[sci.bio] Mol Bio Manuals

pell@boulder.UUCP (10/04/87)

In article <1335@aecom.YU.EDU> diaz@aecom.YU.EDU (Dizzy Dan Diaz) writes:
>In article <10537@beta.UUCP>, dd@beta.UUCP (Dan Davison) writes:
>> Try "Molecular Cloning" by Tom Maniatis et al, Cold Spring Harbor Press,
>> about 1984.  There are some hysterical errors in it, but it's an excellent
>> overview and in general the most commonly cited for these techniques.  
>A succesor to the throne of Maniatis, et.al., is long overdue.  The book
>is sincerely out of date and far from complete.  It has, however,
>succeeded in making molecular biology available to just about anyone
>(including M.D.'s).
>   ....*    dn/dx = Dan Diaz (diaz@aecom.yu.edu) 212 430 9476
>  ~..|.>    Department of Wasting Taxpayers' Money on Useless Research 
>  *\../     Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Bar & Grill 

CSH says the "joy of cloning" (maniatis) should be updated soon.  But they
have been saying that since I worked there.  There is a lab manual
on  gene fusion experiments that is also published by CSH.  I believe
it is tom silhavy et al. (it has a drawing of a chimera on the cover).
I also just got a flier for a new manual called "current protocols in molecular
biology" published by John Wiley and sons.  The editors are Fred Ausubel
et al.  The publishers claim they will publish updates and additions every 3
months.  I have no idea if it is any good.
Has anybody seen it?

Molecular etc. Bio.
Boulder, Co.