[sci.bio] Movie about isolating the Repressor

mulligan@kean.mun.ca (11/04/89)

About 10 years ago, I saw a movie that was originally made for a TV 
program in the US and which told the story of the race between Walter 
Gilbert and Mark Ptashne to be the first to isolate the Repressor.  I 
thought that it might be fun to show this to my Molecular Biology 
class, so my questions for the net are these:

Can anyone tell me the correct title for this movie and/or what TV 
program it was originally shown on?  And, does anyone know if this is 
available on video and if so, where I might get a hold of it.  If 
anyone has any general recommendations for videos that are good for 
instructing students in molecular biology, I'd be glad to have them.


	Martin Mulligan                  mulligan@kean.ucs.mun.ca
	Dept of Biochemistry
	Memorial University of Newfoundland