[sci.bio] bioluminescence

richard@oresoft.com (Richard Johnson) (08/04/90)

I remember a year or so ago there was an announcement about
bioluminous tobacco made from spicing in the genes of fireflies.
I think is was RJ Reynolds that actually did it but am unsure.

Anyway, is anyone pursuing the technology?  Naturally luminous
landscaping could be useful and marketable.  E-mail or followups OK.

Richard Johnson

jarvi@plains.UUCP (Trent Jarvi) (08/05/90)

In article <1990Aug3.215755.13431@oresoft.com> richard@oresoft.com (Richard Johnson) writes:
>I remember a year or so ago there was an announcement about
>bioluminous tobacco made from spicing in the genes of fireflies.
>I think is was RJ Reynolds that actually did it but am unsure.
>Anyway, is anyone pursuing the technology?  Naturally luminous
>landscaping could be useful and marketable.  E-mail or followups OK.
>Richard Johnson

I dont think you would be impressed with the 'glowing plants' depicted in
the research article.  I dont recall the reference (Biotech/nology?) but I seem
to recall that the picture was taken by 'feeding' the plant ATP and exposing
the plant to the film (ie place the plant on the film and let it sit their
for an hour).  So, as you look at the picture and try to imagine what 
an acre or two would look like..  just picture a dark room :)

The purpose was only a means of selection, not a marketable product 
Exposing a plant to photographic film is a lot cheaper that other 
techniques requiring radioisotopes.

I guess it boils down to the boiluminous tobacco was *neato*.  End of Story(.) 

I am bullish on transformed produce in the not to distant future.  Immagine
food that does not require pesticides/herbies, is slow to decompose, and
is always nutritionally balanced.  Those are just a few things, off the top
of my block, that people are currently working on.  Im sure you have heard
of the strawberries that 'dont' freeze, the tomatoes that are *really* red
and soft in the winter, ... These are not dreams any more.  Of course 
getting them to the market is another story...

(((((((( Trent Jarvi ||UUCP    :   !uunet!plains!jarvi||   Fargo, ND ))))))))
(((((((( North Dakota||BITNET  :   jarvi@plains.bitnet||       58105 ))))))))
(((((((( State Univ. ||INTERNET:jarvi@plains.NoDak.edu||701-237-8448 ))))))))

kpc00@JUTS.ccc.amdahl.com (kpc) (08/05/90)

In article <1990Aug3.215755.13431@oresoft.com> richard@oresoft.com
(Richard Johnson) writes:

   I remember a year or so ago there was an announcement about
   bioluminous tobacco made from spicing in the genes of fireflies.

Are the genes for living things this similar?  I realize that the
question invites a variety of answers since it's got no definition for
"similar".  Could we make a glow-mouse?
Neither representing any company nor, necessarily, myself.