[sci.bio] A stroll in the park

unni@sm.unisys.com (Unni Warrier) (05/18/88)

Mad gryphons were bounding.  Bounding about the tree trunks.
Their tails were slithery, leaving a trail that smelt of rancid butter.
And they did this only when you were not looking, so you could
see them move only out of the corners of your eyes.  If you looked 
directly at them, they jumped behind the tree trunks.  Clever.  But the 

And there were caterpillars in the leaves of the trees.  You could hear 
them rustle as they crawled about, feeding only on the black pus that
oozed out of the tree bark.  And they had some sort of common 
intelligence, for they knew where you were, as you walked in fear, your mother
clutching your drenched hand for assurance.  She never saw them.  It has been
a long time since you told her anything.  She just did not believe you.
So stupid.  

And there were crabclaws in the grass, wanting to pull at your toes if you 
took off your shoes, so you never did.  She never understood why.  But 
when you came home screaming with the little toe all mangled and pulpy,
she hit you on the side of the head, and called you crazy.  But you 
never hurt anyone.

Not even the other kids that made faces at you and poured ketchup all over
your face and yelled blood.  Not even the teacher who pointed out your
pissy wet pants to the whole class, and it was just that you were 

Now you don't even go to the park anymore.  Safe, safe behind the CRT screen
that reduced everything into one ignoble bit stream of consciousness, though
not sentience.  Yet the blood surely oozes out your being as you conform
to the 80 column line......
