/21/90)

information wanted on The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins (0 replies, 01/22/90)

Metorite sighting (0 replies, 01/22/90)

mail order company for preserved insects? (0 replies, 01/30/90)

Using BIOLOG (0 replies, 01/30/90)

War and Peace and Chimpanzees (4 replies, 02/01/90)

species distinction (0 replies, 02/01/90)

Marine (0 replies, 02/02/90)

Lizards and grey scale (0 replies, 02/02/90)

effect of X rays on food (0 replies, 02/02/90)

QSARs and phenylalkylamine psychotomimetics (0 replies, 02/03/90)

marine bio interests (1 reply, 02/04/90)

ELF research (0 replies, 02/05/90)

Anyone here from Mystic Aquarium? (0 replies, 02/06/90)

Address for Dr. Werner Ricker needed. (0 replies, 02/07/90)

vitamin C in monkeys (0 replies, 02/07/90)

flocking behavior (2 replies, 02/07/90)

Upper Limb Prosthetic Devices (0 replies, 02/07/90)

sci.psychology.moderated: CALL FOR VOTES (0 replies, 02/07/90)

marine bio (6 replies, 02/09/90)

Dog-Wolf crosses, was Re: What is a species? (0 replies, 02/09/90)

Suicidal lemmings? (3 replies, 02/09/90)

Plant protection expert systems/Plant Nematodes study leave (0 replies, 02/09/90)

Language Evolution: BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 02/09/90)

What distinguishes a species? (15 replies, 02/09/90)

What is a species? (6 replies, 02/09/90)

exploding dogs (0 replies, 02/12/90)

VBC - 90 Preliminary Conference Announcement (0 replies, 02/19/90)

Caffeine Questions (9 replies, 02/24/90)

Software for Series 100 frame grabber (0 replies, 02/24/90)

ecology or animal behav. ugrad summer jobs? (0 replies, 02/24/90)

test message (0 replies, 02/25/90)

Question about Minoxidol (0 replies, 02/25/90)

Looking for Old Merck Indexes (0 replies, 02/25/90)

Fibromyalgia (0 replies, 02/27/90)

Scrapie (1 reply, 02/27/90)

Help wanted. (0 replies, 03/01/90)

...sci.bio.marine? (1 reply, 03/01/90)

naive question about photosynthesis (1 reply, 03/02/90)

call for discussion : SCI.PALEONTOLOGY (5 replies, 03/03/90)

Leopards and cats (0 replies, 03/05/90)

FROGS AND TOADS (0 replies, 03/05/90)

panic disorder reviews sought (0 replies, 03/05/90)

frogs & toads (0 replies, 03/06/90)

Question about Pigeons (0 replies, 03/14/90)

Animal Rights Debate (0 replies, 03/20/90)

Little White insects on my herbs... (2 replies, 03/20/90)

Integrated Pest Management methods (0 replies, 03/20/90)

wanted: clinical training (0 replies, 03/20/90)

More plant pests (0 replies, 03/20/90)

NN generating Brain waves, whats up ? (0 replies, 03/21/90)

honeycombs (0 replies, 03/21/90)

Last appearance of PSYCOLOQUY on sci.psychology (0 replies, 03/22/90)

Bringing Back Extinct Species (0 replies, 04/06/90)

N-methyl-D-glutamate (0 replies, 04/06/90)

Proposal of new group rec.martial-arts (0 replies, 04/08/90)

Cytometry Mailing List forming (0 replies, 04/09/90)

2nd (0 replies, 04/10/90)

DNA repair mechanism deficiencies (0 replies, 04/10/90)

Irradiated Food Ban (5 replies, 04/11/90)

A different human genetics question (1 reply, 04/11/90)

Human Genetics (1 reply, 04/11/90)

Cheetahs, extinction and survival (0 replies, 04/12/90)

Condors & Otters & Cows, Oh My ! (2 replies, 04/12/90)

Do plants have an immune system? (1 reply, 04/12/90)

Honeycombs and mRNA (3 replies, 04/12/90)

Ancient genes, washing lettuce, etc. (0 replies, 04/12/90)

Name of Group -- Informal Poll (0 replies, 04/13/90)

Wanted: Graphic Protein Display Program (0 replies, 04/13/90)

PLANETS FEST (0 replies, 04/14/90)

was Mysterious exploding fish, now genetics program wanted (0 replies, 05/24/90)

Micobial Germplasm Newsletter (0 replies, 05/24/90)

Endangered squirrels (0 replies, 05/25/90)

Jobs available in the biotechnology market (0 replies, 05/26/90)

Bob Bales postings (1 reply, 05/26/90)

The Pit Bull Terrier - Cerberuses little brother (5 replies, 05/29/90)

genetics program wanted (0 replies, 05/31/90)

Program: Soc. for Philos. & Psychol. Annual Meeting (0 replies, 05/31/90)

Reprints Available: Searle/Symbol-Grounding/Categorization (0 replies, 05/31/90)

Globins (0 replies, 05/31/90)

Visualization conference, call for papers... (0 replies, 06/02/90)

Raccoon (0 replies, 06/03/90)

Tryptophan Mystery Resolved (5 replies, 06/03/90)

SECOND CALL FOR VOTES - talk.environment (1 reply, 06/04/90)

MSG and Heartburn (0 replies, 06/05/90)

on-line catalogs of species (1 reply, 06/06/90)


Sagan on Mars (0 replies, 06/26/90)

Biospherics, inc. (0 replies, 06/27/90)

DNA Purification (1 reply, 06/27/90)

Methods Books (0 replies, 06/27/90)

what is a subspecies? (0 replies, 06/30/90)

sensores (0 replies, 06/30/90)

Antibody Production (0 replies, 06/30/90)

