[sci.bio] QMC Instruments Ltd. -- "BAT DETECTOR"

annala@neuro.usc.edu (A J Annala) (10/06/88)

This is a serious request ... not a joke ... I am trying to find this item:

    K200 Complete Bat Detector with tunable ultrasound      $ 1464
    generator: QMC Instruments Ltd.

I am told the original quote for this item might have been obtained from a
company in England.  However, since that time the documentation about this
instrument has been misplaced.  Could someone give me a clue (telephone no
or address) about how to find this thing?  Does anyone have a one of these
in working condition that they would be willing to part with at discount? 

Thanks, AJ Annala, Psychology Dept, Mail Code 1061, USC, LA, CA 90089-1061