[sci.bio] "that funny buzz"

vather@pnet12.rfengr.com (Trevor Smith) (02/15/91)

        Could the individuals that are hearing this give more examples please,
because it sounds almost like what you are refering to is the ambient noice of
of air that we can hear in our ears (hieghten to the mainstream occurance of
listening to a sea shell), or just ordinary vibration of "things" around us. 
Does this occur no matter where you go; ie. city, county, top of buildings,
day, night, etc.?

                Interested individual,
                                        Lucas MacVather.

UUCP: ucsd!serene!pnet12!vather
INET: vather@pnet12.rfengr.com

afsipmh@cid.aes.doe.CA (Patrick Hertel) (02/15/91)

In article <1991Feb14.195611.29298@rfengr.com> vather@pnet12.rfengr.com (Trevor Smith) writes:
>        Could the individuals that are hearing this give more examples please,
>because it sounds almost like what you are refering to is the ambient noice of
>of air that we can hear in our ears (hieghten to the mainstream occurance of
>listening to a sea shell), or just ordinary vibration of "things" around us. 
>Does this occur no matter where you go; ie. city, county, top of buildings,
>day, night, etc.?
>                Interested individual,
>                                        Lucas MacVather.
>UUCP: ucsd!serene!pnet12!vather
>INET: vather@pnet12.rfengr.com

 I think what is being referred to is "tinitus" (sp?), which, I understand
 can be so severe that OTHER people can hear it. Its not from things
 around us but is produced by the ear itself.
Pat Hertel                 Canadian Meteorological Centre
Analyst/Programmer         2121 N. Service Rd.        
phertel@cmc.aes.doe.ca     Dorval,Quebec             
Environment Canada         CANADA           H9P1J3