Great Plains and Adaptation to Climate, Bergmann's Rule (0 replies, 06/30/90)

Reviving extinct species (0 replies, 06/30/90)

More on DNA Purification (0 replies, 06/30/90)

Mysterious exploding fish (7 replies, 07/01/90)

Artificial Life Proceedings (2 replies, 07/02/90)

Why can you specify a species with seven decisions? (1 reply, 07/02/90)

new theory of brain and learning, June'90 Psychobiology (2 replies, 07/03/90)

Info on meta-energy needed (3 replies, 07/03/90)

4 kingdoms (0 replies, 07/03/90)

Which end of a cow smells worse? (3 replies, 07/03/90)

Question about Rupert Sheldrake (12 replies, 07/03/90)

subspecies status (0 replies, 07/04/90)

Raccoon Behavior (0 replies, 07/05/90)

Gi/Go Proteins (1 reply, 07/05/90)

Animal Rights Electronic Network (0 replies, 07/05/90)

Marble Rolling Pin - help! (0 replies, 07/06/90)

Ideas Needed for Manned Exploration of Moon and Mars (0 replies, 07/09/90)

Romanesco Broccoli (1 reply, 07/10/90)

Taxonomy, nothing to do with expoding fish, mayo, or broccoflower (0 replies, 07/11/90)

Cell Isolating techniques (0 replies, 07/11/90)

artificial insemination (2 replies, 07/12/90)

Technology Transfer Mailing List (0 replies, 07/12/90)

Darwin, Sex and Status: BBS Multiple Book review (0 replies, 07/12/90)

Bugs are microwave-proof (3 replies, 07/12/90)

Homeobox proteins (1 reply, 07/13/90)

Computing Fractal Dimension (0 replies, 07/13/90)

1990 Census Data -- Available electronically in public domain? (0 replies, 07/13/90)

Post doc position in environmental modeling (0 replies, 07/13/90)

Reference on "dinosaurs" wanted (0 replies, 07/13/90)

Mapping the human genome (0 replies, 07/13/90)

25 hr day: Possible Explaination (0 replies, 07/14/90)

Wolverine Fur (2 replies, 07/14/90)

CAIA-91 AI Applications to Molecular Biology Mini-Track (0 replies, 07/14/90)

25 hr day: (0 replies, 07/14/90)

Help with Handedness and Taste of Sugars (3 replies, 07/15/90)

Magnetic Poles (0 replies, 07/15/90)

25 hour cycle (0 replies, 07/15/90)

Need Info: Molecular Minimization Software (0 replies, 07/17/90)

Waste Products at Atomic levels? (0 replies, 07/17/90)

Mayonaise Homemade Howto (2 replies, 07/18/90)

25 hour cycle and circadian rhythms in general (0 replies, 07/18/90)

Organelle Reproduction (5 replies, 07/18/90)

Mayonaise (17 replies, 07/18/90)

old medical textbooks for Romania (0 replies, 07/19/90)

25 hr day (12 replies, 07/20/90)

25 hour day (2 replies, 07/20/90)

Fleas Transmit Tapeworms ??? (9 replies, 07/21/90)

Can unrelated twins exist? (2 replies, 07/23/90)

Broccoflower (14 replies, 07/24/90)

Request for help: Data Structures (0 replies, 07/25/90)

Can two parents with Down's syndrome produce a normal child? (0 replies, 07/25/90)

JEWEL WEEDS AND HUMMINGBIRDS (0 replies, 07/26/90)

gays, gene pool (0 replies, 07/26/90)

Stress on blood vessels (0 replies, 07/27/90)

John Palmer attacking gays... (0 replies, 07/27/90)

Mosses (1 reply, 07/27/90)

Biology Majors etc. (0 replies, 07/28/90)

Muller's Ratchet and the production of sex chromosomes (0 replies, 07/30/90)

Twin Birds (0 replies, 07/30/90)

HEAD JERKING OF WALKING BIRDS (2 replies, 07/31/90)

Nature/Nurture: BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 07/31/90)

The persistance of homosexuality (6 replies, 07/31/90)

Re; Biology Majors (0 replies, 08/02/90)

bioluminescence (2 replies, 08/05/90)

HEAD JERKING OF WALKING BIRD (5 replies, 08/06/90)


Is intelligence linked to sex genes at all? (1 reply, 08/07/90)

Recommended book by Mayr (0 replies, 08/07/90)

Reproductive isolation (0 replies, 08/07/90)

Can unrelated twins exist (4 replies, 08/07/90)

Questions about sex (11 replies, 08/08/90)


politics and nature (0 replies, 08/08/90)

Pheromones and Sex (1 reply, 08/09/90)

Poly amino acid conformation (0 replies, 08/10/90)

Data acquisition software wanted (0 replies, 08/14/90)

Adaption to aquatic life (4 replies, 08/14/90)

red tailed hawk - subspecies thereof (0 replies, 08/14/90)

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION: Molecular Biology of Plant/Pathogen Interactions (0 replies, 08/16/90)

Looking for database of gene bank (2 replies, 08/16/90)

CALLING IUCN OFFICIALS! (0 replies, 08/16/90)

Mathematical ecology (5 replies, 08/17/90)

Data Structures in Scientific Programming (0 replies, 08/17/90)

Something is eating my roses (2 replies, 08/18/90)

The persistance of homosexuality in a gene pool (51 replies, 08/18/90)

Amazing new insecticide discovered! :-) (7 replies, 08/19/90)

POSTDOCTORAL POSITION: Molecular Bi (0 replies, 08/20/90)

Natural Insecticides (0 replies, 08/21/90)

Personhood Was Re: Abortion debate (0 replies, 08/22/90)

buying a microscope (9 replies, 08/23/90)


