[sci.bio] BATS revisited

arf@gagme.chi.il.us (jack schmidling) (06/22/91)

 Article 4646 (45 more) in sci.bio:
 From: troach@netcom.COM (Tom Roach)
 Subject: Bat's sonar revisited
 >There is no doubt that the bat can catch insects on the wing, and there is a 
 fairly good presumption that it uses sound, and "chirped" sound at that, to 
 dothis....   For a bat, or anything else, to be able to distinguish a 10
 nanosecond differential in time of arrival of a sound wave is difficult
 for me to believe.
 ARF says:
 Two points of interest here.  First of all, for what it is worth, the 
 echo-location calls of bats are pulses of short duration and vary in 
 frequency and rep-rate as a function of distance to the target.
 The "chirps" one (a human) hears are socializing calls.  They are used to 
 find and identify young/parents, for courting and during grooming and play 
 Second point is that the vast majority of insect catches are made in the 
 inter-femoral membrane.  This is wing-like tissue streatching from hind leg 
 to leg on bats that have them.  It serves the purpose of a large net for the 
 ones that get away.  The bats pokes his head into the net to retreive the 
 captured prey while in flight.  The point being that if the resolution 
 requirement was based on a direct hit by the much smaller mouth, it was based 
 on a false assumption.
 >Anybody out there with more information, or better yet, an explanation
 to discount/explain anything I have said above?
 It is impossible to prove a negative but studies have been done in totally 
 dark rooms with wires from floor to ceiling, on one foot centers.  The bats 
 rarely hit the wires and echo clicking is continuous while the bats are in 
 flight.    I do not recall the species of bat but my experiments with 
 Eptesicus fuscus (Big Brown Bat) were not quite as dramatic.  They would 
 frequently run into random wires even with the lights on but never into 
 larger objects.  
 Whether they are doing something else, we will not know until we know.  
 However, we didn't know they were clicking until someone had the bright idea 
 to listen for sounds out of the human range.

davidh@uhunix1.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu (David A. Helweg) (06/23/91)

> Article 4646 (45 more) in sci.bio:
> From: troach@netcom.COM (Tom Roach)
> Subject: Bat's sonar revisited
> fairly good presumption that it uses sound, and "chirped" sound at that, to 
> dothis....   For a bat, or anything else, to be able to distinguish a 10
> nanosecond differential in time of arrival of a sound wave is difficult
> for me to believe.
> >Anybody out there with more information, or better yet, an explanation
> to discount/explain anything I have said above?

The "10-nanosecond" paper that I referred to is written by J. Simmons et al.,
and appears in Journal of Acoustical Society of America in 1990.  I don't have
the exact reference at my fingertips and there is almost certainly more than
one article by Simmons' lab for that year.  I'll post the exact reference when
I can find it.

One important point to keep in mind here is that Simmons collects his data in
the lab, using "acoustic jitter" methodology.  This requires a bat lying on a
platform to discriminate between an artificial echo that is generated after a
*fixed* delay and an artificial echo that is returned after a stochastic delay
with a mean delay equal to that of the fixed delay.  Thus, the echoes are
"jittered" in time-of-arrival.  The bats Simmons used were capable of discrim-
inating between stationary and jittering echoes with a jitter envelope of 10

As you have guessed, this setup is anything but ecologically realistic.  The
bats crawl to the correct side (the jittered side) of the platform and get a
mealworm reward.  They are not even hearing true echoes, rather, they are 
presented with a delayed copy of their outgoing cry.  But the important point 
is that the animals seem to be able to detect those incredibly miniscule
portions of time.

This is truly a puzzle, in terms of neural coding.  Certainly individual
neurons have a margin of error in their firing rates and neurotransmitter
release of about a millisecond.  But it is a far stretch of the imagination
to think of even a population of neurons that cascade onto another layer (etc)
that could achieve the kind of resolution Simmons reports.  I'm certainly not
saying that it isn't possible, but after working in the field of animal
cognition for some time, I would first look to see if the electronics and
behavioral paradigm weren't providing some kind of cue to the bats....

As for ecological validity, do humans need the neural system that allows us
to invent email for survival? (I'm sure I'll get it for that statement ;-))


pbrewer@urbana.mcd.mot.com (Philip Brewer) (06/26/91)

> Two points of interest here.  First of all, for what it is worth, the 
> echo-location calls of bats are pulses of short duration and vary in 
> frequency and rep-rate as a function of distance to the target.

Different species of bat echo-locate different ways.  One well-studied
species (I forget which one, but could find out if anybody is really
interested) varies pulse frequency and rep-rate in a more complex
fashion than just as a function of distance to the target.

First, they use one sort of call to locate a possible prey object.  Once
they have one, they switch to a different call.  This latter call is
tuned so that the echo return will doppler back at a specific frequency.
If the echo return is not at that frequency, it means that the bat's
notion of the relative velocity was wrong.  It will then change the tone
of the call based on a new estimate of relative velocity.  So, they
extract more data from the pulse return than simply the range. 

They can estimate the range based on not only the time between call and
pulse, but also (since they know the closing rate) based on the previous
range minus the relative distance traveled.

Philip Brewer                   pbrewer@urbana.mcd.mot.com
Motorola Urbana Design Center   ...!uiucuxc!udc!pbrewer
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