[sci.bio] CALL TO VOTE -- Creation of a SCI.GEO newsgroup.

ss6349@leah.Albany.Edu (Steven H Schimmrich) (05/21/89)

In article <5983@cs.Buffalo.EDU> dmark@sunybcs.UUCP (David Mark) writes:

> Since your recent posting took the hard line "Don't bother suggesting new
> names... It will be named SCI.GEO or it will not be created", I am forced to
> vote "No", because GEO is also the first 3 letters of a major discipline,
> GEOgraphy, which is primarliy concerned with the Social Sciences, and the
> links between humans and environments.  And let's not forget an even older
> discipline, GEOmetry, a branch of mathematiccs. Since GEOgraphy itself might 
> easily deserve a newsgroup, to say nothing of GEOmetry,I feel that 
> establishment of a group, un-negotiably named SCI.GEO, yet restricted to 
> Earth Sciences, would lead to confusion and ambiguity, and should not be 
> done.
> I would have voted "YES" for SCI.GEOLOGY, or SCI.EARTH_SCIENCE, and will do 
> so, if this attempt fails, and if you try again with a more appropriate name.
> David Mark
> Professor
> Department of GEOgraphy
> SUNY at Buffalo
> dmark@cs.buffalo.edu

   I meant that it would not be created by my efforts since it is rather time
consuming and I may be leaving the academic world soon. Personally,  I  don't
care  what  it's named but the discussion period has passed and now it's time
to vote on a specific name.  The  general  consensus  during  the  discussion
period  was for SCI.GEO so that's what the voting is for.  GEO being a prefix
meaning "earth" I believe it to be appropriate for  a  group  discussing  the
earth  sciences.  Unfortunately, it's impossible to please everyone regarding
the naming of a newsgroup but  I  submit  that  the  opportunity  to  have  a
newsgroup devoted to the earth sciences far outways any objections as to what
to call it.

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| Steven H. Schimmrich                    | Internet : ss6349@leah.albany.edu |
| Department of Geological Sciences       |  "The Rock Men are very primitive |
| State University of New York at Albany  | Flash, they have no science."     |
| Albany, New York 12222  (518) 442-4470  |                      Dr. Zarkhov. |
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