PC-controlled freezer alarm systems (0 replies, 08/24/90)

Abortion debate, once and for all (3 replies, 08/24/90)

Maintaining Acaligenes eutrophus (0 replies, 08/24/90)

Info Needed Re: Plant Ecology/Physiology Grad Programs (0 replies, 08/27/90)

plasma membrane cholesterol and Na+, K+, and Mg2+ ions (0 replies, 08/28/90)

Converting Specimen Localities into Geocoded Locations (0 replies, 08/29/90)

rule of thumb (1 reply, 08/30/90)

What is tortoise shell made of? (4 replies, 09/03/90)

redtailed hawks - subspecies thereof (0 replies, 09/03/90)

Shark posters wanted (0 replies, 09/04/90)

Southern blot QC and Various Anomalies (0 replies, 09/04/90)

Can someone identify these caterpillars? (0 replies, 09/04/90)

Red-tailed Hawk Subspecies (0 replies, 09/05/90)

Addition: Compound whose UV/VIS spectrum changes with Temperature (0 replies, 09/06/90)

Need info on Plants (2 replies, 09/06/90)

Responses to "freezer alarms" query (0 replies, 09/06/90)

Compound whose UV/VIS spectrum changes with temperature? (1 reply, 09/07/90)

Summary: compounds with temperature-dependent UV/VIS spectrum (0 replies, 09/08/90)

Info needed on Bio- Engg programs .. (1 reply, 09/08/90)

Membrane Proteins (2 replies, 09/10/90)

Help w/stupid genetics report (1 reply, 09/10/90)

pH brine shrimp like best (1 reply, 09/13/90)

Tenebrio molitor (0 replies, 09/14/90)

big tree spiders (0 replies, 09/14/90)

looking for BIRTCHER HYFRECATOR (0 replies, 09/17/90)

Anyone going to the GRUMP meeting in Colorado? (0 replies, 09/18/90)

Public Lecture Notice (0 replies, 09/18/90)

Alternative medicine (0 replies, 09/18/90)

Y chromosome and maleness (0 replies, 09/19/90)

Oregon Biotechnology Association (0 replies, 09/20/90)

Bees on vacation (10 replies, 09/21/90)

calico WILD cats? (0 replies, 09/24/90)

OBA Patent Reform Seminar (0 replies, 09/25/90)

Human/Chimp hybrids (0 replies, 09/25/90)

Request references/info on current development in hydroponics (0 replies, 09/26/90)

Visualizing muscle contraction (0 replies, 09/26/90)

RESEARCH POSITION IN GENEVA (0 replies, 09/26/90)

Numerical software forsale: NAG Workstation Library (1 reply, 09/27/90)

Help wanted on immunology (0 replies, 09/27/90)

Brown Recluse Spiders (7 replies, 09/28/90)

human/chimp immunology (0 replies, 09/28/90)

FISH: sex ratio of 1 male : 100 females, why? (2 replies, 09/28/90)

Help d ieed on immunology (0 replies, 09/29/90)

Human/Chimp Hybrids? Trogs (1 reply, 09/29/90)

followup to fish sex ratio thread (0 replies, 10/02/90)

Attracting Biting Insects (5 replies, 10/02/90)

What is comp.sci's role in computational science? (2 replies, 10/03/90)

Human/Chimp Hybrids? (19 replies, 10/03/90)

Man vs Woman vs Chimp DNA Percentages (14 replies, 10/03/90)

Thermodynamics of reduction of phosphate to phosphine (5 replies, 10/03/90)

Attracting fleas...; (0 replies, 10/04/90)

attracting fleas (0 replies, 10/04/90)

POSITION IN SWITZERLAND (0 replies, 10/04/90)

Killer bee invasion? (8 replies, 10/05/90)

CANCER RESEARCH IN DENVER (0 replies, 10/07/90)

Hair growth, Nu Skin, and multilevel marketing (0 replies, 10/08/90)

taxonomy, liverwort, hornwort (0 replies, 10/09/90)


Databases Sought (0 replies, 10/10/90)

Help with High School Math Model Projects (0 replies, 10/10/90)

Thanx for help (0 replies, 10/10/90)

REACHING PEOPLE: PLEASE HELP (0 replies, 10/12/90)

email address for STN and Sigma wanted (0 replies, 10/12/90)

The Ethics of Species Engineering (10 replies, 10/13/90)

Help! The Invasion of the Living Scorpions (0 replies, 10/15/90)

Looking for Species Counts (0 replies, 10/15/90)

Antifouling coating (3 replies, 10/15/90)

Naive Question (0 replies, 10/18/90)

Humans caused by EBE's? (1 reply, 10/18/90)

Modern Pleisiosaur? (5 replies, 10/19/90)

Plasmid Drawing Programs for the IBM-PC (2 replies, 10/19/90)

student research forum (0 replies, 10/20/90)

seeking advice about buying a microscope (2 replies, 10/20/90)

Praying Mantis (0 replies, 10/20/90)

Naive Question Answered. More or less. (0 replies, 10/21/90)

Flowering plants (5 replies, 10/22/90)

Looking for a parody called "Cool" (0 replies, 10/22/90)

lifespan-a function of heartbeats? (0 replies, 10/22/90)

lifespan extension. (1 reply, 10/24/90)

Male marsupials (2 replies, 10/25/90)

Molecular Mechanics/Dynamics of Metal Complexes on IBM RS6000/Convex (0 replies, 10/25/90)

long-lived metabolites? (1 reply, 10/26/90)

"NAVY WITHHOLDING EVIDENCE" (1 reply, 10/26/90)


osmosis - how is it caused? (4 replies, 10/29/90)

Ageing (1 reply, 10/29/90)

ivory vs. bone (2 replies, 10/29/90)

improper distillation of alcohol (0 replies, 10/29/90)

