[sci.bio] Nike Manhattan

harolds1@ihlpa.UUCP (08/31/87)

From Earth Island Journal - letter to editor:

I recently subscribed to the Journal with the assumption that it was an environmental 
journal. I was disappointed with the usual human-centered justifications for protecting
the Earth. For example, Brower and Karlinger describe the Central American jungle as 
important because it contains undiscovered medical and agricultural treasures.

But I was really angered, dismayed when I read the following in "Space Age Pollution"
by Jim Heaphy: "the  ..... satellite crashed into the Canadian wilderness spreading
large quantities of highly radioactive debris over thousands of square miles. Had the 
debris fallen into a populated region, a major environmental catastrophe would have

Since when is the Canadian wilderness unpopulated? (That part probably is now!) It's just not populated with large numbers of homo saps. In my opinion, it would have been less of an environmental catastrophe if the damned thing had fallen on Manhattan.
The dominant species there could have used a little reduction in its numbers!

Earth Island Institute 300 Broadway, Suite 28 San Francisco, 94133

granger@cg-atla.UUCP (Peter Granger ) (09/02/87)

Yeah, all those yuppies in their radioactive tennis shoes could pose a real
threat to the environment.

What?  Not the place for it?  Sorry, I couldn't resist this one.
 Well, if we removed the bones, it  |              Pete Granger
 wouldn't be crunchy, now would it? |              a.k.a. Ghostwheel

hikaru@rmi.UUCP (09/05/87)

In article <772@cg-atla.UUCP> granger@cg-atla.UUCP (Peter Granger ) writes:
: Yeah, all those yuppies in their radioactive tennis shoes could pose a real
: threat to the environment.
What? Radioactive shoes? Is this a joke or is it for real?
Some background info would be nice.
