[sci.bio] RPM vs. G-force. Anyone used a Sorval RC5, rotor SS34??

snell@utzoo.uucp (snell) (03/01/88)

Name:   Richard Snell
Mail:   Dept. Zoology, Univ. Toronto
        Toronto, Ontario, Canada    M5S 1A1
UUCP:   {allegra,decvax,ihnp4,linus,pyramid,yetti,utai}!utzoo!snell

snell@utzoo.uucp (snell) (03/01/88)

I do not know why centrifuge protocols are so commonly described
with rpm's rather than g-force equivalents, since the rpm does
not directly translate to anything (it all depends on the effective
radius of the particular rotor head...).  Any ideas on why this is the 
custom (I could provide a stack of current examples, if you doubt it 
is the norm)?

So, I want to reproduce someones centrifuge protocol.  They used a 
Sorval RC5, rotor SS34.  What would be the effective radius for the 
distal tip of a centrigue tube in such a rotor head?  (I can then work 
out the g-force and do it in our Beckman--of course, I only be able to 
get a ballpark figure, as they did not say what sort of microtube they used).
All that was given was 20000 rpm (grrrr.).

Name:   Richard Snell
Mail:   Dept. Zoology, Univ. Toronto
        Toronto, Ontario, Canada    M5S 1A1
UUCP:   {allegra,decvax,ihnp4,linus,pyramid,yetti,utai}!utzoo!snell