[sci.bio] chemistry newsgroups

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (David Kristofferson) (02/27/89)

>Bionet is "officially" for talk about biology, but I don't think
>people would be too worked up if you posted your chemisty discussions
>to bionet.general; biologists have been known, on occassion, to talk
>about chemistry.

Please note that BIONEWS or bionet.general is for announcements that
are of interest to the entire BIOSCI community, not for specialized
chemistry discussions.  From past experience fielding complaints, I
know that people WILL get worked up if this goes onto bionet.general.
If these discussions are of widespread interest to biologists, they
would be better directed to RESEARCH-NEWS (bionet.molbio.news) in the
general case or better yet to one of the more technical groups.  The
suggestion of forming a sci.chem group is probably the best one given
the level of interest.

				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

			     or	kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net