[sci.bio] check your figures

drw@culdev1.UUCP (Dale Worley) (10/07/87)

doug@ndcheg.UUCP (Doug Price) writes:
> Since xenon
> is 4.56 more dense than air at 21 C, I wonder how you can keep a homogenous
> mixture of xenon/O2 without going to zero gravity?

Using the Maxwell-Boltzman distribution to examine how the density of
xenon and, say, oxygen vary with altitude:

	density is proportional to exp[ - m g h / k T ]

	where m = mass of atom/molecule, g = earth's accelleration, h =
		altitude, k = Boltzman's constant, T = absolute temperature

you can figure out that the density of xenon varies with altitude only
a little more than the density of oxygen does, and the difference in
densities varies about as fast.  Remember, nonzero temperature tends
to keep things stirred up!  (but it's significant only if they have a
*real* small mass)

> Also, 300 liters of 
> 800 psig xenon will run you approximately $3600 (U.S.). 

It seems to me you're going to need around 1000 atm, which is 15000
psi, which must cost around US$72,000 for 300 liters, and that's only
the volume of a human body.  And building the storage tank would be

But it would *still* be *fun*!!!

Dale Worley    Cullinet Software      ARPA: culdev1!drw@eddie.mit.edu
UUCP: ...!seismo!harvard!mit-eddie!culdev1!drw
Give me money or kill me!

doug@ndcheg.UUCP (Doug Price) (10/08/87)

In article <1617@culdev1.UUCP>, drw@culdev1.UUCP (Dale Worley) writes:
> doug@ndcheg.UUCP (Doug Price) writes:
> > Since xenon
> > is 4.56 more dense than air at 21 C, I wonder how you can keep a homogenous
> > mixture of xenon/O2 without going to zero gravity?
> Using the Maxwell-Boltzman distribution to examine how the density of
> xenon and, say, oxygen vary with altitude:
> 	density is proportional to exp[ - m g h / k T ]
> 	where m = mass of atom/molecule, g = earth's accelleration, h =
> 		altitude, k = Boltzman's constant, T = absolute temperature
> you can figure out that the density of xenon varies with altitude only
> a little more than the density of oxygen does, and the difference in
> densities varies about as fast.  Remember, nonzero temperature tends
> to keep things stirred up!  (but it's significant only if they have a
> *real* small mass)

  What I meant was that since xenon is more dense than oxygen, it would
settle towards the bottom of the storage vessel when gravity is present.
It is known that mixtures of gases will separate if their densities vary
by a large amount and if there is no strong intermolecular forces to keep
the mixture homogeneous.  Linde (producer of laboratory gases) recommends
that cylinders containing such mixtures be rolled around prior to use so 
the gases are well mixed. > 

                                Doug Price  U. of Notre Dame

drw@culdev1.UUCP (Dale Worley) (10/09/87)

doug@ndcheg.UUCP (Doug Price) writes:
>   What I meant was that since xenon is more dense than oxygen, it would
> settle towards the bottom of the storage vessel when gravity is present.
> It is known that mixtures of gases will separate if their densities vary
> by a large amount and if there is no strong intermolecular forces to keep
> the mixture homogeneous.  Linde (producer of laboratory gases) recommends
> that cylinders containing such mixtures be rolled around prior to use so 
> the gases are well mixed. > 

Yes.  And what I was pointing out was that (assuming you know the
temperature) the *equilibrium* separation is *determined* by the fact
that it all equilibrates to the Maxwell-Boltzman distribution, and
that on laboratory scales at room temperature, the separation is very
small.  The "mixtures" that separate in a laboratory setting are most
likely not mixed on a molecular scale, but rather were made by
injecting certain amounts of two gasses into a bottle, leaving a gas
which is a mosaic of macroscopic-scale regions of the two components.

Compare to pouring one liquid into another.  The two naturally form
two layers, which diffusion will slowly mix completely.

One can apply this method to the atmosphere.  The M-B distribution
gives you the fall-off in air density with altitude.  But note, the
e-folding height differs for each molecular species (being smaller for
heavier species), so once you get up real high, hydrogen and helium

Dale Worley    Cullinet Software      ARPA: culdev1!drw@eddie.mit.edu
UUCP: ...!seismo!harvard!mit-eddie!culdev1!drw
Give me money or kill me!
Exercise your childishness -- remember, we are all 10 in some base.