[sci.bio] Mapping the genome

werner@aecom.YU.EDU (Craig Werner) (03/24/88)

and I constructed the following as a suggested reading list.  It may
prove useful to a few people.  It is written for troff - but is still
relatively legible when processed with nroff.
	Comments are welcome ...
.sp 2
.ps 12
.vs 14
\fBPapers of Interest\fR
.sp 4
.in 1i
.de re
.sp 1
.ti -0.5i
\fRSmith, Hamilton O., and Birnsteil, Max L. 
\fBA Simple Method for DNA Sequence site Mapping.\fR 
\fINucleic Acids Res\fR 3:2387 (1976).
\fRSato-S, Hutchinson-C-A-IIIrd, Harris-J-I. 
\fBA thermostable sequence-specific endonuclease from \(BIThermus aquaticus\fB. \fIPNAS\fR 74:542 (1977)
.sp 0
(contains restriction map of \(*fX174)
\fRDonis-Keller, Helen, 
.ps 6
.vs 6
Philip Green, Cynthia Helms, Samuel Cartinhour,
Barbara Weiffenbach, Karen Stephens, Tim P. Keith, Donald W. Bowden,
Douglas R. Smith, Eric S. Lander, David Botstein, Gita Akots, 
Kenneth S. Rediker, Thomas Gravius, Valerie A. Brown, Marcia B. Rising, 
Carol Parker, Jody A. Powers, Diane E. Watt, Erick R. Kauffman, Angela Bricker,
Pamela Phipps, Hans Muller-Kahle, Thomas R. Fulton, Siu Ng, James W. Schumm,
Jeffrey C. Braman, Robert G. Knowltun, David F. Barker, Steven M. Crooks,
Steven E. Lincoln, Mark J. Daly, and Jeff Abrahamson. (That's 33, count
them, \fB33\fR co-authors.)
.ps 12
.vs 14
\fBA Genetic Linkage Map of the Human Genome\fR 
\fICell\fR 51:319 (Oct 1987).
\fRGray-J-W, \fIet. al.\fR 
\fBHigh-Speed Chromosome Sorting\fR 
\fIScience\fR 638:324 (16 Oct 1987).
\fRLawrance, Simon K., Smith, Cassandra L., Srivastava, Rakesh, Cantor,
Charles R., Weissman, Sherman M. 
\fBMegabase-Scale Mapping of the HLA Gene Complex by Pulsed 
Field Gel Electrophoresis\fR 
235:1387 (13 Mar 1987).
\fRBender, Welcome, Spierer, Pierre, Hogness, David S.
\fBChromosomal Walking and Jumping to Isolate DNA from 
the \f(BIAce\fB and \f(BIrosy\fB Loci and the Bithorax 
Complex in \f(BIDrosophila melanogaster.\fR
\fIJ. Mol Biol\fR 168:17 (1983).
Cassandra L. Smith, Jason G. Econome, Andrew Schutt, Stephanie Klco,
and Charles R. Cantor.
\fBA Physical Map of the \f(BIEscherichia coli\fB K12 Genome\fR
\fIScience\fR 236:1448 (12 Jun 1987).
Coulson, Alan, John Sulston, Sydney Brenner and Jonathan Karn
\fBTowards a Physical Map of the genome of the nematode
\f(BICaenorhabditis elegans\fR
\fIPNAS\fR 83:7821 (Oct. 1986)
Olson, Maynard V., James E. Dutchik, Madge Y. Graham, Garrett M. Brodeur,
Cynthia Helms, Mark Frank, Mia MacCollin, Robert Scheinman, and Thomas Frank
\fBRandom-clone strategy for genomic restriction mapping in yeast.\fR
\fIPNAS\fR 83:7826 (Oct 1986) 
Burke, David T., Georges F. Carle, Maynard V. Olson.  
\fBCloning of Large Segments of Exogenous DNA into Yeast 
by means of Artificial Chromosome Vectors.\fR
\fIScience\fR 236:806.
Kohara, Yuji, Kiyotaka Akiyama, Katsumi Isono.
\fBThe Physical Map of the Whole \f(BIE. coli\fB Chromosome: 
Application of a New Strategy for Rapid Analysis and Sorting of a
Large Genomic Library.\fR
\fICell\fR  50:495 (31 July 1987)
	        Craig Werner   (future MD/PhD, 3.5 years down, 3.5 to go)
	     werner@aecom.YU.EDU -- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
              (1935-14E Eastchester Rd., Bronx NY 10461, 212-931-2517)
  "Sometimes you have to run as fast as you can just to stay in the same place."