[sci.bio] Something is eating my roses

cls@bwdls58.bnr.ca (Carol Sullivan) (08/15/90)

I have a couple of roses and although I routinely
wash them with my dirty wishwater (soapy water), they
still end up with the leaves covered in holes. Can
anyone tell me what kind of insect might be doing this.

Another rose question. I had a couple of rose plants that
produced leaves but no roses. A couple of people have told         
me that the plants have gone wild. Will they ever produce
flowers ? If I see suckers coming from below the graft 
should I remove them ? Will it help, or is it already 
too late ?

Carol Sullivan

jca@druwa.ATT.COM (XGPA60000-ArnsonJC(DR7246)418) (08/17/90)

From article <3917@bwdls58.UUCP>, by cls@bwdls58.bnr.ca (Carol Sullivan):
> I have a couple of roses and although I routinely
> still end up with the leaves covered in holes. Can

	If the holes are as if someone had taken sissors to them, a dn cut
in a semi-circle, it is leaf cutter wasps.  Don't know what you can do
about it, they really don't seem to harm my roses.  JUst makes them a bit
unsightly close up.

> Another rose question. I had a couple of rose plants that
> produced leaves but no roses. A couple of people have told         
> me that the plants have gone wild. Will they ever produce

	If the rose does this 2 years in a row and the others are blooming
(eg proper fertilizer, etc) - dig it up and throw it out.  It has indeed
gone wild and will never produce flowers.  As the rose expert at the Denver
Botanical Gardens told me - why waste time and fertilizer, etc., on something
that won't produce.

jill c. arnson		AT&T Bell Labs, Denver; (303)538-4800
jca@druwa.att.com or att!(druco/drutx)!druwa!jca
*** "When you climb high, remember that the beauty you see is only an
illusion created by G-d to keep your sanity."

gagen@bgsuvax.UUCP (kathleen gagen) (08/18/90)

From article <3917@bwdls58.UUCP>, by cls@bwdls58.bnr.ca (Carol Sullivan):
> I have a couple of roses and although I routinely
> wash them with my dirty wishwater (soapy water), they
> still end up with the leaves covered in holes. Can
> anyone tell me what kind of insect might be doing this.
Sounds like Japanese Beetles to me.]

> Another rose question. I had a couple of rose plants that
> produced leaves but no roses. A couple of people have told         
> me that the plants have gone wild. Will they ever produce
> flowers ? If I see suckers coming from below the graft 
> should I remove them ? Will it help, or is it already 
> too late ?
Remove any suckers that are comming from below the graft.  They are
produced by the "wild" rootstock.  They may produce flowers.  However,
they well be smaller and differ in character from those of the Hybrid
stems found above the graft.  If there are no canes above the graft
than the stems are comming from the "wild" rootstock.

Try a rose food such as Miricle Grow for Roses.  Also, manure is
helpful when planting.

Hope this helps,