[sci.bio] Protocol review - Botanical I.D. Request

Neil.Davis@onebdos.UUCP (Neil Davis) (12/02/90)

Please suggest possible identity of the following -

Only seen once,in winter,to the south of,and within ten miles of Deming,
New Mexico.

It reminded me of those spiked weapons used by the police or military to
puncture vechile tires....'jacks' I think North Americans call them,as in 
the game.It appeared to be a seed,and for a long time I have thought that 
it was a giant variety of Tribulus terrestris [ a.k.a. puncture 
vine;goatshead vine ].That now appears to be unlikely as Tribulus's seeds 
are hard star-shaped capsules that DIVIDE into 5 sharply 2 HORNED 
SEGMENTS.As I recall my unknown subject was not segmented.

It was approximately 5 cms.total diameter;coloured pale,dilute,yellow ochre as
is seen in many plants,especially grasses,when dry;it appeared to be very hard;
spines varying in shape and size,none being needle like,all being 
buttressed at their bases.Though it might be approximated to a spherical 
outline,it was in fact irregular.

The following is not necessary but explains the reason for the 
request...it also blows my trumpet....I'm Ok with that if it would be 
appropriate to the protocol and in good taste.

I require this information in order to expand my knowledge and ensure 
accuracy in my book 'Maddog,Englishman,and a Peruvian Paso',a travelogue 
of a 4000 mile horseback ride from British Columbia,Canada to Texas,and 

Go well,Neil.
        Neil Davis - via IMEx node 89:681/1