[sci.bio] Eye color changes

kay@warwick.UUCP (Kay Dekker) (12/09/88)

In article <1080@microsoft.UUCP> jacquesc@microsoft.UUCP (Jacques Carette) writes:
>My eyes change color too (from blue to green, going through gray). In my case,
>an ex-SO has found (or she says :-) that there is one physiological
>constant in my eye color: they are ALWAYS green after a reasonnable amount
>of sexual stimulation. But see how that could be used against you by a 
>jealous type person :-).

My eyes apparently do the same colour changes, just not quite getting to
green, though.  I discovered this through people I lusted about complimenting
me on my 'cute blue-green eyes', when I'd always seen them as bluey-grey (I
mean, who looks in his bathroom mirror shaving for work and gets overcum
by his manly loveliness?  At 7.30 am?  Gimme a break!).

This has happened consistently enough, over a longish time, in various
lighting conditions (dawn, dusk, inside, outside, candlelight), and with
various colours and types of clothing (or lack thereof), that I think it
really must be a change in my eye colour, not any environmental effect.

I wonder if those itsy-bitsy blood-vessels in the iris get engorged when
I get aroused (just like all the other yummy bits)?  That might well explain
the change of colour.  I've extended the Newsgroups: with sci.bio to see
if anyone there knows...


"I AM; YOU ARE; HELLO: all else is poetry"
			... mcvax!ukc!warwick!kay