[sci.bio] Molecules Wanted

berkley@wugate.wustl.edu (Berkley Shands) (09/26/89)

	(Line eater repost)

Wanted:	Any series of molecules formerly or currently being used in an
Active Analog analysis.
Reason: The Washington University Center for Molecular Design has some
research quality software for performing molecular searches. We need to
expand our set of benchmarks with this software. Our only benchmark
series today is a set of 28 Angiotensin Converter Enzyme Inhibitors
When compared against the SYBYL (TM) product (V3.4), CONSTRAINED SEARCH
is 1,200 times faster in a standard 10 degree scan. At a 6 degree scan
factor, the software exceeds 64,000 times faster. With multiprocessing
added, a factor of 10^7 times faster is possible. This effectively makes
drug design interactive. A uniform scan factor of 3 degrees on the ACE
series (from 3 to 9 rotatable bonds) took 11 hours on a VAX 3600.
	If you have any series of molecules that you can send us to
benchmark, or are simply interested in learning more about this research
please contact -

	Berkley Shands
	Department of Computer Science
	Washington University
	campus box 1045, Bryan 509
	#1 Brookings Drive
	St. Louis, Mo 63130-4899

	berkley@wunet.wustl.edu (bitnet)
	berkley@wucs1.wustl.edu (internet)