[sci.bio] Closed ecosystems

tim@ism780c.UUCP (03/24/87)

There was an article in the Los Angeles Times (3/23/87) about
the Biosphere II project ( an attempt to build a closed ecosystem
that can support eight people for two years ).

The article said that the first closed artificial ecosystem was
made 17 years ago, and consisted of a sealed glass ball, containing
shrimp, algae, and micro-organisms.  The shrimp live off the algae,
the algae live off the micro-organisms, and those live off the waste
of the shrimp ( and, I guess, sunlight ).

The article also said that there was some company that was selling
these mail order, for $250.  Does anyone know if these are still
Tim Smith                               Welcome to Wackyland
uucp: sdcrdcf!ism780!tim                "It can happen here"
Compuserve: 72257,3706                  Pop: 100 nuts and a squirrel
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beloin@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Ron Beloin) (03/26/87)

Summary:ecosystems can be bought


In article <5814@ism780c.UUCP> tim@ism780c.UUCP (Tim Smith) writes:
>There was an article in the Los Angeles Times (3/23/87) about
>the Biosphere II project ( an attempt to build a closed ecosystem
>that can support eight people for two years ).
>The article said that the first closed artificial ecosystem was
>made 17 years ago, and consisted of a sealed glass ball, containing
>shrimp, algae, and micro-organisms.  The shrimp live off the algae,
>the algae live off the micro-organisms, and those live off the waste
>of the shrimp ( and, I guess, sunlight ).
>The article also said that there was some company that was selling
>these mail order, for $250.  Does anyone know if these are still
Ecosphere ($250) can be bought postpaid from:
   Engineering and Research Associates, Inc.
   500 North Tucson Blvd., Tucson AZ 85716
There is an article  about it in Whole Earth Review no.46 (May 85).
from the article:
"The makers of Ecospheres give general support to all non-profit,
educational organizations. Write them if your organization is interested
in the educational use or purchase of an Ecosphere."
also, there is a one year warranty on the shrimp and algae[ :-) ]
The article also mentioned the Amateur Closed Systems Network, c/o
Joe Hanson, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena,
CA  91109 Does anyone know about this group?
I don't have any recent info on availability. Let me know how you make
Ron Beloin
UUCP: {shasta,rochester,cmcl2,uw-beaver}!cornell!batcomputer!beloin
BITNET: u2dj@cornellc   Delphi:RONB   WELL:lst