[sci.bio] The Matrix According to St. John's College Workshop

dd@a.UUCP (Dan Davison) (08/08/87)

Part 1.  The Meeting and the Participants

In the beginning was Chaos, also known as biology.
Sir Harold of Yale had visions of a Unification of All Biological Knowledge
....as a matrix.
  "But Sir, how shall I form a matrix?  I have not experience on computer
  "Not to fear, AI and Information retrieval are here"

Sir Harold found Sir Temple of Sequence_Alignment who also had visions.
(These were mainly of women and beer, though).  These knights rode out and 
recruited Sir Rubin of Intoxicants, Sir Winston of the Artificial_Intelli-
gence, Sir Ward of the Sea Elegans, Sir Willett of DRR-NIH, Squire Michael
of Tongues, and numerous other knights, squires, and nobles.

After much prayer to the shrine of N-S-F the gold necessary to found a
meeting appeared.  So, the Knights of the Round Matrix were born!.

Numerous armorers were anxious to be known to the Round Matrix.  Symbolics,
Sun, and Silicon Graphics sent heavy artillery; ammunition was sent by
DNAStar, BBN, NLM, and numerous participants brought tools of their own

Thusly did the Knights of the Round Matrix begin preparations to assault
the Dragon of Chaotic Biological Knowledge.

[To be continued...]

dan davison/T-10 MS K710/Los Alamos National Lab/Los Alamos,NM 87545|dd@lanl.gov