[sci.bio] Some statistical analysis of "Eve"

turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) (12/10/90)

The subject is the theory of an "Eve", one woman who is the
matrilineal ancestress of all living humans.  Since others may
have some interest in this, I have cross-posted it to
soc.history and sci.bio.  The results of a simple statistical
model are included below.

In a previous posting, I described how for any fixed population,
an Eve is expected to emerge every N generations, where N is a
number that is a statistical function of population and mating

In article <1613@sun13.scri.fsu.edu> mayne@vsserv.scri.fsu.edu (William (Bill) Mayne) writes:
> Yes, but for populations of significant size N will be very large.

Mr Mayne guides his intuitions by one highly improbable case, and
later tries incorrectly to extend it to the far more likely case.
He writes:

> The chance that in a population with n reproducing females n-1
> will have only male offspring is very remote for n of 1000 or 
> more.  The exact probability will depend upon the average number 
> of offspring and the distribution. ... The probability is only
> slightly less that there would arise a generation consisting 
> of only males, resulting in extinction. ...  Actually every Eve 
> will represent a close brush with extinction, since there will
> be only a few females in the generation after Eve. ...

All of the above is based on the idea that Eve emerges as a
result of all other contemporary women having only sons.  This
need never happen.  Some of Eve's contemporaries might bear only
sons, but most of them probably had descendants through
matrilineal lines that lasted many generations.  As Mr Mayne

> Granted, more complex scenarios are possible, such as other
> females having female offspring but those female lines becoming
> extinct as far as unbroken female lineages go some generations
> later. ...

This scenario, which is not the one Mr Mayne talks about above, is
the *far* more probable one. 

> ...The calculation of your N is further complicated since human
> population is not in a steady state. ...

As a first approximation, this a fair assumption for most of
human history.  For hundreds of thousands of years prior to the
neolithic revolution, the human population (like other animal
populations) was limited by how much food could be gathered from
the natural landscape.

> ... Still, I would venture the conjecture that for a population
> with 1000 females N would exceed the number of generations
> since humans first appeared, probably by a huge factor. ...

Mr Mayne guesses wrong.  

An analytic solution is beyond me, but writing a probabilistic
model for this problem was a simple exercise, and provided me a
good excuse to try out a new C compiler on my Macintosh.  The
number of generations required to eliminate all but one
matrilineal line are shown below.  F is the number of women in a
steady-state population.  (Except for the largest case, I made
several runs for each value of F.)

			#generations (N)	#years (15yr/gen)
	   F		least	most		least	 most
	----		-----	----		-----	-----
	   8		    5	  37		   75	 1605
  	 128		  172	 625		 2580	 9375
	1024		 2392	4163		35880	62445

Thus, for a population of a few hundred, an Eve appears every few
millenia.  For a population of two or three thousand, an Eve
appears every several tens of thousands of years.  

One characteristic of matrilineal descent that was made clear
from the model is that the presence of living matrilineal
descendants from one woman is NOT a stable point, unless she is
the sole matrilineal ancestress of the entire population.  The
greater the portion of the population that is matrilineally
descended from her, the greater the likelihood of this portion
increasing.  But if a lesser portion of the population is
matrilineally descended from her, then it tends to decrease. 

It is far from clear to me that a steady population is the most
favorable assumption for the appearance of an Eve.  My intuition
is that a population that increases and decreases, and where
relatives are more likely to survive or die out together, is more
conducive to the appearance of an Eve.  This is also a more
likely description of population change in early human groups.

It is not necessary to assume that this relatively small group
was ever the only population of humans; only that all current
humans are matrilineally descended from them.  Other groups might
have existed at the same time, but died out (or were killed off)
with little matrilineal mixing with this one group. 

Finally, it should be kept in mind that social structures can
impede or promote matrilineal mixing.  For example, if women
remain with their original group when they mate with men from
another group (the man either remaining with his own group or
changing to the woman's group), then there is NO matrilineal
mixing between groups.  This remains so even if people
religiously mate outside their own group.  This may have been an
important factor in determining mitochondrial DNA inheritance. 


felsenst@milton.u.washington.edu (Joe Felsenstein) (12/10/90)

The theory of how far back a mitochondrial "Eve" should be is well-known.
It involves the time until Nf female lineages have a common ancestor up
the female line.  It is a bit too complex to explain here but is based
on old results in genetic drift theory.

