[sci.bio] Entropy, Enthalpy, anyone?

rh@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU (Randy Haskins) (12/27/86)

I've forgotten my organic chem, and I don't know anyone around me
who remembers theirs.  I remember there being some relationship
between Entropy (S), Enthalpy (H), and Gibbs' Free Heat (G).
Can someone out there send me a brief description of the
relation and what each of these quantities mean physically?

Randwulf  (Randy Haskins);  Path= genrad!mit-eddie!rh

apn@nonvon.UUCP (apn) (12/29/86)

In article <4383@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU>, rh@mit-eddie.MIT.EDU (Randy Haskins) writes:
> I've forgotten my organic chem, and I don't know anyone around me
> who remembers theirs.  I remember there being some relationship
> between Entropy (S), Enthalpy (H), and Gibbs' Free Heat (G).
> Can someone out there send me a brief description of the
> relation and what each of these quantities mean physically?
> adTHANXvance
> Random
> genrad!mit-eddie!rh
> -- 
> Randwulf  (Randy Haskins);  Path= genrad!mit-eddie!rh

	Hope this serves to reduce the entropy rather than increase it.


		A measure of Energy (usually heat) given off or
	absorbed in a given reaction. 

		delta H := delta E + P * delta V

	P = presure, E energy, H Enthalpy
	this eq. is true for constant presure.

	i.e. delta H would be negative for an exothermic reaction

	note that this is a state function and therefore one only
	needs to know the starting and ending conditions to calc.
	the delta H.



		Either form of the second law of Thermodynamics
	leads us to a new function .... delta S

	delta S = q/T

	If an amount of heat , q, is added to a system with
	a temperature of T, then entropy increases by amount 
	delta S.

	Now, according to boltzmann	, entropy is also a 
	measure of disorder on a system ( and hence the 
	keywords of this article followup ) Boltzmann proposed
	that entropy, S, is related to the number of different
	microscopic ways ways of obtaining a specified 
	macroscopically definable and observable situation. 

	hence we obtain, 
		S = k ln W

	where W, is the number of equivalent ways to contruct a given
	situation, S is ( obviously by now ! ) the entropy. and
	it naturally follows since this relationship was discovered
	by boltzman , that k *is* the boltzman constant. 

	numerically, and dimensionally  however, it is equates as follows:

	k = R/N 

	N = avogadro's number, R is the "ideal" gas constant expressed
	 in your favorite units.

	( side note: this also gives us the dimensions in S since 
	 the ln function yields a non - dimensional value )

	when we combine the relationship that was given to us by
	boltzman and the one from the first law of Thermodynamics
	(claisus, I believe ). we get one of the most radical
	and important theories of present science. Or more simply put,

	In any real, spontaneous processes, including, but not limited
	to, chemical reactions, the disorder of the universe always 

	This, for example is useful for explaining the general state
	of my home, or my office desk.

	Now... back towards your original question....

	In any isolated system, in which the total E cannot change,
	a spontaneous reaction is one in which entropy ( and by
	definition , disorder ) increases. No process that produces order,
	or lowers the entropy, can occur WITHOUT outside help. (analogious
	to rearranging my desk to some order ) Outside help is naturally
	in to form of some energy..

	And then there is Delta G, or a measure of free energy.

	Any given chemical equilibrium system not only seeks the lowest
	energy at enthalpy, but also the greatest state of disorder,
	probability , or entropy, S. Therefore a new state function has been

	free energy := G := H - TS

	Reactions at constant T, and P are spontaneous
	iff ( note iff not if ) the free energy, G, increases. 

	In a given equilibria in a closed system at constant T, and P,
	we have:

	delta G = delta H - T * delta S

	So, to summarize [ read: explanation of above equation ]:

	In any spontaneous rxn, at constant T and P, the free energy G,
	always decreases. When the rxn system reaches equilibrium, G
	is at a MINIMUM, and dG is zero (Did I just say the same thing
	twice ? )

	For a *real* definative study of entropy, time, and complexity,

	I very highly recommend the book 

		_From Being to Becoming_ by Ilya Prigognine
		Freeman/ Univ. of Brussels.
		( no, this book has no relation to The Forum )

	But I warn you,  be prepared for hamiltonian, matter wave equations,
	potential wells, manifolds, and in general lots of linear algebra.

	-alex p novickis

	UUCP:   ihnp4!ptsfa!nonvon!apn

		100 Drakes Landing Road
		GreenBrae, CA 94904

{* Only those who attempt the absurd   ...   will achieve the impossible   *}
{* I think... I think it's in my basement... Let me go upstairs and check. *}
{*                                                      -escher            *}


	UUCP:   ihnp4!ptsfa!nonvon!apn

		100 Drakes Landing Road
		GreenBrae, CA 94904
		+1 415 461 4655

{* War does not determine who is right or wrong........ only who is left   *}
{* Only those who attempt the absurd   ...   will achieve the impossible   *}
{* I think... I think it's in my basement... Let me go upstairs and check. *}
{*                                                      -escher            *}
{* System down for P.M. until further notice                               *}