[sci.bio] Recommended Book:"Shifting Worlds Changing Minds"

reiser@pmafire.inel.gov (Steve Reiser) (01/04/91)

I'm currently reading the book "Shifting Worlds, Changing Minds" by
Jeremy W. Hayward published by New Science Library An Imprint of
Shambala Publications, Inc. Horticultural Hall, 300 Massechusetts
Avenue, Boston, Massechussetts 02115 dated 1987.

New Science Library presents traditional topics from a modern
perspectice, particularly those associated with the hard sciences -
physics, biology, and medicine - and those of the human sciences -
psychology, sociolgy, and philosophy.

The aim of this series is the enrichment of both the scientific and
spiritual view of the world through their mutual dialogue and exchange.
End quote.

This book discusses man's perception of reality through science and
humanities and how objective any thoughts really are, whether ego exists
or not, duality, versus unity, objects, processes, an in-depth
evaluation of how the mind processes input from our senses, the need to
study subjective experience, and much more.

He indicates that a revolution in thinking more important than
relativity or quantum theory is occurring.

This book demands a whole new perspective on science, religion,
psychology, etc.

I feel that if a large number of people on this network were to read
this book it could drastically alter the content and perspective of all
discussions between the religious and scientific communities represented
here.  Dogmatic people from either side of the issue will not like what
they read here, however for me it is altering and unifying my view of
the universe from perspectives I had never even dreamed of.


Steve Reiser (reiser@pmafire.UUCP or ...!uunet!pmafire!reiser)