[sci.bio] enzyme kinetics software needed

ajoj@vax5.CIT.CORNELL.EDU (01/22/89)

Does anyone know of any programs for doing enzyme kinetics calculations?
Not simulations, just the basics:  calculating Vmax, Km, Ki, etc.  Can be
Mac, IBMPC, mainframe...

- Dave Matthews

jbkramer@presto.ig.com (Jack Kramer) (02/01/89)

In article <17775@vax5.CIT.CORNELL.EDU> ajoj@vax5.cit.cornell.edu (Dave Matthews) writes:
>Does anyone know of any programs for doing enzyme kinetics calculations?
>Not simulations, just the basics:  calculating Vmax, Km, Ki, etc.  Can be
>Mac, IBMPC, mainframe...

A BASIC program for performing these calculations on a PC was published
in CABIOS, vol 3, no 1, March 1987.