[sci.bio] evol book

rc2l+@andrew.cmu.edu (Randy Allan Coates) (10/06/89)

I recently read the book EVOLUTION, A THEORY IN CRISIS by Michael Denton.
Although I am a Comp Sci major, I enjoy reading about things in other
sciences, and evolution is particularly interesting.  I was wondering what
the general view of this book is from people in the biological field.  Is
it viewed, along with creation science, as a pseudo-scientific work, are
there parts of it which are in agreement with most people in the field, etc.?

From the only review of the book which I have read so far, I understand that
it is viewed fairly highly in France, but scientists in America tend to
be in disagreement about it.  Comments from anyone who has read the book
would be appreciated.

Randy Coates

richardb@fear+loathing.UUCP (Richard Brosseau) (10/13/89)

In article <8Z_srta00V4AI4NWJl@andrew.cmu.edu> rc2l+@andrew.cmu.edu (Randy Allan Coates) writes:
+I recently read the book EVOLUTION, A THEORY IN CRISIS by Michael Denton.
+Although I am a Comp Sci major, I enjoy reading about things in other
+sciences, and evolution is particularly interesting.  I was wondering what
+the general view of this book is from people in the biological field.  Is
+it viewed, along with creation science, as a pseudo-scientific work, are
+there parts of it which are in agreement with most people in the field, etc.?
+From the only review of the book which I have read so far, I understand that
+it is viewed fairly highly in France, but scientists in America tend to
+be in disagreement about it.  Comments from anyone who has read the book
+would be appreciated.
+Randy Coates

Randy, I think you'll get a detailed response to your question if you
post to talk.origins. These books are frequently a topic of discussion.

Although I havn't read that particular book yet, I'll wager it has
alot of out-of-context quotes from workers in the evolutionary field
among other tools of deception.

Like I said, check out talk.origins.

Richard Brosseau Cognos Inc. decvax!utzoo!dciem!nrcaer!cognos!richardb