[sci.bio] Invert Zoo and a reply inherited memory

cvl@athena.mit.edu (Craig V Lewis) (05/03/91)

Somebody inquired about inherited mouse memory.  I believe Sci. Am. had an 
article some years ago on inherited memory in some low invertebrate (tapeworm
or similar) organism (the concept of memory in a species with rudimentory CNS
is questionable).

Since my first pt. indicates a high degree of unfamiliarity with invert. zoo.,
I'll raise another question.  Does anyone know of a good invertebrate zoology 
course either in a summer program or in the Boston area?  I'm in Biological
Oceanography if that helps slant the replies.  Please reply by e-mail to

Craig Lewis, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

winalski@psw.enet.dec.com (Paul S. Winalski) (05/03/91)

In article <1991May2.181440.14045@athena.mit.edu>,
cvl@athena.mit.edu (Craig V Lewis) writes:

|>Somebody inquired about inherited mouse memory.  I believe Sci. Am. had an 
|>article some years ago on inherited memory in some low invertebrate (tapeworm
|>or similar) organism (the concept of memory in a species with rudimentory CNS
|>is questionable).

I think you're referring to the studies on RNA memory inheritance in
flatworms.  There was an experiment years back where flatworms were tought
to run a maze.  The educated flatworms were gound up and fed to a group
of flatworms that did not know how to run the maze.  These uneducated
flatworms subsequently made fewer mistakes running the maze than could
be explained by statistical chance.  The conclusion was that RNA in the
educated flatworms encoded the memory of how to run the maze and that this
was incorporated in the memory of the flatworms that ingested this RNA.
This concept of RNA inheritance of memory has been widely adopted by
science fiction authors (e.g., Frank Herber's DUNE books).  I think later
Biological research has invalidated these studies.


doug@eris.berkeley.edu (Doug Merritt) (05/05/91)

In article <1991May3.162715.21825@hollie.rdg.dec.com> winalski@psw.enet.dec.com (Paul S. Winalski) writes:
>  The educated flatworms were gound up and fed to a group
>of flatworms that did not know how to run the maze. [...]
>I think later Biological research has invalidated these studies.

Right. This, the discrediting of Penfield's interpretation of his
experiments with electrical stimulation of the brain, and the discrediting
of the "you only use 10% of all the parts of your brain", are probably the
three most important debunkings of things that "everyone knows" about the

(I've heard third hand reports of some paper that claims that that it
takes 50 to 100 years for scientific research, or its debunking, to become
common cultural knowledge --- things that "everyone knows", not just
scholars. Things are probably not quite this simple, but it's probably true
that it will take a very long time until these three things cease to be
things that "everyone knows".)

>This concept of RNA inheritance of memory has been widely adopted by
>science fiction authors (e.g., Frank Herber's DUNE books).

Bad example. Dune assumed no such thing. It did assume a mystical transference
of memory from one generation to the next (apparently to/from females only),
and (arguably) tied this to some sort of inherited cellular memory, but
RNA was not mentioned, the tie between neural memory and reproductive
system was never explained, and the emphasis was 100% on mysticism, not
any assumption of a scientifically explicable mechanism. Dune is primarily
sociological science fiction; it makes little or no pretense of being
"hard" science fiction.
Doug Merritt		doug@eris.berkeley.edu (ucbvax!eris!doug)
		or	uunet.uu.net!crossck!dougm

gb661@leah.albany.edu (BROADWELL GEORGE AARON) (05/07/91)

In article <1991May4.190132.22684@agate.berkeley.edu> doug@eris.berkeley.edu (Doug Merritt) writes:

>Right. This, the discrediting of Penfield's interpretation of his
>experiments with electrical stimulation of the brain, and the discrediting
>of the "you only use 10% of all the parts of your brain", are probably the
>three most important debunkings of things that "everyone knows" about the

Could you fill in a non-biologist on how this was debunked?  Students
frequently mention this to me, and all I can say is that it doesn't
seem the least bit likely on evolutionary terms.

rowe@pender.ee.upenn.edu (Mickey Rowe) (05/07/91)

In article <1991May6.221144.13332@sarah.albany.edu>
    gb661@leah.albany.edu (BROADWELL GEORGE AARON) writes:
>In article <1991May4.190132.22684@agate.berkeley.edu>
>        doug@eris.berkeley.edu (Doug Merritt) writes:
>>the discrediting
>>of the "you only use 10% of all the parts of your brain", are probably the
>         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>Could you fill in a non-biologist on how this was debunked?  Students
>frequently mention this to me, and all I can say is that it doesn't
>seem the least bit likely on evolutionary terms.

