[sci.bio] USA Environment Protection Agency

ccla@marlin.jcu.edu.au (Lee Askew) (06/03/91)

	I'm not sure if this is the correct group to ask for the
information below, but here goes.

I would like to know if anyone in the USA has any information on the
US Environment Protection Agency specifically information on Priority
Pollutents, and their level in syrum if possible.

I believe from my research here that there are between 20 to 30 of them.

If anyone has ANY information on the priority pollutents, I would be
very much grateful for the information..

Thanks Alot..

  Regards, Lee Askew	Internet:ccla@marlin.jcu.edu.au
  Phone: +61 77 814944  Snail: Computer Centre
  Fax:   +61 77 796371         James Cook University
                               Townsville, 4811
  			       QLD, Australia

wilcox@iguana.cis.ohio-state.edu (Patricia P Wilcox) (06/03/91)

In article <1991Jun3.094905.3148@marlin.jcu.edu.au> ccla@marlin.jcu.edu.au (Lee Askew) writes:
>	I'm not sure if this is the correct group to ask for the
>information below, but here goes.
>I would like to know if anyone in the USA has any information on the
>US Environment Protection Agency specifically information on Priority
>Pollutents, and their level in syrum if possible.
>I believe from my research here that there are between 20 to 30 of them.
>If anyone has ANY information on the priority pollutents, I would be
>very much grateful for the information..
>Thanks Alot..

It sounds like you're talking about the EPA's Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA).  I wrote for information and received a document entitled
"Industrial Toxics Project: 17 Target Chemicals" along with a letter
that said:

  "Please feel free to contact us at 202-554-1404 between 8:30 am and
  5:00 pm (EST) if you have any further questions or requests for
  documents pertaining to the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).

  "In addition, requests for documents only can be sent to:

    Environmental Assistance Division (TS-799)
    TSCA Assistance Information Service
    401 M Street, SW
    Washington, DC  20460

  or faxed to...

    (202)554-5603 (fax line open 24 hours per day)."

You may also want to get a copy of the book _Chemical Exposures: Low
Levels and High Stakes_ by Ashford and Miller, Van Nostrand Reinhold

Hope this helps.

--Pat Wilcox   (wilcox@cis.ohio-state.edu)
Four stages of acceptance: (J.B.S. Haldane, Journal of Genetics #58, 1963)
i)this is worthless nonsense; ii)this is an interesting, but perverse, point
of view;  iii) this is true, but quite unimportant;  iv) I always said so.