[sci.bio] Reptiles

henk@eurtrx.UUCP (Henk Langeveld) (07/05/88)

in article <10465@stb.UUCP>, tracer@stb.UUCP (Jeff Boeing) says:
> I've noticed that all the "Reptiles" in my version of Moria (PC 4.83) are
	[ ... ]
> King Cobra to shame.  Like, say, a dinosaur.  I don't know about you, but
> even my invincible half-troll might have problems with a Tyrranosaurus Rex!
>  Jeff Boeing:  ...!uunet!stb.uucp!tracer

Ahem, dinosaurs definitely aren't reptiles...

Whilst on the subject, is anybody out there familiar with Robert
Bakker's book "The Dinosaur Heresies" ?   I just bought it last weekend,
and would like to know about the author, and how his views are accepted
within the scientific community.

..!mcvax!eurtrx!henk OR langeveld@hroeur5.bitnet
Try henk@aiv.eur.nl sometimes...