[sci.bio] request for names of grain and fruit species

humbert@ihlpa.ATT.COM (Schachter) (10/18/88)

Please forgive me for posing a question to the Net whose answer ought
to be available in reference books.  I have received only a partial
answer from reference books, and from the public library's reference
librarian at the other end of the telephone.  I seek a complete answer.

What are the names of all of the species of the four grains wheat, barley,
rye, and oats, and of the five fruits dates, grapes, figs, pomegranates,
and olives?  So far I have the following partial list:

Wheat, 2 species: Triticum estivum & Triticum spelta
Berley, 3 species: Hordeum distichum, Hordeum vulgare, & Hordeum jubatum
Rye, 1 species: Secale cereale
Oats, 2 species: Avena sativa & Avena fatua

Dates, 3 species: Phoenix canariensis, Phoenix dactylifera, & Phoenix sylvestris
Grapes, 1 species: Vitis vinifera
Figs, 2 species: Ficus carica & Ficus sycomorus
Pomegranates, 1 species: Punica granatum
Olives, 1 species: Olea europea

Please tell me the names of any other species of these grains or fruits.
Even better would be the name of a book where I could find a complete list.
Is there any book in existence where all the known and classified plants
and animals are ordered and listed?  I am eager to buy such a book.

I do not read this newsgroup; I can be reached electronically at
humbert@ihlpa.att.com (a.k.a. att!ihlpa!humbert).  I will acknowledge all
mail; if I do not respond, please send your mail again.

Thank you all in advance for any help that you can offer.

				Jay Shachter