I don't think that it's ever been actually debunked, per se, because I
don't think that it was ever considered to be an established fact.
(If someone knows of a reference where this might have come from, I'd
be very pleased to find it.)  When this topic has come up in
conversations I've heard people speculate that the notion arose from a
few different possible sources.  

First, some think that it came from the fact that early experiments
found only limited areas of cortex that lead to motor output (i.e. you
stimulate that area and a part of the body moves), or other obvious
functions.  Wilder Penfield (mentioned earlier by Doug Merritt)
labelled most areas "association areas" as a wastebasket for things
that he didn't understand.  Perhaps it was thought that these areas of
indeterminate function were in some sense "non-essential" (Penfield
would likely have contributed to this misperception, because his
arrogance would have lead him to believe that if he didn't understand
it it had to be inconsequential).  This is of course flawed by the
fact that those "non-essential" areas are not necessarily "unused".

Others have claimed that the idea comes from hydrocephalic patients
whose brains were compressed agains their skulls.  Ordinarily,
cerebrospinal fluid is created in the ventricles (large fluid-filled
cavities inside the brain) and is shunted down towards the spinal cord
and up around the outer surface of the brain where it is taken back
into the circulatory system.  In part of its journey the fluid travels
through a thin canal that sometimes becomes blocked.  When this
happens, the pressure built up by the fluid that is continuously
created in the ventricles causes the ventricles to swell.  This causes
a compression of the overlying cerebral structures.  In one severe
case, a woman in Britain had her ventricles swell to the point that
they nearly filled her skull so that her brain was compressed into a
thin layer at the periphery.  Since her brain (excluding the
venticles, of course) now occupied a much smaller volume, people have
claimed that that's all of the volume that you need (this woman scored
around average on IQ tests, and to the best of my recollection had no
noticeable effects that could be attributed to the compression of her
brain).  This is flawed by the fact that these patients are not
without some x% of their brains; they just have their full brains
compressed (granted some tissue is probably destroyed, but you
certainly can't get that number by comparing volumes...).

Still others have claimed that the figure came from lesion studies.
That is if you find people with a portion of their brain damaged, and
if there is no apparent affect of that damage, then that area is
unimportant.  I have little doubt that if you made a composite patient
with damage to all areas that were determined to be "unimportant" in
this way you could arive at that 90% figure.  However, if you had a
person with all of those areas damaged in reality, I suspect you'd
find some deficits (understatement).  Furthermore, the fact that we
can't measure a deficit does not mean that the person was not using
that part of their brain before it was damaged.  One of the hallmarks
of biological systems in general, and nervous systems in particular is
redundancy.  Individual neurons take part in a variety of tasks, and
most tasks are performed by a variety of neurons.  If some neurons are
lost, you will usually have others that can perform the tasks that
those lost neurons ordinarily performed.  An inability to find a
deficit after such a lesion may be due to the fact that other neurons
perform the deceased neurons tasks just as well, or that we just don't
know how to measure a deficit in the area in question.

On the positive side...  Your brain is the most energy intensive organ
in your body.  Fully half of your serum glucose is burned in your
head.  Since your entire brain makes up only about 2% of your body by
weight (you might want to check me on that... I think that's right,
but I'm not too certain) it seems silly to suggest that only 10% of
that 2% is actually using half of your energy.  Also, PET studies
using 2-deoxyglucose (the proteins that transport glucose into cells
will confuse 2-DG for glucose, but the proteins that normally break
down glucose will not, so 2-DG builds up in cells that are
metabolically active) do not find regions of the brain that are
"inactive".  There are variations in the level of activity, but no
silent areas.  EEG studies yield similar results--that the pattern of
activity may change drastically from moment to moment, but that there
is no time when an area is completely silent.

I think that blankets the topic fairly well, though I'm sure I've left
out some things I could have included.  In any case, I hope that this
was intelligible to biologists and non-biologists alike.

Mickey Rowe      (rowe@pender.ee.upenn.edu)