[sci.bio] Evolution of Neurons ?? Ideas and References Please

ashley@cheops.eecs.unsw.oz (Ashley M. Aitken) (04/15/89)


I am looking for references to journal articles or  textbooks  discussing 
the  evolution  of nerves cells (particularly  mammalian neurons  of  the 
cortex and brain in general). 

******** Why and How did normal cells evolve to become neurons ? ********

I have some hunches (read hypothetical guesses) but would much rather hear
of any detailed research or theories into how they may have originated and

If you have any information I would be most grateful if you  could  please
forward it to me, if there is enough interest I will summarize to the net.

Thanks in Advance,
Ashley Aitken

E-MAIL  ashley@cheops.unsw.oz					   ACSnet
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