[sci.bio] "Primitive" != Unevolved

JAHAYES@MIAMIU.BITNET (Josh Hayes) (11/04/90)

With respect to apparently primitive critters in vent communities
and such. This is a bugaboo that I run into in my intro bio courses
all the time; there is this idea that phylogenetically "primitive"
organisms somehow stopped evolving when they arose...the idea being,
I suppose, that sharks arose several hundred million years ago and
just stopped changing. This is absurd, it is equivalent to saying
that humans evolved from chimpanzees. Obviously not true, unless
humans evolved yesterday....it is correct to say that humans and
chimpanzees evolved from some common ancestor in the not terribly
distant past, however. Sharks, archaebacteria, sponges, humans,
that we see around us today, are all equally primitive and all
equally highly-evolved. Mere semantics? Maybe. But I'm feeling
grumpy today...humor me.
Right. I'm done complaining. Carry on....
Josh Hayes, Zoology Department, Miami University, Oxford OH 45056
voice: 513-529-1679      fax: 513-529-6900
jahayes@miamiu.bitnet, or jahayes@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu
"It is always wise to remember that it was the gods who put
 nipples on men, seeds in pomegranates, and priests in temples."

chi9@quads.uchicago.edu (Lucius Chiaraviglio) (11/06/90)

Hayes) writes:
>With respect to apparently primitive critters in vent communities
>and such. This is a bugaboo that I run into in my intro bio courses
>all the time; there is this idea that phylogenetically "primitive"
>organisms somehow stopped evolving when they arose...[. . .]
>               [. . .] Sharks, archaebacteria, sponges, humans,
>that we see around us today, are all equally primitive and all
>equally highly-evolved. [. . .]

	This is partly true, but not 100% true.  While it is highly unlikely
that any extant organisms have STOPPED evolving, it has become fairly obvious
from doing molecular phylogeny that not all organisms evolve at the same rate.
The high thermophiles (so far all archaebacteria and eubacteria) have been
evolving slowly; mycoplasmas evolve rapidly (thus, their lack of complexity is
degenerate, not primitive); all of the known eukaryotes evolve rapidly;
microsporidia and Giardia and its relatives evolve very rapidly; and
mitochondria and chloroplasts evolve at superspeed.  Many references on this
are available -- the best ones that I can think of right off hand are Carl
Woese's articles in a 1987 issue of _Microbiological Reviews_ and in a June
(+ or - a month) 1990 issue of _Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences_ and a reference (don't remember author's names off hand) in the
latter article about how to root a tree using duplicated genes.  I also have
other references at home if you are interested.

	The moral of this is that the various organisms are NOT all equally
primitive or equally highly-evolved.

|   Lucius Chiaraviglio    |    Internet:  chi9@midway.uchicago.edu

Ellington@Frodo.MGH.Harvard.EDU (Deaddog) (11/07/90)

Well said!
However, I think that the previous responses by Drs. Chiaraviglio and 
Yanega (like chemical companies, I find it simplest to assume everyone is 
a Dr.; no disrespect intended) were more subtle than "thermophilic 
archaebacteria stopped evolving."  I believe the central issues are 
(1) Has one deeply-branched lineage of archaebacteria evolved MORE SLOWLY 
(i.e., adopted fewer metabolic or physiological changes over the course of 
time) than other organisms?  (Obliquely, this applies to the bees as well; 
that is, can a lineage evolve slowly relative to other lineages.)
(2) If so, does this imply that the ancient forebear to these organisms 
has characteristics similar to the modern versions?  (I don't believe that 
(2) necessarily follows from (1), since both questions involve the rather 
complex question of what constitutes a 'trait' and whether all 'traits' 
are equal.)
Nevertheless, I could not have summarized the argument against "frozen 
evolution" better than you did.  I am currently struggling with the 
age-old (ha, ha) question of "mode/tempo of evolution" and whether 
thermophily is truly a 'trait.'  If I produce anything remotely coherent, 
I will babble forth.     

Dept. Mol. Biol.
Mass. General Hospital

chi9@quads.uchicago.edu (Lucius Chiaraviglio) (11/08/90)

This thread does not seem to have picked up any chemistry, so I have directed
followups to sci.bio.

