[sci.bio] What are Daddy Long Legs?

rcw@qetzal.UUCP (sysop) (07/28/87)

For the umpteenth time this summer, a rather large Daddy Long
Legs is crawling across my keyboard. 

A co-worker told me today that the venom of a Daddy Long Legs is
among the more toxic venoms that exist. They are not harmful
to man, he says, because their fangs cannot penetrate human skin.

Suddenly, I realize I know nothing about them. Are they even 
spiders? Is there any truth to paragraph #2? What family of 
spider/whatever do they belong to? What do they eat? What is 
their real name? Why do they seem to like humans so much? 
Also, what other kinds of spiders/whatever are they related
to? Lifespan?  How big can they get?  How many varieties of them
are there?

Since I've asked so many questions, and can't find anything 
under "Daddy" in my reference books :-), please send me mail,
and I'll post the canonical Guide to Daddy Long Legs in a Summary
letter to sci.bio.

Robert C. White, Jr. Graphics Information, Inc.   ****************
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