[sci.bio] naive question about photosynthesis

markh@sag4.ssl.berkeley.edu (03/02/90)

	Can a non-green creature, specifically the bright orange
and yellow "sun coral" in my saltwater aquarium, rely significantly
on photosynthesis of algae in its tissues as a source of food, as
many greenish invertebrates do?

(I posted this to sci.aquaria and got no responses... Please send
any you may have to markh@soc1.ssl.berkeley.edu  - thanks).

eesnyder@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Eric E. Snyder) (03/02/90)

In article <1990Mar2.003811.20021@agate.berkeley.edu> markh@sag4.ssl.berkeley.edu () writes:
>	Can a non-green creature, specifically the bright orange
>and yellow "sun coral" in my saltwater aquarium, rely significantly
>on photosynthesis of algae in its tissues as a source of food, as
>many greenish invertebrates do?

....and frogs are photosynthetic autotrophs.                        :-)

Eric E. Snyder                            
Department of Biochemistry              Proctoscopy recapitulates   
University of Colorado, Boulder         hagiography.            
Boulder, Colorado 80309                  