[sci.bio] CALL FOR VOTES -- Creation of a SCI.GEO newsgroup.

ss6349@leah.Albany.Edu (Steven H Schimmrich) (05/20/89)

   This  is  a  call  for  votes  on  a  proposal  to  create  SCI.GEO -- an
unmoderated newsgroup to discuss the  earth  and  planetary  sciences.  Send
votes for or against the proposal to "SS6349@LEAH.ALBANY.EDU". The following
should clear up any questions regarding the newsgroup proposal.

		   What is SCI.GEO and why is it needed?

   SCI.GEO  is the proposed name for an unmoderated newsgroup to discuss the
earth and planetary sciences.  There currently does not exist any  newsgroup
for  the  discussion  of  geology,  paleontology,  geophysics,  planetology,
meteorology, climatology, etc.  except  where  they  might  fit  into  other
etc. There are  no  SCI  newsgroups  dealing  specifically  with  the  earth
sciences  and  this  one  would  fill that gap. I believe that the newsgroup
would  also  be  broad  enough  to  stimulate  interest  and  discussion  by
non-professionals  in the above fields.  I can envision discussions on plate
tectonics,  earthquake  risks,   petroleum   reserves,   mass   extinctions,
dinosaurs, claims made by creationists, the geology and meteorology of other
planets, ice ages, the greenhouse effect, el nino, etc.

	      What were the results of the discussion period?

   During  the  one month discussion period (begun by the posting of article
<1775@leah.albany.edu> to NEWS.GROUPS on April 20), the postings and all  of
the  mail  I  received  indicated  a positive interest in the formation of a
newsgroup to discuss the  geological  sciences.   I  received  no  responses
against the proposal. The only point of contention among the respondents was
what  to  call  the  newsgroup.  Most  felt  that  SCI.EARTH,  the  original
suggestion, was not the best choice although they would support such a group
regardless of what it was named.  The various suggested alternate names were
SCI.EARTHPLANET.  The largest number of respondents supported SCI.GEO  which
I  believe  to  be the best choice being both brief and succintly describing
the purpose of the newsgroup.

			How long will the vote last?

   The  call for discussion was posted on April 20th, this call for votes is
being posted on May 20th, and the voting will  last  until  June  20th.   No
votes will be accepted after that date. In two weeks, I will post a reminder
of the call for votes, and on  June  21st  I  will  post  the  final  voting
results.  If  I  have  received  100 more YES votes than NO votes, the group
should then be created shortly thereafter.

		 How do I vote for the creation of SCI.GEO?

   To vote for the creation of a SCI.GEO newsgroup, send mail to :


and explicitly state in the text of the mail message either "Yes, I vote for
the  creation of a SCI.GEO newsgroup" or "No, I vote against the creation of
a SCI.GEO newsgroup." Don't bother suggesting new names for  the  newsgroup,
that  stage  has  passed. It will be named SCI.GEO or it will not be created
(at least through my efforts).
   To make the vote counting easier for me, may I suggest placing either YES
or NO on the subject line of your mail message.  I will try  to  acknowledge
the  receipt  of  each  vote.   REMEMBER  -- DON'T POST YOUR VOTE INSTEAD OF
MAILING IT! A POSTED VOTE DOES NOT COUNT! Please, If you  want  to  see  the
group  created  then  mail  me  your vote -- this is not too controversial a
topic so every vote will count and is needed. Thank you for your time.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
| Steven H. Schimmrich                    | Internet : ss6349@leah.albany.edu |
| Department of Geological Sciences       |  "The Rock Men are very primitive |
| State University of New York at Albany  | Flash, they have no science."     |
| Albany, New York 12222  (518) 442-4470  |                      Dr. Zarkhov. |
 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

dmark@cs.Buffalo.EDU (David Mark) (05/20/89)

In article <1849@leah.Albany.Edu> ss6349@leah.albany.edu.UUCP (Steven H Schimmrich) writes:
       [some lines deleted]

>		   What is SCI.GEO and why is it needed?
>		   -------------------------------------
>   SCI.GEO  is the proposed name for an unmoderated newsgroup to discuss the
>earth and planetary sciences.  There currently does not exist any  newsgroup
>for  the  discussion  of  geology,  paleontology,  geophysics,  planetology,
>meteorology, climatology, etc.  except  where  they  might  fit  into  other
>etc. There are  no  SCI  newsgroups  dealing  specifically  with  the  earth
>sciences  and  this  one  would  fill that gap. ...
           [35 lines deleted]

>                 ...  Don't bother suggesting new names for  the  newsgroup,
>that  stage  has  passed. It will be named SCI.GEO or it will not be created
>(at least through my efforts).

