[sci.bio] Artificial Life Proceedings

al@gtx.com (Alan Filipski) (06/28/90)

Does anyone know wherefrom the Proceedings of the Santa Fe Artificial Life
Conferences are available?  Anyone know the date of the next one or
the person to contact for information?

 ( Alan Filipski, GTX Corp, 8836 N. 23rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85021, USA )
 ( {decvax,hplabs,uunet!amdahl,nsc}!sun!sunburn!gtx!al         (602)870-1696 )

cgl@lanl.gov (C G Langton) (06/29/90)

In article <1252@gtx.com>, al@gtx.com (Alan Filipski) writes:
> Does anyone know wherefrom the Proceedings of the Santa Fe Artificial Life
> Conferences are available?  Anyone know the date of the next one or
> the person to contact for information?
>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>  ( Alan Filipski, GTX Corp, 8836 N. 23rd Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85021, USA )
>  ( {decvax,hplabs,uunet!amdahl,nsc}!sun!sunburn!gtx!al         (602)870-1696 )
>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Information on the Artificial Life workshops and proceedings follows...

Yours in livelier computing!

Chris Langton
Complex Systems Group
MS B213, Theoretical Division		Phone: 505-667-9471
Los Alamos National Laboratory		Email: cgl@LANL.GOV
Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA


                      ARTIFICIAL LIFE 

The proceedings of the first Artificial Life workshop, held at the 
Los Alamos National Laboratory in September, 1987, are available
from Addison-Wesley: 1-800-447-2226.
Title:     "Artificial Life"
Editor:    Christopher G. Langton

The proceedings are Volume #6 in the AW series: 

           Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Sciences of Complexity

The ISBN #'s and prices are:

           Paperback ( ~ $25)  ISBN 0-201-09356-1
           Hardcover ( ~ $45)  ISBN 0-201-09346-4

The five-digit segments of these numbers (09356 and 09346) are AW's 
internal order code.

Proceedings from the second Artificial Life workshop, held in Santa Fe, 
February 1990, will be available from AW around the beginning of 1991.
The third workshop on Artificial Life will be held during the late spring 
of 1992, the exact date and location are not yet determined.
To get on the mailing list for announcements of future workshops, 
proceedings, and other Artificial Life events, contact:
            Andi Sutherland
            Santa Fe Institute
            1120 Canyon Rd.
            Santa Fe, New Mexico
            Email: andi@sfi.santafe.edu
            Phone: (505) 984-8800

She can also put you on the Santa Fe Institute mailing list.            
There is Artificial Life email discussion group. Information on joining, 
posting, obtaining archived digests, papers, and so forth, follows:

=                      Artificial Life Distribution List                  =
=                                                                         =
=      All submissions for distribution to: alife@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu    =
= All list subscriber additions, deletions, or administrative details to: =
=                    alife-request@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu                   =
=         All software, tech reports to Alife depository through          =
=         anonymous ftp at iuvax.cs.indiana.edu in ~ftp/pub/alife         =
=                                                                         =
=     List maintainers: Elisabeth Freeman, Eric Freeman, Marek Lugowski   =
=           Artificial Life Research Group, Indiana University            =

baindur@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Satyen G Baindur) (07/02/90)

In article <1252@gtx.com> al@gtx.UUCP (Alan Filipski) writes:
>Does anyone know wherefrom the Proceedings of the Santa Fe Artificial Life
>Conferences are available?  Anyone know the date of the next one or
>the person to contact for information?
There seems to have been only one Conference so far on Artificial Life. 
The Proceedings is 
published by Addison Wesley. It is Volume No.6 of the "Santa Fe Institute 
Studies in the Sciences of Complexity", edited by Christopher Langton,(LANL)
details as follows :

ISBN 0-201-09346-4 /Hardbound/688pp/1989/$48.50
ISBN 0-201-09356-1/Paperbound/688pp/1989/$26.95 

Prices are as per Publisher's 1990 Reference Price List, dated 01Jan1990.
(subject to change)
Publisher's Toll-free No. is 1-800-447-2226. 

Volume 7 of this series is titled "Computers and DNA"edited by George Bell
and Thomas Marr. 
Volume 8, the latest, is titled "Complexity, Entropy, and the Physics of 
Information", edited by W.H.Zurek.

SFI is conducting a Summer School around now. Perhaps if you e-mailed 
to Andi Sutherland (ars@sfi.santafe.edu), who is part of the 
organizing team, they might tell you about future conferences, etc.

Satyen Baindur