CNS Program at BU Hiring 2 Assistant Professors (0 replies, 10/31/90)

evolutionary clays (6 replies, 10/31/90)

Theory for Life (3 replies, 10/31/90)

biomonitoring vs chemical monitoring (0 replies, 10/31/90)

Lotka-Volterra question (1 reply, 11/01/90)

Chromosomes and Speciation (0 replies, 11/01/90)

osmosis - Quantative Query (0 replies, 11/01/90)

Elementary, my dear Polymath (0 replies, 11/02/90)

Define "Living Fossils" (0 replies, 11/02/90)

Molecular Phylogeny (0 replies, 11/03/90)

human lifespan and evolution (3 replies, 11/03/90)

Need idea for Westinghouse project (1 reply, 11/04/90)

LaTeX for Biologists (0 replies, 11/06/90)

Software for restriction enzyme mapping (3 replies, 11/06/90)

Early birds (3 replies, 11/06/90)

human "hairlessness" (0 replies, 11/07/90)

Microbial Culture Collection Newsletter (1 reply, 11/07/90)

Sexual & Natural Selection (0 replies, 11/08/90)

Job opening (0 replies, 11/08/90)

"Primitive" != Unevolved (3 replies, 11/08/90)

distinguishable colors (1 reply, 11/09/90)

genetic Fingerprinting (0 replies, 11/09/90)

Further Evolving Eyebrows (11 replies, 11/10/90)

Journals related to Computer Science (0 replies, 11/11/90)

Karyotyping procedure (3 replies, 11/11/90)

Anonymous ftp server for DNA/protein databases in Japan (0 replies, 11/11/90)

Rates of Evolution (1 reply, 11/11/90)

Osmosis - the cause at the molecular level. (15 replies, 11/12/90)

aging and stopping aging (0 replies, 11/14/90)

SALTPETER (2 replies, 11/14/90)

request: avian semen extenders (0 replies, 11/14/90)

Forgotten Entities: Do You Remember Any? (35 replies, 11/15/90)

WBC with indigestion? (0 replies, 11/16/90)

Announcement: Mailing List for Users of Biosym Software (0 replies, 11/16/90)

Strawberries in November (1 reply, 11/16/90)

Rape in the animal kingdom (0 replies, 11/16/90)

Darwin & Sexual Selection (0 replies, 11/17/90)

Enquiry about Food Sci/Tech Dept (0 replies, 11/18/90)

Tuna/Mercury Danger? (2 replies, 11/18/90)

Textbook errors - OSMOSIS (8 replies, 11/18/90)

baby dodo (2 replies, 11/20/90)

water filtration systems (0 replies, 11/20/90)

Backward Locomotion in Large Land Animals (2 replies, 11/22/90)

Blood (1 reply, 11/27/90)

How does soil stay fertile? (2 replies, 11/27/90)

Blood and detecting "Pool P" (5 replies, 11/28/90)

Biological Navigation (0 replies, 11/29/90)

NSF Chautauqua Short Course for College Teachers (0 replies, 11/29/90)

human monogamy, feminist primatology (0 replies, 11/30/90)

Importance of Survival in Mating [was: Re: Are Humans Naturally Monogam (0 replies, 11/30/90)

Communication and meme flow (0 replies, 12/01/90)

request for a human anatomy program (0 replies, 12/01/90)

Neural Network Conference, Call for Papers (1 reply, 12/01/90)

Protocol review - Botanical I.D. Request (0 replies, 12/02/90)

How about ----> sci.mind (0 replies, 12/04/90)

A country focuses on bullying in schools (1 reply, 12/05/90)

Conversions of measurements (0 replies, 12/05/90)

Left Handed Sugar (2 replies, 12/06/90)

The Mystery of the Golgi Stain (0 replies, 12/06/90)

Molecular Modeling (2 replies, 12/06/90)

soc.women (0 replies, 12/06/90)

Recreational drugs & poisons (0 replies, 12/06/90)

Sequence Logos and Delila Archive (0 replies, 12/06/90)

Competition in science (0 replies, 12/06/90)

Handedness (1 reply, 12/06/90)

Alu locations (2 replies, 12/07/90)

Aloe, Aloe... (13 replies, 12/08/90)

Update of Sequence Logo Programs (0 replies, 12/09/90)

Recent Neutralist-Selectionist controversy literature (0 replies, 12/09/90)

blue urine from food (12 replies, 12/10/90)

Some statistical analysis of "Eve" (2 replies, 12/11/90)

transportation bug (0 replies, 12/11/90)

PELLETED PIG MANURE HANDLING (0 replies, 12/11/90)

Word Play. (1 reply, 12/11/90)

Interactive biology - help wanted (0 replies, 12/12/90)

Molecular basis of heterosis (0 replies, 12/12/90)

More Budget Busters (4 replies, 12/12/90)

Ecology Course at Moscow State (0 replies, 12/12/90)

differences between gay and religious prostylizing (0 replies, 12/12/90)

infrared detection of wildlife (0 replies, 12/13/90)

Humpbacks and Michelob Dry (0 replies, 12/14/90)

Biomorphs and Richard Dawkins (0 replies, 12/14/90)

Non-human planning and communication (4 replies, 12/14/90)

Evolution (9 replies, 12/15/90)

Other Sea Otters? (1 reply, 12/16/90)

evolution is not a scale (0 replies, 12/19/90)

Early work on Hansen's disease -- request for reference (0 replies, 12/20/90)

prolonged bird flight (2 replies, 12/20/90)

Sex changes (0 replies, 12/21/90)

Language/Innateness/Consciousness: BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 12/21/90)

Photographic memory (0 replies, 12/22/90)

Computer Aided Sperm Analysis Techniques (0 replies, 12/22/90)