I sent my "official" vote directly, but decided also to post this follow-up
in case anyone feels the way I do, and may wish to vote similarly.

==========================copy of my "vote" and reason below==================

I hereby vote "NO" on sci.geo, strictly because of the name.

Since your recent posting took the hard line "Don't bother suggesting new
names... It will be named SCI.GEO or it will not be created", I am forced to
vote "No", because GEO is also the first 3 letters of a major discipline,
GEOgraphy, which is primarliy concerned with the Social Sciences, and the
links between humans and environments.  And let's not forget an even older
discipline, GEOmetry, a branch of mathematiccs.  Since GEOgraphy itself might 
easily deserve a newsgroup, to say nothing of GEOmetry, I feel that establish-
ment of a group, un-negotiably named SCI.GEO, yet restricted to Earth Sciences,
would lead to confusion and ambiguity, and should not be done.

I would have voted "YES" for SCI.GEOLOGY, or SCI.EARTH_SCIENCE, and will do so,
if this attempt fails, and if you try again with a more appropriate name.

David Mark
Department of GEOgraphy
SUNY at Buffalo


steve@revolver.gatech.edu (Poppa Smurf) (05/22/89)

In article <5983@cs.Buffalo.EDU+ dmark@sunybcs.UUCP (David Mark) writes:
+I hereby vote "NO" on sci.geo, strictly because of the name.
+Since your recent posting took the hard line "Don't bother suggesting new
+names... It will be named SCI.GEO or it will not be created", I am forced to
+vote "No", because GEO is also the first 3 letters of a major discipline,
+GEOgraphy, which is primarliy concerned with the Social Sciences, and the
+links between humans and environments.  And let's not forget an even older
+discipline, GEOmetry, a branch of mathematiccs.  Since GEOgraphy itself might 
+I would have voted "YES" for SCI.GEOLOGY, or SCI.EARTH_SCIENCE, and will do so,
+if this attempt fails, and if you try again with a more appropriate name.
+David Mark
+Department of GEOgraphy
+SUNY at Buffalo

I agree, and I see no "Earthly" reason why you can't simply name it sci.geology.I hope it's not simply ego involvement in having come up with the original name.If you name it sci.geology then I vote "YES."

Steve Fischer (School of Geosciences) 
Georgia Tech

ss6349@leah.Albany.Edu (Steven H Schimmrich) (05/22/89)

In article <8291@pyr.gatech.EDU> steve@revolver.gatech.edu (Poppa Smurf) 

> I agree, and I see no "Earthly" reason why you can't simply name it 
> sci.geology.I hope it's not simply ego involvement in having come up 
> with the original name.If you name it sci.geology then I vote "YES."
> Steve Fischer (School of Geosciences) 
> Georgia Tech

   The  original  name  I suggested (article <1775@leah.Albany.Edu>) was
SCI.EARTH. As I said before -- I could care less  what  it's  called.  I
just want to see the newsgroup come into existence (and if you're in the
school of geosciences, I can't see why you should possibly oppose it for
such  a  minor detail as whether it's GEO or GEOLOGY!). SCI.GEO was what
most everyone wanted during the discussion period (some of whom are  NOT
geologists,  but  people interested in other areas of the earth sciences
such as oceanography, meteorology, etc.). Now  it's  time  to  vote,  it
can't  be  named  SCI.GEOLOGY (except if the voting goes against SCI.GEO
and someone else takes the thankless job of doing this).  As  I've  said
before  --  there  does  not  exist  a  single  name  which would please
everyone. The group is what is important, not its name.

 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
| Steven H. Schimmrich                    | Internet : ss6349@leah.albany.edu |
| Department of Geological Sciences       |  "The Rock Men are very primitive |
| State University of New York at Albany  | Flash, they have no science."     |
| Albany, New York 12222  (518) 442-4470  |                      Dr. Zarkhov. |
 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --