[sci.bio] Botany book recommendations?

krogers@esunix.UUCP (Keith Rogers) (08/07/89)

I have a question for you botany types:  Do you have any recommendations
for a beginning botany text book?  I'm looking for something I can order
one of which discusses taxonomy, morphology, and physiology.  Any advice
would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance,

Keith Rogers
uucp:	utah-cs!esunix!krogers 

arf@chinet.chi.il.us (Jack Schmidling) (08/09/89)

Article 2352 in sci.bio: 
From: krogers@esunix.UUCP (Keith Rogers) 
Subject: Botany book recommendations? 
>Do you have any recommendations for a beginning botany text  
book?  I'm looking for something I can order one of which  
discusses taxonomy, morphology, and physiology.  
Schmidling says: 
Botany texts are legion and for basics, any one will do. 
A very useful book to help struggle through the vocabulary  
and taxonomy is : 
                    "HOW TO IDENTIFY PLANTS" 
                     by: Harrington and Durrell 
It was published by: The Swallow Press Inc 
                     1139 S Wabash Ave 
                     Chicago 60605 
It is an excellent book with thousands of drawings  
explaining the complicated vocabulary of botany. 
Jack Schmidling (arf)