[sci.bio] calico WILD cats?

levy@mtcchi.uucp (2656-Daniel R. Levy(0000000)0000) (09/24/90)

Any such animal as a calico WILD cat?  (I.e. any feline that is not
Felis catus/domesticus).  Domestic cats can have calico coloring,
why not wild cats (if not)?  Human owned by a calico cat would like to know.

 Daniel R. Levy * uunet!tellab5!mtcchi!levy * These views not on behalf of MTC
So far as I can remember, there is not one    | ... therefore be as shrewd as
word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.| serpents [see Gen. 3] and harm-
-- Bertrand Russell [Berkeley UNIX fortune]   | less as doves -- JC [Mt. 10:16]