Physiological (0 replies, 12/25/90)

Coral reefs and global warming (12 replies, 12/25/90)

Men barred from primatology conference (16 replies, 12/25/90)

We've got Eve. Now what about Adam? (8 replies, 12/28/90)

Image processing of bacteria imagesi (0 replies, 12/29/90)

Iraq Stockpiling VOLVOX and PARAMECIA Biowar (0 replies, 12/29/90)

Frogs (0 replies, 12/30/90)

Blood Type Personality Analysis...Any Info on This? (0 replies, 01/03/91)

What is Campari? (0 replies, 01/03/91)

Educational Programs available (0 replies, 01/04/91)

Recommended Book:"Shifting Worlds Changing Minds" (0 replies, 01/04/91)

A simple question (0 replies, 01/04/91)

Quinine (4 replies, 01/04/91)

Number of molecular genetics labs (1 reply, 01/04/91)

Geneplot, Actpot, Growplot (0 replies, 01/05/91)

Evolution is NOT random (2 replies, 01/05/91)

Noeetic Sciences Review (1 reply, 01/05/91)

Anon FTP for geneplot,actpot, and growplot demos (0 replies, 01/06/91)

HEPA filter for laminar flow hood? (0 replies, 01/06/91)

About those frogs... (0 replies, 01/09/91)


Hypnosis (0 replies, 01/10/91)

What is the origin of domestic dogs? (2 replies, 01/11/91)

who can define biophysics (0 replies, 01/11/91)

Vaccine for insect-carried diseases (0 replies, 01/11/91)

Blood Type Personality Analysis -> testing/sampling strategies (0 replies, 01/12/91)

Why have Marriage Laws? (3 replies, 01/12/91)

computer aided sperm analysis techniques needed. (1 reply, 01/12/91)

Blood Type Personality Analysis...some thoughts (1 reply, 01/13/91)

cow magnets (6 replies, 01/14/91)

The Bandwidth of the Brain (48 replies, 01/15/91)

3-d image of brain (0 replies, 01/15/91)

WANTED: Information on Biology/Computer Science related jobs (1 reply, 01/15/91)

Information for AMT (0 replies, 01/16/91)

Fun With Vacuum Equipment (3 replies, 01/16/91)

Neural Network Conference and Course (0 replies, 01/17/91)

chloroplasts (1 reply, 01/19/91)

Head orientation (0 replies, 01/23/91)

Sex and organelles (2 replies, 01/25/91)

trace contaminants (1 reply, 01/25/91)

Origins Of Felatio (0 replies, 01/25/91)

Eve (1 reply, 01/25/91)

ANNOUNCEMENT: Guest transputer account for molecular dynamics (0 replies, 01/26/91)

Moscow Ecology Course (0 replies, 01/26/91)

Delayed Sexual Differentiation (0 replies, 01/27/91)

Prince William Sound has recovered? (0 replies, 01/28/91)

What's the pink spoilage on long-refrigerated foods? (0 replies, 01/28/91)

Swimming Speeds of Fish (0 replies, 01/28/91)

strength of primates (1 reply, 01/29/91)

Help on sensors! (0 replies, 01/29/91)

Delila/Sequence Logos in C (0 replies, 01/30/91)

Paranormal phenomena & evolution (1 reply, 01/30/91)

Microbiology test banks...anyone know of any? (0 replies, 01/30/91)

Aerogel article, was Re: Fun With Vacuum Equipment (1 reply, 01/31/91)

oil -eating bacteria (5 replies, 01/31/91)

Chaos and Sleep (1 reply, 02/02/91)

Wanted: Text on Biological Control (0 replies, 02/02/91)

Hominid evolution (1 reply, 02/02/91)

Cladistics (0 replies, 02/02/91)

agent orange - request for info regarding (0 replies, 02/04/91)

agent orange info wanted (0 replies, 02/04/91)

White Chocolate (0 replies, 02/05/91)

Human eyes and colors (0 replies, 02/05/91)

Phylogenetic classification of bumblebees (0 replies, 02/06/91)

Any recent info on Bioremediation? (0 replies, 02/07/91)

Love, chocolate and caffeine (14 replies, 02/07/91)

Collecting Biological Specimens in USA (0 replies, 02/07/91)

A Genetics Question (4 replies, 02/08/91)

Confused about horse color... (3 replies, 02/09/91)

Still more about horse color (1 reply, 02/09/91)

Snake venom (2 replies, 02/10/91)

GAUSSIAN FITTING PROGRAM (1 reply, 02/12/91)

Educational Materials (1 reply, 02/12/91)

Speed of human eye? (2 replies, 02/13/91)

The Best test tube holder (0 replies, 02/13/91)

The internal buzz (4 replies, 02/14/91)

Spider comment (0 replies, 02/15/91)

eight legged pests... (0 replies, 02/15/91)

"that funny buzz" (1 reply, 02/15/91)

Making Your Own Microscopes (6 replies, 02/16/91)

Cockroaches & Biological Clocks (0 replies, 02/18/91)

Paranormal phenomena and evolution (16 replies, 02/20/91)

Info on pentachloraphenol (0 replies, 02/21/91)

data set (0 replies, 02/21/91)

Unconventially open strings (0 replies, 02/21/91)

TEST (2 replies, 02/22/91)

Info on biofeedback equipment (0 replies, 02/22/91)

looking for info on Eve/mitochondrial DNA (0 replies, 02/22/91)

*** TEST TUBE RACK SURVEY *** (0 replies, 02/23/91)

Stupid Spider Question (3 replies, 02/23/91)

Who is smarter? (8 replies, 02/23/91)

Announcement of Symposium on Evolution (0 replies, 02/24/91)

PhD programs in the USA (0 replies, 02/25/91)

