[sci.bio] Final call for votes on "rec.aquarium" group move proposal.

bryce@cbmvax.UUCP (Bryce Nesbitt) (10/29/89)

I hereby formally propose a new newsgroup to be called "rec.aquarium".  Since
the "sci." vs. "rec." placement war was never settled, a vote for "rec." is
only symmetrical.  With the exception of the rules already bent by the "sci."
proposal, I have attempted to follow all group creation rules to the letter.

This group is intended as a simple mainstream translation of the currently
successful and high quality group "alt.aquaria".  The charter remains the

  OLD:	alt.aquaria		The aquarium & related as a hobby.
  NEW:	rec.aquarium		The aquarium & related as a hobby.

Mail your YES or NO vote one of the addresses listed below.  Vote changes
are allowed, note in the subject and body that you are changing.


Your subject line must contain your YES, NO or CHANGED vote.  The body of the
message must contain the vote, your full name, and net address.  Improperly
formatted votes will be returned to sender uncounted.  Posted votes do not

Voting will be from Thursday October 19 until Thursday November 9, 1989.

The name "rec.aquarium" was chosen for several reasons.  I feel that
distribution in "sci" would be inappropriate.  The justifications given
by Mr. Sexton are neither sufficient nor correct.  Quality "rec" groups
*are* distributed in Europe, including Holland.  Here is a quote from
Mr. Sexton's formal proposal:

>	Whats (sic) the difference ? It turns out that sci goes to Europe
>	and rec, for the most part, doesn't. (rec, for example
>	doesn't go to Germany and Holland).

A grab for better distribution is not reason for a new "sci" group.
The name "aquarium" is used for absolute clarity.  Artistic expression should
be used in the body of messages, not the name of group.

A rec.aquarium group probably makes sense even if a more technical aquarium
group is passed.  Please decide for yourself based on the wealth of opinions
expressed in news.groups.

Do NOT send "sci.aquaria" votes to my address.  Votes for that proposal go to:
richard@gryphon.COM  decwrl!gryphon!richard  gryphon!richard@elroy.jpl.NASA.GOV

|\_/|  . ACK!, NAK!, EOT!, SOH!
{X o} .     Bryce Nesbitt, Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
 (")        BIX: bnesbitt
  U	    USENET: bryce@commodore.COM -or- uunet!cbmvax!bryce
Lawyers: America's untapped export market.

oleg@gryphon.COM (Oleg Kiselev) (10/30/89)

Please note that "rec.aquarium" is a blatant attempt to subvert sci.aquaria
posting by someone who, not counting on the votes alone being sufficient to
defeat sci.aquaria, is trying to subvert it by creating even more chaos.

If you want SCI.AQUARIA to be created, send a YES vote to richard@gryphon.Com.
If you DON'T want SCI.AQUARIA to be created, send a NO vote.
In ALL cases, Nesbitt's "call for votes" is best boycotted or voted NO.
			"No regrets, no apologies"   Ronald Reagan

Oleg Kiselev            ARPA: lcc.oleg@seas.ucla.edu, oleg@gryphon.COM
(213)337-5230           UUCP: [world]!{ucla-se|gryphon}!lcc!oleg