[sci.bio] Florida Fauna and Foliage

rcpilz@ablnc.ATT.COM (Robert C. Pilz) (01/10/89)

What good sources are there to find out the poisonous and
non-poisonous plants and animals of Florida? Our Indian Guides
program suggests that the young braves (ages 6-10) find out
about the plants and animals in their state. The older braves
are to even find which plants and berries are edible. I've tried
the local library, but there is little on the subject. I will
probably have to go to the Orlando Science Center, but other
leads would be welcome.

R.C. Pilz
Orlando FL

blais@ut-emx.UUCP (Donald Blais) (01/10/89)

In article <654@ablnc.ATT.COM> rcpilz@ablnc.ATT.COM (Robert C. Pilz) writes:
>What good sources are there to find out the poisonous and
>non-poisonous plants and animals of Florida?

In Orlando you should check the library at the University of Central Florida.
There may not be any books on Florida specifically but there should be an
abundance of "edible plants" books on North America and Eastern United States.

You'll find edible plants books under one of these classification numbers...


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