Guess my disorder (0 replies, 02/26/91)

Computational Chemistry e-mail list (0 replies, 02/26/91)

more on what religious states are for (5 replies, 02/26/91)

PIGEONS (1 reply, 02/26/91)

Eve/Mitrochondrial DNA (2 replies, 02/26/91)

Evolution & female orgasm (21 replies, 02/26/91)

Weird Condition (0 replies, 02/27/91)

Scientists and Mathematicians Who Wrote Music (30 replies, 02/27/91)

<None> (5 replies, 02/27/91)

nod toxic dye (0 replies, 03/01/91)

Reply to Twitching/Pimples (1 reply, 03/01/91)

WANTED: Information on Ethics in Genetic Engineering (0 replies, 03/02/91)

WANTED: Information on the Manatees (0 replies, 03/04/91)

Wanted: Moderator for Neuroscience newsgroup (1 reply, 03/05/91)

CFP - Visualization'91 (0 replies, 03/05/91)

Drugs as Origin of Religion (3 replies, 03/05/91)

Hanging Upside Down? (0 replies, 03/06/91)

Selection under phosphate starvation (0 replies, 03/06/91)

European Crystallographic Meeting, Ljubljana, 25-30 August (0 replies, 03/06/91)

Neuroscience newsgroup anywhere? (9 replies, 03/07/91)

HICSS-25 Biotechnology Computing Minitrack (0 replies, 03/07/91)

Weird Symptoms (1 reply, 03/07/91)

Neuroscience Newsgroup forming under "bionet" domain (0 replies, 03/08/91)

Solution to Population Crises (2 replies, 03/09/91)

Forrest Mimms fired by Scientific American (12 replies, 03/10/91)

Forrest Mimms...may have been fired by Scientific American (0 replies, 03/10/91)

Computational Biochemistry at ETH Zuerich (0 replies, 03/11/91)

Computer Simulations of Evolution (0 replies, 03/12/91)

Round 2: CFD, reorganization of the misc.jobs.offered heirarchy (1 reply, 03/12/91)

Yerba Luisa (4 replies, 03/14/91)

hydroponics info needed (0 replies, 03/15/91)

MOTH FLUTTER (5 replies, 03/15/91)

LSD and Manic depression. (7 replies, 03/17/91)

Mosquito Reference Books: Help (0 replies, 03/18/91)

Synthetic Life (1 reply, 03/19/91)

MANATEES AND COWS (0 replies, 03/19/91)

Why bother? (31 replies, 03/19/91)

Synthetic Life followup: Artificial Life mailing list (0 replies, 03/19/91)

Skunk Glands (17 replies, 03/20/91)

Two items on speciation. (1 reply, 03/21/91)

NSF Interdisciplinary Centers (0 replies, 03/21/91)

Cancer Cell Info (0 replies, 03/22/91)

Whatever happened to... (0 replies, 03/23/91)

resistivity of eggs of sea-urchins, or other marine animals (1 reply, 03/24/91)

How Monkeys See World: BBS Multiple Book Review (0 replies, 03/24/91)

Color vision summary (0 replies, 03/25/91)

Killing for fun (12 replies, 03/25/91)

Email address for Aristid Lindenmayer? (0 replies, 03/25/91)

Human Reproductive Strategy: BBS Call for Commentators (0 replies, 03/25/91)

Human Sperm Samples Needed. (0 replies, 03/25/91)

Need database of rare diseases! (0 replies, 03/26/91)

dolphins and whales, talking (0 replies, 03/26/91)

got a MicroProbe System M-707A from WPI to get rid of (0 replies, 03/26/91)

Neurosciences newsgroup (1 reply, 03/26/91)

Primary colors in bird vision (1 reply, 03/27/91)

Sober's _Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology_ (0 replies, 03/27/91)

COREEF---Reef experimentation program (0 replies, 03/28/91)

Here I am again with another question (4 replies, 03/28/91)

y (0 replies, 03/29/91)

mutations in the U2 yeast genome (0 replies, 03/29/91)

Numbers in biology (1 reply, 03/30/91)

Cryptozoology and remains--where are the bones? (0 replies, 03/31/91)

Announcement of book worth attention. (1 reply, 04/03/91)

case studies for animal research? (1 reply, 04/03/91)

Searching for workstation lab notebook packages (0 replies, 04/04/91)

Course on using S for data analysis and graphics (0 replies, 04/05/91)

What newsgroup (0 replies, 04/07/91)

Count Count Turns Pro (0 replies, 04/07/91)

Need INFO on Elastic Resistive Strain Gages................ (0 replies, 04/08/91)

Free Cray Time (0 replies, 04/10/91)

Possible Infant Hearing Loss (0 replies, 04/10/91)

2nd RFD: sci.archaeology (0 replies, 04/10/91)

Cleveland Virology Group - Virology Symposium (0 replies, 04/11/91)

I need a nutritional reference work (0 replies, 04/12/91)

"Stray Voltage" on 60 Minutes (2 replies, 04/12/91)



2nd RFD: misc.writing (0 replies, 04/13/91)

Semi-artificial life. (2 replies, 04/13/91)

Koko's teacher (0 replies, 04/14/91)

Eunuchs, Castration and Erections (5 replies, 04/14/91)

Primary colors in human color vision (15 replies, 04/14/91)

Effects of hormones: A question (4 replies, 04/14/91)

Biogenesis (1 reply, 04/15/91)

The Evolution of Speech, Thought, and Selfless Behavior (0 replies, 04/17/91)

DST Harmful? (8 replies, 04/17/91)

CFV: sci.archaeology (0 replies, 04/17/91)

Women's periods in synch (3 replies, 04/17/91)

nicotine withdrawl (1 reply, 04/17/91)

