[sci.bio] Y chromosome and maleness

mvp@hsv3.UUCP (Mike Van Pelt) (09/19/90)

In article <7713@milton.u.washington.edu> wcalvin@milton.u.washington.edu (William Calvin) writes:
[ X & Y chromosome stuff ]

Which reminds me of something I wanted to ask the group ...

In Science News a few weeks ago, there was an article about finding the
gene on the Y chromosome that causes the individual to develop as a
male.  In the article, they said that they had narrowed it down by
studying individuals in which the "maleness" gene had been swapped onto
an X chromosome, and individuals in which the gene was missing on a Y
chromosome -- XX males and XY females, respectively.

Until reading this article, I had never heard of such a thing.  (This
isn't XXY or XYY, which I had heard of.)  How common is this?  Are XX
males and XY females generally otherwise normal?  Are they fertile?
Mike Van Pelt
Headland Technology/Video 7              Use a pun, go to jail.