In article <4618@husc6.harvard.edu> Ellington@Frodo.MGH.Harvard.EDU (Deaddog)
>Well said!
>However, I think that the previous responses by Drs. Chiaraviglio and 
>Yanega (like chemical companies, I find it simplest to assume everyone is 
>a Dr.; no disrespect intended)

	Unfortunately, not until a few years in the future. . . :-P

>                               were more subtle than "thermophilic 
>archaebacteria stopped evolving."

	Yes, as I explained in a couple of previous posts, what I was trying
to say was about slowly-evolving, deeply-diverging (with respect to main
trunk(s) of closest primary lineage), thermophilic organisms.

>                                   I believe the central issues are 
>(1) Has one deeply-branched lineage of archaebacteria evolved MORE SLOWLY 
>(i.e., adopted fewer metabolic or physiological changes over the course of 
>time) than other organisms?  (Obliquely, this applies to the bees as well; 
>that is, can a lineage evolve slowly relative to other lineages.)

	Yes.  What Carl Woese calls the Crenarchaeota (in his recent _Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci._ article) fits this description, as does the "genus"
Thermococcus (probably more appropriately defines a kingdom) in what Carl
Woese calls the Euryarchaeota, which also includes Archaeoglobus, the three
(or more) Methanogen kingdoms, and some non-methanogenic organisms derived
from the Methanogens (Thermoplasma and the Extreme Halophilic
Archaebacteria).  Within the latter groups, which branch from the
Euryarchaeote main sub-lineage, the more deeply-diverging kingdoms tend to be
more slowly-evolving (except Thermoplasma, which isn't that much of a
thermophile anyway) and contain members whose optimum and maximum growth
temperatures are higher -- by a considerable margin (up to around 90`C maximum
last time I looked for the Methanococcus kingdom as opposed to around 55`C to
65`C for the kingdom composed of the more highly-evolved Methanomicrobiales,
for instance).  The same pattern is also apparent within the Crenarchaeota, of
which the fastest-evolving "genus," Sulfolobus, is also the one capable of
growing at the lowest temperatures (however, being able to grow in and even
use oxygen may also be a factor in its more rapid evolution, but this does not
seem to be a factor among the Gram-positive Eubacteria, for which this
possibility has been investigated).

	A similar but substantially muddier picture exists for the Eubacteria.
Unfortunately, no such picture or refutation thereof exists for the
Eukaryotes, because

	1.  The deepest-diverging members of the Eukaryotes are not
	    very deep divergers when one takes into account the total
	    amount of evolution the Eukaryotes have undergone since
	    splitting off from the Archaebacteria

	2.  The deepest-diverging members of the Eukaryotes, the
	    Microsporidia and Giardia and its relatives, have been
	    evolving even more rapidly than the other Eukaryotes
	    characterized by molecular phylogeny, and the next-deepest
	    divergers, the Trypanosomes and their relatives, have also
	    been logging evolutionary distance pretty rapidly.

	3.  No high thermophiles have been found among the Eukaryotes.
	    The best Eukaryotic thermophiles only grow at up to about
	    60`C (give or take ~2`C), and these ones of these for which
	    the molecular phylogeny has been done have been shown to
	    have evolved from mesophilic groups.

>(2) If so, does this imply that the ancient forebear to these organisms 
>has characteristics similar to the modern versions?  (I don't believe that 
>(2) necessarily follows from (1), since both questions involve the rather 
>complex question of what constitutes a 'trait' and whether all 'traits' 
>are equal.)

	You are right that (1) does not prove (2).  However, it lends
considerable credence to (2), since it is unlikely that several slowly-
evolving lineages which diverged from each other long ago will have undergone
great phenotypic changes relative to each other.

>Nevertheless, I could not have summarized the argument against "frozen 
>evolution" better than you did.

	[That refers to a poster following up one of my articles.]  I never
said anything about "frozen evolution."  What I have talked about is rates of
evolution which differ considerably, as outlined in a previous message.

|   Lucius Chiaraviglio    |    Internet:  chi9@midway.uchicago.edu