Magnetic Levitation of Organic Materials (9 replies, 04/17/91)

Neotenous vertebrates (3 replies, 04/18/91)

Human pop. stats. (4 replies, 04/19/91)

Surviving Electrocution (9 replies, 04/20/91)

European Society for Evolutionary Biology (0 replies, 04/21/91)

any suggestions on how to quantify cell mitosis? (0 replies, 04/22/91)

non-genetic evolution (0 replies, 04/22/91)

Need source of small quantities of agar/petri dishes (0 replies, 04/23/91)

Human Population Growth/Decline (17 replies, 04/23/91)

monotremes (0 replies, 04/24/91)

Looking for a Postdoctoral Research Associate (0 replies, 04/24/91)

*Bodywatching* (2 replies, 04/24/91)

Info. on Infanticidal Behavior (2 replies, 04/24/91)

"animal rights" protests (0 replies, 04/25/91)

Hemoglobin Saturation Curve (1 reply, 04/25/91)

Thanks for monotreme replies... (0 replies, 04/25/91)

Iodine concentrations in soils/water;Location of "Goiter Belt" (0 replies, 04/25/91)

Incest avoidance (13 replies, 04/26/91)

Bovine Somatropin, or crack 4 cows (2 replies, 04/26/91)

mosquitos: do they really hate 15 Hz sounds? (0 replies, 04/27/91)

microcephaly (0 replies, 04/27/91)

Therapsids (0 replies, 04/27/91)

Platypus bones (3 replies, 04/28/91)

non-genetic evolution... not (7 replies, 04/29/91)

Quiz time (9 replies, 04/29/91)

Simulated Vision Article Search (3 replies, 04/29/91)

I need references for cases of math ability in mentally deficient (1 reply, 04/29/91)

biophysics grad programs, ranking? (0 replies, 04/29/91)

Introductory biology (3 replies, 04/30/91)

Cancer in plants? Close but no cigar. (0 replies, 04/30/91)

What's a monotreme? (11 replies, 04/30/91)

Software for automated subseqence extraction (1 reply, 04/30/91)

KnowledgeFinder vs. other Medline CD-ROM systems for Macintosh (0 replies, 04/30/91)

Why sleep? (1 reply, 05/01/91)

REM sleep theory (0 replies, 05/01/91)

Echidnas & REM sleep (7 replies, 05/01/91)

Academic Biomedical Research (1 reply, 05/02/91)

Cancer in plants? (8 replies, 05/02/91)

Looking for high school level cell/molecular biology software (1 reply, 05/02/91)

Cats and Rabbits and cloning mammals (0 replies, 05/02/91)

post translational modification: DOPA? (1 reply, 05/03/91)

inheritance of acquired characteristics or what? (1 reply, 05/03/91)

Sic transit ingloria Trabi (1 reply, 05/03/91)

Thanks for info. on Infanticidal behavior (0 replies, 05/03/91)

Space Grant College group (0 replies, 05/04/91)

Molecular Graphics Society Conference (0 replies, 05/04/91)

Medical Schools in Spain (1 reply, 05/05/91)

Looking for Fish develpment sources (0 replies, 05/05/91)

Reconstructing cells from DNA (18 replies, 05/06/91)

On the classification of Platypus (4 replies, 05/06/91)

Animal homosexuality (0 replies, 05/06/91)

>A Matter of Pressing Importance (0 replies, 05/07/91)

The essence of sexuality (0 replies, 05/07/91)

Invert Zoo and a reply inherited memory (4 replies, 05/07/91)

Incidence of simian crease in humans (1 reply, 05/08/91)

Raccoons in my belfry (2 replies, 05/10/91)

Sonar: Bats vs. Dolphins vs. Humans (2 replies, 05/12/91)

Racist Plants (0 replies, 05/13/91)

VOTE ACK: sci.archaeology (0 replies, 05/13/91)

corn_fields_pictograms (0 replies, 05/13/91)

The function of sex? (7 replies, 05/14/91)

thyroid parameters (0 replies, 05/14/91)

Information on obtaining ECEPP (2 replies, 05/14/91)

Where are the Econ Futurists? (0 replies, 05/15/91)

"Explosive decompression"? (0 replies, 05/15/91)

Where do herbivores get their amino acids? (3 replies, 05/16/91)

Questions: numerical analysis, applied math, etc. (0 replies, 05/16/91)

I stand corrected (1 reply, 05/18/91)

The function of sex (0 replies, 05/19/91)

? FALLOUT FROM IRAQ (0 replies, 05/19/91)

Cats and Rabbits (10 replies, 05/21/91)

Wanted Microscope: (0 replies, 05/21/91)

do we perceive accelerations? (1 reply, 05/21/91)

Wanted: Microscope (0 replies, 05/22/91)

Thanks for monotreme replies... one more question. (6 replies, 05/22/91)

Need antibody against choline acetyl transferase (0 replies, 05/22/91)

immuno-cytochemistry with chick embryo cell cultures (0 replies, 05/22/91)

RESULT: sci.archaeology passes 189: 18 (0 replies, 05/23/91)

Underwater exploration (0 replies, 05/24/91)

question on colour change in frogs (1 reply, 05/24/91)

Platypus on video (0 replies, 05/24/91)

Vulgar inquiry (2 replies, 05/25/91)

Signals from electronic devices? (3 replies, 05/25/91)

question on colour change in frogs, etc. (0 replies, 05/25/91)

Bees don't fly to nectar in lakes (1 reply, 05/25/91)

Bats by a Mile (7 replies, 05/26/91)

Bumblebee behavior (0 replies, 05/27/91)

Great Canadian Scientists (6 replies, 05/27/91)

Mutant flies - success, ethics, history (0 replies, 05/28/91)

Oops (0 replies, 05/28/91)

