[sci.bio] Why can you specify a species with seven decisions?

honig@BONNIE.ICS.UCI.EDU ("David A. Honig") (06/29/90)

(Excuse the naivite; I'm not a biologist..)

Classically, you specify the name of species (which is the leaf of
the tree graphing speciation) starting with Kingdom, Phylum, etc.
Now, why should all species be specifiable by just 7 levels?

Is this just human oversimplification?  Am I not
understanding something?  I understand that there
are now Super-orders, classes, etc.  But why is the less than
a dozen branch points in the classification sufficient?
Because there were a certain number of speciating episodes in
common, due to climate, for all living things? (doubtful).

It seems to me that there should be quite a range of species' 'depths'
in the tree of life.

Its kinda like this (apologies to the biologists! :-) : in a unix system,
there are files (species) at just a few levels below root, and there
are files twenty subdirectories below root.  It would be highty suspicious
if most files were found exactly 7 subdirectories below root.

Please email (and publically post if you like) responses to me.
Thanks much.

Confused but interested,

knox@whittaker.rice.edu (Robert G. Knox) (07/02/90)

In article <9006290838.aa23173@ICS.UCI.EDU> honig@BONNIE.ICS.UCI.EDU ("David A. Honig") writes:
>Classically, you specify the name of species (which is the leaf of
>the tree graphing speciation) starting with Kingdom, Phylum, etc.
>Now, why should all species be specifiable by just 7 levels?
>Is this just human oversimplification? 
  Yes, mostly....
>. . .   I understand that there
>are now Super-orders, classes, etc.  But why is the less than
>a dozen branch points in the classification sufficient?
>Because there were a certain number of speciating episodes in
>common, due to climate, for all living things? (doubtful).
   This is part of the answer.  Major episodes of diversification
may result in the origin of groups that we (later) recognize as being
of the same rank; for example, most of the major metazoan phyla first
appear just prior to or during a major radiation at the base of the 
Cambrian.  A large number of body plans appear in these strata (esp.
the Burgess Shale, as described in a recent book by Steven J. Gould).
Most left no modern descendents, but those that later diversified
define "major" phyla.
  In contrast to phyla, "kingdoms" appear to have little
taxonomic meaning in present discussions.   The Five Kingdom system
promoted by R.H. Whitter was based on ecology--not ancestry and descent.
However, the three multicellular kingdoms (Plantae, Animalia, and Fungi) 
can be cleaned up, so that they include all the living descendants of a 
single ancestor, by moving some traditional fungi, sponges and maybe
cnidarians, and many multicellular algae into a catch-all Protoctista 
Kingdom (Protists).  Then the protists include a much greater diversity
of basic forms than the other 3 eukaryote kingdoms combined, and are only 
separated from the Moneran Kingdom by their grade of organization 
(having a "true" nucleus and not much else that's universal).  Making
it worse is the, now well-established, theory that the various
eukaryote groups arose as symbioses of prokaryotes--not one but several
different associations in different lineages of protists.

>It seems to me that there should be quite a range of species' 'depths'
>in the tree of life.
   There are, easily illustrated by two examples:  1) Studies of divergence 
in ribosomal RNA (a highly conserved molecule) have shown more divergence
within the bacterial genus _Bacillus_ than among the 3 big multicellular
kingdoms above.  2) Most species on earth belong to only one class, 
Insecta.  The perhaps 20 million members of this unwieldy group are 
mostly undescribed.
[Any budding biologists out there who care to go down in history as
naming more species than Linnaeus?  Now is the chance, while there are
still tropical rainforests to explore.]

>It's kinda like this (apologies to the biologists! :-) : in a unix system,
>there are files (species) at just a few levels below root, and there
>are files twenty subdirectories below root.  It would be highty suspicious
>if most files were found exactly 7 subdirectories below root.
  Just as tradition plays a role in UNIX (/usr, /tmp, /etc, seem to be
pretty universal), it is much more important in biological classification.
Systematicists might like the full classification to reflect the best current
understanding, but the rest of biology *needs* a stable system for referring
to groups and representing relationships.  The need for stable names led
to such legalistic documents as "The International Code of Botanical  
Nomenclature."  On the other hand, cladists (or practitioners of 
"phylogenetic systematics") have little use for Linnaean groups or ranks.
They focus on the points of separation between groups and summarize their
results as dichotomous trees--defending their methods on philosophical
grounds (see Ellliot Sober. 1988. Reconstructing the Past).  
   Imagine trying to manually navigate through files on a large computer
using a strictly binary directory structure!  Even if group splitting
is mostly simply seen as dichotomous branching, the higher level groups
formed may not be very intuitive.  Who wants to recognize a super-class of 
Chordate for every group of fish alive in the Devonian, just because one 
group gave rise to modern amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals?  
Cladistics dominates current research in systematics, but new taxonomic 
manuals continue to use the Linnaean hierarchy.  No fully acceptable 
compromise has emerged.  At best there is an uneasy truce.
>Confused but interested,
   . . . like most practicing biologists, I'd say.