[sci.bio] Need Info: Molecular Minimization Software

garyb@crpmks.UUCP (Gary Blumenstein) (07/17/90)

We're trying to find someone out there familiar with the MMX Molecular 
Minimization Sofware package (Serena Software Inc.) which runs under
PC-DOS.  This package is similar to MM2 that runs on VAXes.

Specifically, does anyone have an example input file for using the
dihedral driver capability that we could see as an example?  
Also, does anyone know of any MMX User's groups?

Any information would be appreceiated.  Thank you.

Gary M. Blumenstein, UNIX Network Administrator // CIBA-GEIGY Corporation USA
Phone (914) 347-4700                    7 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY  10532
FAX   (914) 347-5687                    UUCP  ...uunet!philabs!gallium!garyb