[sci.bio] Genus Apistogramma

richard@gryphon.CTS.COM (Richard Sexton) (08/10/87)

I met a fellow about 9 years ago who claimed to be unraveling the mess
in genus Apoistogramma. Unfortunatly he moved back to England, and I moved
to California. I *think* his name was Peter Davies, and he was a member
of the Royal Zoological society.

Soo, is anybody aware of a work which is a revisal of genus Apistogramma ?

Sorry about this carbon based life form sneaking in here.
Richard Sexton
INTERNET:     richard@gryphon.CTS.COM
UUCP:         {akgua, hplabs!hp-sdd, sdcsvax, ihnp4, nosc}!crash!gryphon!richard

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