[sci.bio] Metorite sighting

joe@hanauma.stanford.edu (Joe Dellinger) (01/22/90)

In article <6126@wolfen.cc.uow.oz> ph@wolfen.ccs.uow.oz.au (Rev Dr Phil Herring) writes:
>I used to think that stories of hearing meteors were bunk until it happened 
>to me.

I wonder... I've noticed something that might be related, might not.
It happens to me usually after I've been in a poorly-lit terminal
room for hours on end through the night. After such a strenuous
all-nighter, even though my visual acuity is still fine point sources
of light tend to leave momentary streaks across my eyes. Furthermore,
even though my ears seem OK any bright flash of light seems to make a
sound in my ears, although I wouldn't describe it as a hiss.

I wonder if the sounds occasionally heard by people instantaneously coming
from bright meteors could just be crosstalk in the observer's nervous
system, perhaps due to fatigue like in my case? (After all, when are you
likely to see a meteor but after midnight, when people who normally keep
regular hours are likely to be fatigued?)
\    /\    /\    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\.-.-.-.-.......___________
 \  /  \  /  \  /Dept of Geophysics, Stanford University \/\/\.-.-....___
  \/    \/    \/Joe Dellinger joe@hanauma.stanford.edu  apple!hanauma!joe\/\.-._