[sci.bio] punctuated equilibria

cc_dgdc@bath63.UUCP (05/05/87)

Knowing nothing about punctuated equilibria I sent off by post for
'Evolution and the New Phylogeny' by Dr Derek Bryce (Llanerch,1986).
It is an 80 page book aimed at biology undergraduates. The first paragraph:
 'This book has been written to provide students and teachers with a brief
review of Darwinism, neo-Darwinism, post-neo-Darwinism, with special
emphasis on phylogenetic patterns from phylectic transition and
gradualism to the modern view of punctuated equilibria.'

It convinced me that there may well be something in punctuated equilibria.
The subject is now open for me. The book is decently written although
occasionally repetitious. The use of technichal language can be a problem
at times.

Available by mail-order from
 Llanerch Enterprises, Llanerch, Felinfach, LAMPETER, Dyfed, Wales, UK SA48 8PJ
at 2.95 pounds plus 55 pence UK postage (Americans will have to haggle)

Bryce is a bit of a polymath, which is halfway to being a crank. I saw
the ad in his book 'The Mystical Way and the Arthurian Quest' (4.50 pounds
plus postage) which is actually quite a good little book on esoteric religion
combined with some of his translations of can-be-boring Celtic myth.
But it is not rubbish. Neither is his evolution book. Plenty of common sense.

Douglas Clark                        Voice: +44 225 826826*5214
Computer Unit, Bath University,      JANET: Clark@UK.AC.AUCC
Claverton Down, Bath, Avon,          UUCP : seismo!mcvax!ukc!bath63!cc_dgdc
England BA2 7AY                      ARPA : cc_dgdc%ux63.bath.ac.uk@ucl-cs.arpa