[sci.bio] Experimental Design Reference

hollombe@ttidca.TTI.COM (The Polymath) (08/31/88)

Several years ago I posted a longish summary of the introductory chapter
of a graduate text on experimental design.  I didn't keep a copy of the
posting and I've had several requests to re-post it.  Rather than type it
all in again, I'll give the original reference and those interested can
look it up for themselves:

     Campbell, D. T., and Stanley, J. C. _Experimental and Quasi-
     experimental Designs for Research_.  Chicago:  Rand McNally College
     Publishing Company, 1963.

The Polymath (aka: Jerry Hollombe, hollombe@ttidca.tti.com)  Illegitimati Nil
Citicorp(+)TTI                                                 Carborundum
3100 Ocean Park Blvd.   (213) 452-9191, x2483
Santa Monica, CA  90405 {csun|philabs|psivax}!ttidca!hollombe