[sci.bio] proposed Biowarfare Facility in Utah

pell@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Anthony Pelletier) (10/06/87)

This is to call attention to the Depatment of Defenses' plan to build a
top-secret P4 biowarfare facility at the Dugway proving grounds in Utah.

In 1984 the DOD tried to sneak approval of the facility past the congress
without open debate on the subject.  They did this by burrying the request
along with several others under the heading of re-directing existing
funds to "urgent" programs.  This method requires the approval only of a small
congressional sub-committee.  The request was initially granted.  But, senator
Sasser (D-Tenn) realized that the propossal represented a major increase in the
US's biowarfare programs and, probably, a violation of the 1972 Biological
Weapons Convention.  Approval was withdrawn.
A law suit was brought against the government by Jeremy Rifkin (the famed
leader of the Council for Economic Trends--who opposes all genetic engineering).
As a result of the suit, the DOD was prevented from building the facility
pending completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

The govornement claims that the research to be done there is to be entirely
"defensive" (developing nasty pathogens only to test vaccines and protective
gear etc.), but needs to be classified to prevent
advisaries from knowing the  "defenses" they are developing.
They make largely-unsubstantiated claims that the Soviets are "way ahead" in
offensive biowarfare and we need to catch up defensively.

Scientists in the field as well as other concerned persons argue that:
1) there is no way to know what an advisary might use, therefore no practicle
way to develop a vaccine, let alone imunize, against it;
2) Any tests of protective equipment and sterilization proceedures can be
conducted far more efficiently and safely on non-pathogenic versions of
potential pathogens--there is no need to use a deadly virus to determine
if protective clothing prevents penetration of viruses;
3) There is no need for legitimate vaccine research to be classified;
4) It is possible that the DOD is not being quite forthright regarding
their motives (say it ain't so!!).  They may, instead, be planning some
limitted use of pathogens, say, in a guerrilla war, where the "good guys"
could be immunized in advance.
In any event, the measures the DOD wants to take far exceed those they
claim the Soviets are taking--you know, the ones against which we must protect
The Soviet government, if it is anywhere near as parranoid as our own, will
respond to the Dugway facility by stepping up its own biowarfare research,
leading the arms race in a new and exciting direction (how many ways do we
need to destroy life as we know it anyway?).

The DOD is currently preparing the EIS, which was to be completed by now.
About one month after the EIS is completed, there will be a public hearing
on the proposed facility.
If you wish to help prevent bioresearch from being used by the same people
who brought us the Seargent York Tank and the B1 Bomber, please consider
writing your congressperson.
I have scads of references, which I will post if there is call.  Anyone
wishing further information can write me. 

The Committee For Responsible Genetics is at:
                      186A South Street
                      Boston, MA. 02111
                      (617) 423-0650
These are the people who publish "Gene Watch."  They have yet more information
for those interested.

I can also make available copies of a petition/pledge against biowarfare.
I am sure you all know where your senators live.


Molecular etc. Biology
Boulder, Co. 80303