Ethics of eradicating species (0 replies, 05/28/91)

RFD: rec.caving (0 replies, 05/28/91)

FTP address for Genesis (0 replies, 05/28/91)

Phd Program in Plant Physiology (0 replies, 05/29/91)

Mutant flies (8 replies, 05/29/91)

Zebra Mussels (1 reply, 05/29/91)

HELP: Atomic Force Microscope Introductory paper wanted (0 replies, 05/29/91)

IAGLR Talk Titles on Zebra Mussels (0 replies, 05/29/91)

Astrolabes (0 replies, 05/30/91)

British vs. American science journalism (0 replies, 05/30/91)

Animal planning (5 replies, 05/30/91)


Help for science writer (6 replies, 05/31/91)

Looking for Gradutate Program (0 replies, 06/01/91)

Colony/Individual (0 replies, 06/01/91)

"Reproductive Behavior and Health in Consanguineous Marriages" (0 replies, 06/01/91)

jellyfish classification (3 replies, 06/01/91)

[zebra mussel] "Zebra mussel study chances improve" (0 replies, 06/01/91)

Help--having problem with missing orgasm (5 replies, 06/02/91)

THYROID (0 replies, 06/03/91)

zebra mussels spotted in Escanaba, MI (9 replies, 06/03/91)

Neurophysiological mystery event last nite (0 replies, 06/03/91)

USA Environment Protection Agency (1 reply, 06/03/91)

Coelacanth (0 replies, 06/04/91)

taxol in tissue culture (0 replies, 06/05/91)

Box turtle eggs -- Incubator? (1 reply, 06/05/91)

Wanted software for molecular geometry/chemistry (0 replies, 06/05/91)

Scientific fraud case -- Imanishi-Kari speaks (0 replies, 06/05/91)

Why do seals clap? (1 reply, 06/06/91)

Molecular vs Ecological Evolution (0 replies, 06/06/91)

Prigogine and Haken (0 replies, 06/07/91)

Old Genera (0 replies, 06/07/91)

Rain Forest Destruction (4 replies, 06/08/91)

Oceanographic measurements (0 replies, 06/09/91)

R.I.P. (0 replies, 06/09/91)

Black Flies in New England (2 replies, 06/09/91)

Fossil data ... where? (0 replies, 06/11/91)

Slime mold??? (1 reply, 06/11/91)

Madagascar Expedition - Help reqd. (0 replies, 06/11/91)

Asbestos (1 reply, 06/11/91)

Slime Mold (0 replies, 06/12/91)

what is "Coryphaena eqisetis" (0 replies, 06/12/91)

Coryphaena eqisetis (0 replies, 06/12/91)

Is sauerkraut a "brain" food? (1 reply, 06/13/91)

Information on TB (0 replies, 06/13/91)

Walrus reproductive system (4 replies, 06/13/91)

Coelocanth and evolution: Human chr. differences (3 replies, 06/13/91)

Handedness! (0 replies, 06/13/91)

Bat's sonar revisited (0 replies, 06/14/91)

Coelocanth and evolution: x (16 replies, 06/14/91)

Humans and apes cannot be cross-fertilizated. (1 reply, 06/14/91)

Humans and apes can (2 replies, 06/14/91)

Color Blindness (1 reply, 06/15/91)

When do whales migrate past San Francisco area? (0 replies, 06/15/91)

definition of species (2 replies, 06/16/91)

ARF vs CITY HALL (0 replies, 06/16/91)

Convergence (0 replies, 06/16/91)

Coelocanth [...]: Human chr. diff. CORRECTION (0 replies, 06/17/91)

Adam and Eve on the Battlefield (0 replies, 06/17/91)

More Questions about Chimps (0 replies, 06/19/91)

Crossing Humans and Chimpanzees (10 replies, 06/19/91)

Book on Speciation (0 replies, 06/19/91)

Defining Chimpanzees (0 replies, 06/20/91)

Crossing humans with other species (0 replies, 06/20/91)

Seminar: Ecological Policy in Soviet Union (0 replies, 06/21/91)

Wolf recovery in the northwest (0 replies, 06/21/91)

Can you cross humans and monkeys? (9 replies, 06/22/91)

Crossing Humans w/ Humans. (1 reply, 06/22/91)

biomass as a measure of "success" (1 reply, 06/22/91)

are chimps smarter than dolphins? (9 replies, 06/24/91)

IJCAI Early registration (0 replies, 06/24/91)

Postdoc Announcements (0 replies, 06/25/91)

Biasses, phenotypes and hummingbirds (0 replies, 06/25/91)

Environment vs. Genetics (1 reply, 06/25/91)

Evolution vs Genes (1 reply, 06/25/91)

What nonlinear dynamics books should one own? (0 replies, 06/25/91)

from where can i get a copy of Gromos, the molec. dynamics prog.? (0 replies, 06/26/91)

BATS revisited (2 replies, 06/26/91)

bionet -- how do I contact? (1 reply, 06/27/91)

Another virus UL (0 replies, 06/27/91)

Information Combination of GIS programs and Databases. (0 replies, 06/27/91)

Chimpanzee Human Hybrid? (0 replies, 06/28/91)

Ethology as science (0 replies, 06/28/91)

Human fetal development (1 reply, 06/28/91)

Bats revisited, again (0 replies, 06/29/91)

Coelacanth and Evolution (14 replies, 06/29/91)

C. elegans (9 replies, 06/29/91)

Is ethology scientific? (4 replies, 06/30/91)

Nervous System of C. Elegans (0 replies, 07/01/91)

Language (9 replies, 11/09/98)

Are Humans Naturally Monogamous? (170 replies, 11/28/98)

coral reefs, C02, food, and farming. (9 replies, 12/03/98)