Basically with Nf females (N-sub-f) in a randomly reproducing population
(one where each offspring comes from a randomly selected female independently
of all others -- the classical Wright-Fisher model), the time until two
randomly sampled females have a common ancestor up their female lines is on
average Nf generations.  For all females in the population the corresponding
result is 2Nf generations.

The result for two female lineages is easy to explain.  Each generation
going back there is a random chance with probability 1/Nf that they
come to the same ancestor.  Then it is just like tossing a coin with this
probability of heads.  The result for the time to first heads is a geometric
distribution with mean time Nf generations.

The result for all Nf females is more complex so I won't try to explain it
unless there is some overwhelming demand, but it comes out as twice that
time, on average.

Keep in mind that this "Eve" will then be (1) not the common ancestor of
other parts of the genome, and (2) by no means the only female in the 
population, and (3) by no means the only female in that generation
who contributes genes to the population of the present.

Joe Felsenstein, Dept. of Genetics, Univ. of Washington, Seattle WA 98195
DO NOT send to me at "milton" but instead please use:
Internet/ARPANet:   joe@genetics.washington.edu   (IP No.
UUCP:               ... uw-beaver!evolution.genetics!joe

elturner@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Edwin L Turner) (12/11/90)

In article <15644@cs.utexas.edu> turpin@cs.utexas.edu (Russell Turpin) writes:
>The subject is the theory of an "Eve", one woman who is the
>matrilineal ancestress of all living humans.  
>In a previous posting, I described how for any fixed population,
>an Eve is expected to emerge every N generations, where N is a
>number that is a statistical function of population and mating

This problem is best thought of as one of asexual reproduction; basicly we
are tracing the evolutionary tree of mitochondria, which could be thought of
as asexual symbiotes living in human cells.  It has a variety of analogies
in other problems (e.g., the dwindling of the pool of family names in a
culture which only passes on one gender's family name to offspring).

>In article <1613@sun13.scri.fsu.edu> mayne@vsserv.scri.fsu.edu (William (Bill) Mayne) writes:
>> ...The calculation of your N is further complicated since human
>> population is not in a steady state. ...

In a sufficiently rapidly growing population (see below), N goes to infinity;
in other words, mulitple pure maternal lines survive indefinitely.

>> ... Still, I would venture the conjecture that for a population
>> with 1000 females N would exceed the number of generations
>> since humans first appeared, probably by a huge factor. ...
>Mr Mayne guesses wrong.  

It sounds as though Mr. Mayne may be thinking vaguely about some sort of
combinatorics problem, but this is actually a sort of random walk in log
space problem, so N is not so sensitive to the population size.

>An analytic solution is beyond me, but writing a probabilistic
>model for this problem was a simple exercise, and provided me a
>good excuse to try out a new C compiler on my Macintosh.

I often wonder if computers will put an end to mathematics (as in that old
Asimov story, title?).  Anyway, a friend of mine and I worked out the
problem when we first heard about the Eve stuff about 10 years ago.
Unfortunately, I haven't easily been able to locate the calculation in my
notes, but I remember the answer:  A population with F females (or more
accurately, F independent mitochondrial lines) will carry only a single
maternal line (only a single mitochondrial) lines after just N=xF
generations where x is a small numerical factor (2, 3/2, pi, ...) whose exact
value I forget.  Thus, a thousand females will produce an Eve in well less
than 10^5 years.

We did not solve the general problem in a growing population but did show
that no Eve was ever likely to emerge if the population were growing 
geometricly with a doubling time short compared xF generations (which still
allows very slow growth).

I am sure all of this must be well known to biologists studying population

One interesting thing we do know about Eve is that she had two or more
daughters both of whom had one or more daughters ...

Ed Turner			"Do you want to know a secret,
phoenix!elturner		 Just between you and me?
				 I don't know where I'm going;
				 Yes, I don't know who I'm going to be."
elturner@phoenix.Princeton.EDU                 - The Other Side of This Life